Oh dear, this was a sipdown and my previous note is gone!!
That’s fine. Today has been a very mixed day. On one hand, I got some stuff done, that really needed to be done, but then it’s also been a no good icky bad frustrating day.
So I’m not too bothered by the sipdown sans note. Actually, I seem to recall that this was a sample I either shared or inherited, but now I have no idea who to thank! Though it’s probably Sil since I see ya did review it awhile back. Or maybe Kittenna?
The tea itself was quite lovely. The puerh mixed quite nicely with the spices, and lent a nice hint of cocoa to pair with the spices. I had it without sugar or milk.
No one spice stood out too much, and it was not overly spicy. For me to not have any complaints, well that is rare! where chai is concerned heh.
In fact, this is one that I would consider ordering again. I bet it would travel well in a tumbler.