We are setting records for heat, so I have been mixing some iced tea into my day. This has become a favorite. Brew a pot of this including a large sprig of mint, combine in a quart mason jar with ice, a twist of lime, and a little sweetener as desired and my goodness, you have a refreshing and delicious beverage. Goes well with Rat Lunch too, hmm what time is it? I am getting hungry!
This particular brand was my first-ever experience with gunpowder tea. If I recall, its pretty stout as greens go - bet the lime with it is great.
This particular brand was my first-ever experience with gunpowder tea. If I recall, its pretty stout as greens go - bet the lime with it is great.
The lime does smooth it a bit. You have to be careful as with most teas, over steeping or under steeping, but the sweet spot for it is wonderful. I was doing my own version of Moroccan mint with it hot, but now I would have trouble deciding which I like better, hot or iced.