Oh look, black dragon pearl is finally back at Teavana!!
Of course, I have to add it back into my collection, as theirs was the first black pearl I ever had, and loved. After yesterday’s gig, I gave myself permission to go to Teavana & get some.
I really liked Teavana when they first opened. Now they are just too intense on the salesmanship. Someone immediately attached herself to me, leading me around the store, pouring samples, pointing things out, spouting her knowledge, & depositing me at the counter with the overly smiley lady, where I asked for 4 oz of dragon pearls.
She intentionally over scooped, & then nonchalantly asked, “is 6 oz ok?”
She fixed it. I also got a couple oz of the peach one I like, & she did the exact same thing.
On the way out of the store some chick was giving a demo about their current special: but a cast iron teapot & you get a bunch of free tea. She tried to pull me in, “I already have 2”, I said, making for the door…I escaped!
haha that’s about the only tea i want from teavana and it’s just. not. worth. it.
I’m afraid to go in there ;-)
Yikes, talk about over pouring and just plain old overbearing.
Yeah, if I want more I’ll just order it from their website.