Strawberry Lemonade

Tea type
Fruit Herbal Blend
Not available
Lemon, Lemon Zest, Soap, Strawberry, Hibiscus, Pineapple, Sour, Sweet, Tart, Apple, Berries, Citrus, Lime, Rosehips
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf, Sachet
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 6 min, 0 sec 3 g 44 oz / 1302 ml

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45 Tasting Notes View all

  • “One of the teas from my last Bluebird Tea Co monthly club package. I’ve been wanting to try this one for a while, strawberry lemonade sounds like a delicious tea creation that would be great for...” Read full tasting note
  • “I loved strawberry lemonade when I was a child (and anything pink, come to that). Now I’m all grown up, I like tea more than carbonated drinks — and fruit tea is a particularl favourite. When the...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sample sipdown! Sipping at this tea while I crochet a commission (it’s soo cute!) My husband also just came home post dentist with a super temp front tooth. Insurance rolls over next month, so...” Read full tasting note
  • “First cup of the day and it’s a herbal. The liquor is a pinkish red and it smells like citrus laced red berry jam, or strawberry rhubarb pie. Hot, it tastes jam sweet, with a smooth, floral rose...” Read full tasting note

From Bird & Blend Tea Co.

With real strawberry chunks & zesty lemon peel, it’s easy to see why this is our best-selling fruit tea EVER! Enjoyed by all ages, girl, boy, dog… it’s a big hit all-round. Great hot, or iced too!

Ingredients: Apple Pieces, Hibiscus, Elderberries, Blackberry Leaves, Rosehip, Lemon Slices, Orange Peel, Sunflower Petals, Strawberry Pieces, Lime Pieces, Flavouring

About Bird & Blend Tea Co. View company

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45 Tasting Notes

15596 tasting notes

Sample from VariaTEA – this isn’t really strawberry or lemonade to me… it’s just kinda coming through like a sort of sweet but tart brew. it’s not bad but it’s not really what it’s claiming to be for me.

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618 tasting notes

Day two of the advent calendar and I’m also nervous to be trying this blend because of the hibiscus. I usually worry about fruity teas like this one because they usually just end up a fruity, tart mess on my tongue and it’s hard for me to pick out any of the individual flavors. This one is “award-winning” so I wonder if it will be any different… there has to be a reason for its popularity, right?

The scent of this cup reminds me of a strawberry jello.. very mild, fruity and sweet. Sipping.. I taste sort of a jumble of fruits, but it’s actually not as hibiscus-dominated as I thought it would be. I wish I could pick out more of the strawberry lemonade flavor, but it’s just fine the way it is. I would be interested in seeing how this tea would be iced during the summer. Out of the other fruit teas I’ve had in the past, this one is pleasant, but not outstanding.

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4343 tasting notes

I received this teabag as a sample with my order months ago. It’s a Bluebird classic that I believe was available when Bluebird started. I was a fan of Bluebird since the beginning but somehow haven’t tried this one yet! Personally, I would have used more leaves than the teabag contains. I shouldn’t be too scared of the hibiscus though, as Bluebird usually includes a tame amount. They do here, even though the hibiscus is the main note anyway. That is possibly the luck of the teabag goodies and what was included. Even though the cup is a deep red, the flavor isn’t too tangy. However, I would love to see a strawberry lemon blend without hibiscus at all. I do taste hints of thirst quenching fruit (strawberry, apple, lemon) but I’d love more of those and less hibiscus. The second steep had a lot less flavor, but I don’t usually resteep hibiscus blends. Also drinking this out of my Bluebird mug I received FREE with the order this teabag came with. Free tea! Free mug!
Steep #1 // 1 teabag for a full mug// few minutes after boiling // 3-4 minute steep
Steep #2 // just boiled // 5+ minute steep

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259 tasting notes
was super excited about this tea and I thought it may have been something a little different. However, I found the aroma to be disappointing, not particularly smelling of either strawberry or lemonade. I also felt the flavour was lacking a little. The notes were all their just quite muted. Not something I would expect from Bluebird, which is a real shame.

I did steep this with hot water and in hind sight think I should have gone for cold brewing this as its quite a summery blend. Fingers crossed for next time!

Flavors: Hibiscus, Lemon, Strawberry

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2970 tasting notes

Its been one of Those Days. You know the ones, nothing terrible is happening, but theres an avalanche of little things, the phone ringing, the little tasks piling up, the research to be done. They’re all small, and nothing is absolutely critical, meaning prioritizing is hard. And just when you’ve made a dent in the ol’ pile, the phone rings again.
Ah, yes. Those Days.
So I’ve been busy, and decided I’d have another cup of something. But the black tea samples I had did not immedietly appeal. Fortunatly I threw this in, a sample from my recently arrived Bluebird Tea order.
I can’t say I really get “lemonade” out of this, but I don’t actually think that’s a bad thing. Lemonade might be too tart for enjoyment, at least in a hot brewed tea. Theres a lemony sweetness, rounding out a very fresh and juicy rose, but nothing puckers the mouth.
I actually really enjoyed it! I wont rush out to order it, but it might be pondered when I put in my next Bluebird order….
Sample sipdown!

Evol Ving Ness

Lemon appears to be a good cure for Those Days. I just had a bit of Lemon Sea Salt chocolate. Just the thing.


Wow, that chocolate sounds fancy and delicious Evol! So does the tea, Rosehips :)

Evol Ving Ness

I just recently discovered this local chocolate brand. It’s the bomb! I wonder if it is available out your way?


What an amazing sounding chocolate! I wants it, precious….

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308 tasting notes

I’ve been sipping on a few cups of this (iced) all afternoon. I wish there was more lemon flavor. Not that I mind the flavors I’m getting, but it’s pretty much straight berry and hibiscus for me. It’s not even really noticeably strawberry-ish. Unsweetened it’s quite tart, but that mellows with a touch of sweetener (stevia, in my case). I think it’d be great blended with actual lemonade. I might try that this weekend. I like it but I don’t know if it’ll be a repurchase. There are other berry-hibiscus blends that I enjoy more (and are cheaper, easier to get my hands on).

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217 tasting notes

So I have no idea why, but I thought this would be sweeter than it actually was but I guess I should have realized as it’s got hibiscus in it which always makes tea a little tart. Opening the packet there was a tonne of big huge juicy looking strawberry pieces mixed in with apple, lemon and orange and I decided since I only had 10g to brew this tea up hot and cold to see the difference.

Hot this tea was tasty but it felt kind of wrong with the flavor profile… Cold brewed it was delicious but really needed some sugar to cut through the tartness , well that, and maybe some fresh lemon and strawberry slices to really amp it up. Nice but not a favorite and not something I plan to restock.

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6444 tasting notes


Thank you Nattie for sending some of this my way! It smells amazing :)

Sipping on it now, I am once again not minding the hibiscus. Could it be that me and the hibby might actually be friends?!? Anyways, this tea is pretty spot on for strawberry lemonade minus the acidity of real lemonade. I can see this being really good iced and sweetened just a bit.

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313 tasting notes

I made this to go with my early evening meal of strawberries (impulse clearance purchase at Tesco, and they are GORGEOUS) and rhubarb yoghurt (which I overbought because it was on multibuy special and I don’t mind at all because it’s my favourite, and turns out it’s Gentleman’s too – good Gosh, we’re nauseatingly cute) and it seemed fitting that my tea should be strawberry lemonade with such a meal.

This is also the last of my new Bluebird teas, so it’ll be a while before I get to try another Bluebird flavour for the first time.

And I have to say that this is probably my least favourite of the teas I’ve had from them. That’s not to say it isn’t good by any means, but just a bit less exciting, I suppose. There’s something in the flavour that almost reminds me of tart apples, and the more I think of it in that way and the less I look for full-on fresh strawberry flavour, the more I like it, actually. I’m bumping the rating up a bit before I post this because of that, come to think of it.

It’s got a bit of a jammyness and a tart finish that befits a tea with lemonade in the name; indeed, it’s tart enough that I feel the need to offset it with a bit of sugar, though that’s not unusual for me and my ravenous sweet tooth anyway. There’s definitely a presence of hibiscus, which is something I dig. I’m like 2/3 of the way through this cup of tea and I’ve decided I like it. Yep.

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

Mmmm strawberries…I had the pleasure of living within walking distance of the strawberry fields the summer I lived outside of Dublin. They are still the best commercially produced strawberries I remember having.. It’s neat how teas change as you drink down the cup and cool. Sound like a nice meal.

Sami Kelsh

Oh man. There used to be a pick-your-own strawberry farm between my old house and my grandmother’s. I miss that. Beautiful, isn’t it? :)


The best :-)

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681 tasting notes

I didn’t post anything at all yesterday I’m so sorry! I try to post at least one note a day, which isn’t much considering I usually drink at least three different teas in a day (four yesterday) and I still didn’t manage to get anything posted. I’d like to say I was super busy, but really I just forgot.

So, backlog from yesterday. I had this again last night, but in a larger mug so I added an extra teaspoon. I also let it steep for almost half an hour as I forgot about it.

I don’t know which element caused it to change so drastically, but this time the smell was less bowl of fruit and more metallic coins. I found this really off putting, but the strawberry smell was still present in the background so I held out hope.


Even though it had steeped for so long, I could still taste tap water, with an added taste of sucking on a coin. There’s a vague strawberry taste behind the coppery awfulness, but it does not dominate as it did last time. This really disappointed me, as I seriously loved it then, and I hope future brews work out more like the first one. It’s also extremely tart, and I have a feeling the hibiscus may have gotten the better of this cup. Like I said in my previous review, the dry mix of fruit etc. is so varied and chunky that it’s hard to get the same thing in two spoonfuls, and I definitely had more hibiscus and less strawberry this time around. The longer I drink it, however, the more the strawberry comes out, so it’s not so bad.

If this was my first cup, I would have rated it somewhere around the 38 mark and left it untouched in my cupboard for months. I’m not going to change the rating, though, as I use it to reflect the best a drink can be, and always use how I best enjoyed it to give my rating.

Boiling 8 min or more 2 tsp 15 OZ / 450 ML

If you don’t feel like writing a whole review, you can always just post an empty tasting note. =)


I want to log my teas fully the first time I drink it, or if I have a different experience than previously. I will definitely keep that in mind, though! (:


Oh, I completely understand that – I just meant for those ‘oh, this tastes the same as ever’ notes.


Yeah, definitely a better idea than repeating the same thing over!

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