695 Tasting Notes
After a very difficult weekend (loss in the family) this matcha is a great way to start the week and get back on my feet.
Savory, smooth, a little sweet. Never harsh or bitter. Maybe it is unbalanced considering it is matcha but it is the cream of the crop as far as I am concerned. May need to consider how I will buy more once I run out of the few tins I got secondhand (for a bargain price!)
Flavors: Creamy, Smooth, Sweet, Umami
Thank you. It was one of our cats, but she really was family. Very sudden loss so it hit home hard. Especially tough on my wife as she was basically her therapy cat. Life goes on, just going to take a little extra time to reflect on the joy we shared together.
I will try to find solace in the happiness she brought us, and
That is hard. I let my neighbor’s dog out five days a week to play with my dog for many years now. She was diagnosed with widespread liver cancer two weeks ago. It was sudden and she had to be put to sleep. We have all cried so much, and I know it is even worse for my neighbor.
Our animals are so dear to us. It is a gut punch and a hard loss. I am so thankful for the many happy days and good memories.
My thoughts are with you. C S Lewis said that grief is the price of love. So I know your cat was loved, and that is an awesome thing!
I’m sorry to hear that, it always feels a bit blindsiding to go through such a diagnosis. We experienced the same with my brother-in-law’s cat who stuck around for about a month after they found out.
That is a good quote, and exactly as I have felt in this time of grieving. Since she was attached to my wife, my tears were proof that I was attached to her, too. There are many happy memories (and some chaotic ones) to reflect on, once the initial loss passes.