Bird & Blend Tea Co.

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This was the second tea for the evening…A leftover from the 2023 Christmas Advent Calendar.

Flavor: It’s light in flavor. A subtle lemony note is present on the immediate sip, but it’s watered down. I used 8oz of water for a single bag and have allowed it to steep over 10 minutes in boiling water. I’d imagine it’d fall at a higher rating if it were a tad stronger.

Side Note: I’ve had better luck exploring B&B on my own, than the offerings from their Advent. It was overall pretty meh and I was greatly disappointed in the selections. It felt very health oriented, rather than festive or inviting. It doesn’t mean I dislike B&B, for there are plenty of blends that are (chef’s kiss) beautiful.

Flavors: Lemon

Boiling 8 min or more 8 OZ / 236 ML

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I’m used to drinking Teeccino, so this tastes sort of like dirt in comparison. The black tea is a little watery, and the coffee flavor is there, but boring and plain instead of the fun flavors that Teeccino always has.


I have a bag to a young student of mine who loves coffee. She came to lessons yesterday with a travel mug of the Vanilla Nut I gave her and told me she takes it everywhere she goes now!


Ha I shared some with my family when I visited over Christmas, and my sister says she needs the link to buy her own Teeccino now. It’s a hit!


I think everyone I have ever given it to has wanted more!

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From my first sip of this one, I was a little impressed. It’s deep and fruity, and the flavoring used isn’t the same sort you see again and again. It’s doing its own thing, which I appreciate. It’s also very forgiving of oversteeping. It doesn’t taste specifically like melon, more like tart red fruit, but I enjoyed it anyway.

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This one might taste mildly almondy, but that’s all I taste other than the decent rooibos base. Cool with milk, I found this to be pretty enjoyable for what it is! I guess this was supposed to be fruity, but I didn’t get that at all!

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This is super rosey and perfumey in a way that’s not for me. It’s just so strong and floral. I shared some with my sister who said, “It tastes like bath time!” I found myself adding lots of water to my cup to tone down the flavoring.

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This tastes mostly like chamomile. I would have expected something more special. It’s tasty, but quite a common flavor profile.

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This tea is bizarre. It’s spicy in a way that’s irritating to my throat. I enjoy spicy teas and foods, but this just feels uncomfortable. It’s paired with a weird sourness that’s just tangy and strange. Sweetened with almond milk, it’s drinkable, but one of the least pleasant teas I’ve had in recent memory.

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I taste a lot of licorice and also the cardamom. This isn’t bad, but it’s a little simpler than I’d prefer. I might also taste a bit of creaminess. I just wish it were all a bit bolder.

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AJRimmer Advent Day 25

My kitchen smelled AMAZING while this one was brewing…almost like I was baking a late batch of gingerbread a few days after Christmas! Unfortunately, the flavor didn’t live up to the aroma. The ginger was STRONG and drowned out any other cookie flavors that might have been present. I like ginger, so I still enjoyed it, but would have appreciated a bit more complexity to the flavor.

Flavors: Ginger, Gingerbread

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AJRimmer Advent Day 23

I mostly got chocolate and popped rice from this one. Pleasant enough, but not really “cookies & cream” in my opinion.

Flavors: Chocolate, Toasted Rice

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AJRimmer Advent Day 20

Hope everyone had a very merry Christmas! This is my first day home since the holiday craziness, so I have about a week’s worth of tea notes to catch up on. Not going to rate these since I’m writing notes mostly from memory.

This one didn’t stand out for me; it was a fairly brisk, astringent black tea with a bit of a caramel note; probably would have been better as a latte.

Flavors: Astringent, Caramel

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The oolong in this is very creamy and buttery and that taste comes through the flavoring. There is a bit of mint, but it’s subtle. The cacao flavors are even more subtle adding a little depth without popping out as chocolatey to me. This is an overall very mellow tea. I’m enjoying it a lot, but it’s not something I’d restock.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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This has such a nice milky oolong scent in the bag! Once steeped, the peppermint is present, but not overwhelming. I get some of the cocoa notes adding depth. The added flavors don’t knock out or overwhelm the flavors of the oolong. I can still pick out the milky flavor of the tea and the buttery notes behind it. Enjoying this cup, but not feeling the need to keep it stocked permanently.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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This was my final tea for the B&B advent calendar. It’s mint, Not much more to say. I like peppermint team and I liked this version of it too. Nothing outstanding, nothing disappointing. Just an ice mint tea.

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Tea Pop Sipdown (2531)!

Finished this one off today in the afternoon and it was everything I didn’t know I needed today. Sweet, bright and crisp apple notes – a little more red apple or even that more ethereal “white apple” note with slight floral undertones that I associate with Japanese apple flavoured food products or drinks. Just the right kind of apple. The mint? Not too strong, but added a crisp and cooling element that upped that refreshing feeling of the drink and just made the apple seem so much juicier by contrast.

And it really sparkled as a tea pop. Just so perfectly balanced.

I wasn’t planning on putting in a B&B order any time soon, but now I’m kind of worried that this might sell out before I get a chance to restock. It’s just so fresh and delicious. One of the better matchas I tried this past year.

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Adventageddon Day 24 – Tea 1/4

Welp, we did it. As I do every year on the 24th, I’m breathing such a tremendous sigh of relief now that Adventageddon is over. As much as I love it, every year it’s so much to keep up with. I feel so much lighter every year as I wrap things up though; it’s truly just like this massive release of tension. I can’t even imagine how Cameron B feels with her dozen or so advents, haha!

This was a nice matcha to end on, though admittedly not the flavour I would have guessed they’d pick for day twenty four. Granted I’m a overthinker, but I feel like the first and last days in an advent are the most important so the tea selection should match the gravitas of those days. I probably would have put the Gingerbread Chai Matcha here, personally…

Truly, though, every new matcha from this year really impressed me. The apple note here was so fresh, crisp and ripe tasting – very much (if not the same) as what was in the Blackcurrant & Apple matcha from earlier, but much more of a dominant flavour. The mint was cooling and really accented the sweetness of the apple while doubling down on the overall crispness. It was mostly in the finish, and it was very nice. I haven’t always loved the mint flavours B&B incorporates into their matcha but this.. wow.

Just a super solid flavour. I bet it would also be so good iced!

Today’s Advent Photos:

Song Pairing:

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Bird & Blend Matcha Advent Calendar 2023 – Day 24

What an odd choice for Day 24. I always wonder if companies just don’t think about the ordering of the teas in their advents sometimes, for instance when they put similar teas near each other, or like this when they don’t save a festive or special tea for the end of the advent. I can’t imagine they don’t put a lot of thought into it, but I also can’t imagine why they’d choose a summer matcha for Christmas Eve otherwise. Especially when they had more festive flavors earlier in the month… :P

Anyway, this is probably a weird flavor to make as an iced latte, but I’ve done every other matcha that way and I’m not going to stop now! :P This smells strongly of crisp apple, with just a dash of the mint. As a latte, I also mostly get the apple, and mixed with the oat milk, it sort of reminds me of oatmeal with chopped raw apples mixed in. The mint is more noticeable at the end of the sip, leaving a creamy but refreshing mint finish in my case. Will have to try the remainder of the tin as a sparkling iced matcha at a later date, since it’s probably better suited for that.

As for this advent as a whole, I was really impressed with it. The last time I tried a lot of B&B’s matcha was many years ago, and I’m pleased to see they seem to have moved away from the “tea powders” they used to carry more of, with rooibos or herbal bases, and transitioned to more actual matcha. And their matcha base seems significantly better than what it was originally (I think it had white tea or something?). Definitely considering ordering a few of these flavors, though the price point is a bit high for me. But they have a lot of unique ones, so might be worth a splurge. Would definitely recommend this advent for future years!

Flavors: Apple, Cooling, Crisp, Earthy, Fresh, Grassy, Mint, Peppermint, Smooth, Sweet

Iced 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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Bird & Blend Matcha Advent Calendar 2023 – Day 23

Ooooh, I love Jaffa Cakes, and I often buy them at the supermarket!

Really though, this mostly just tastes like orange to me, and I don’t really pick up on the chocolate aspect. There is some cocoa powder in here, but just based on the color of the powder, it must not be that much. Still an enjoyable zesty, slightly pithy orange flavor, but I wouldn’t liked more chocolate for sure.

I will say I’m a bit glad to not be totally in love with it, since this one is no longer available. :P

Flavors: Bitter, Citrus, Cocoa, Earthy, Grassy, Orange, Orange Zest, Smooth, Sweet

Iced 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

Where can you buy Jaffa Cakes? I’ve never seen them around here!

Cameron B.

Our supermarket has them in the import section! Along with digestives and jammy dodgers and a few other British delicacies ha ha. I guess I’m lucky! But I would think you would be able to find them at World Market as well if you have those in your area. If not, let me know and I can send you some! :D


There’s not a World Market locally, but there is one near my mom-in-law when we visit. Will just have to add it to the “hunt it down” list!

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This was in my caffeine free advent calendar last night. I was surprised I liked it. Chamomile is not a fave. It brewed up very pale, so much so that I let it steep a minute longer than I normally would. The flavor was oddly sweet, but not fake sweet like from stevia. I don’t have a sense of smell, so I don’t taste much, but I could swear that sweetness tasted like black licorice. There is no list of ingredients with this advent calendar, only a brief description. I come here and see it was previously named Liquor-licious. Ah-ha!
I don’t plan on ordering 50 grams of this, but I am quite happy with it. And quite pleased with myself for identifying an actual flavor!

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Bird & Blend Matcha Advent Calendar 2023 – Day 22

Ah, finally a rooibos. I expected more of them, to be honest, but it seems like B&B has gotten out of the habit of making “tea powders” that don’t contain any matcha, which I’m glad about. This one has rooibos, but it also has actual matcha as well.

It’s okay. Honestly, I don’t taste the matcha at all, mostly I get earthy ginger, licorice root, and hints of other spices on a rooibos-y base. It doesn’t taste at all like gingerbread to me (but neither does their Gingerbread Chai), more of a strong gingery chai since there is no cookie or molasses element here.

Not bad, but certainly not one I would purchase.

Flavors: Earthy, Ginger, Licorice Root, Spices, Woody

Iced 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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Bird & Blend Matcha Advent Calendar 2023 – Day 21

So I expected this one to be similar to Raspberry Ripple, but actually I find it reminds me of Nordic Berry? There’s something a touch medicinal about it that I don’t love, and almost an herbaceous minty note? I must be crazy lol, because that makes no sense for a strawberries & cream matcha…

I guess I’ll have to see how I feel about it when I try the other serving. :P

Flavors: Berry, Herbaceous, Medicinal, Mint, Sweet

Iced 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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Adventageddon Day 19 – Tea 4/4

Probably my favourite of the day. In general I’m a sucker for a good banana tea, and I don’t think I’ve ever had a bad banana flavoured matcha. This one has a very natural banana taste to it with less creaminess than I taste in the banana flavours from 3 Leaf Tea or DT. I almost just made it iced, but in the end I went the iced latte route and I found it made for a deliciously thick and frothy taffy-like taste.

Today’s Advent Photos:

The penguin cup I drank this in was my Christmas gift from my manager, and it’s so fucking cute. She knows me so well.

Song Pairing:

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Bird & Blend Matcha Advent Calendar 2023 – Day 19

Ooh banana. This is nice, but doesn’t have a strong enough banana flavor for me. As an iced latte it’s very yummy and creamy, but the banana is a bit subtle and I would like it to be at the forefront. For what it’s worth, it does taste quite natural though.

But that’s okay, I already have a favorite banana matcha from 3 Leaf, he he… :3

Flavors: Banana, Creamy, Grassy, Smooth, Sweet

Iced 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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There’s something off-putting about this one. There’s a peppery flavor in the base or something. With milk it’s okay, but it’s really not too appealing. There’s nothing about it that makes me think of cookies. The last time I had this, I drank it cold without milk and still I find it okay, but it’s mostly just murky rooibos with a bit of something else maybe. I’ll pass on the rest.

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