1714 Tasting Notes

drank Banana Hojicha Powder by 3 Leaf Tea
1714 tasting notes

I’m a HUGE fan of artificial banana flavor. The crunchy Now and Laters in high school are what got me hooked. Or maybe it was the banana Runts in grade school. The origin is debatable, but my love is in full force. This tastes like bananas for sure, but not artificial banana flavor which is based off one variety of banana, so maybe this is some other variety of banana. Either way, this tastes good. I made it with oat milk, honey and some ice and it has more of a nutty banana bread flavor. I ordered it in 3 Leaf’s hojicha variety pack that also came with chocolate and cinnamon. Chocolate cinnamon banana sounds like a winning combo as well and something I am likely to try next. The flavor possibilities are endless!

Cameron B.

Love their banana, both the matcha and the hojicha!

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drank Thé à la Vanille by THEODOR
1714 tasting notes

I’m not sure what is up with this cup, but it’s hugely disappointing. I just washed my travel mug that I’m drinking out of, so maybe I didn’t wash all the soap out? It’s just really bland and there is very little flavor to it. Did I let the tea get too old… casualty of tea hoarding? I need a cup of something else and I’m going to rinse the hell out of my cup white I let the next tea steep.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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Getting close to the bottom of this bag. I’ve noticed it doesn’t steep as well a second time, which has helped me go through this bag a little more quickly. It has grown on me, but not quite enough to reorder. I’ve enjoyed it and prefer it with a little creamer, but I don’t think I’ll miss it terrible when it is gone. I still don’t quite get the salt part unless it’s just that it isn’t a sweet caramel flavor. Maybe the salt will all be in the last serving. shrug


I really like their Caramel Apple Betty one.


Caramel Apple Betty and Hound on the Hunt are my two AD favorites!

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Had two steepings of this sample that came with my order. It was good. There was a slight medicinal quality to it, but the berg and lavender were solid with a descent amount of flavor. I’d drink another cup, but I wouldn’t order it. Zhi Tea’s Violet Femme holds the space in my heart and cupboard for lavender EGs.

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I really like this tea. Probably because it has licorice in it. It’s been a nice tea to have around in the evenings when I need a tasty decaf option. The licorice adds sweetness without the stevia weirdness and the whole thing does have a light honey flavor to it. One of these days I need to add some real honey in it. I got to harvest a few frames recently from one of my 6 beehives, so I’m rich in honey at the moment!

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Sipped this one down recently too. I ended up liking this tea quite a lot and kept turning to it for a strong flavored cup. I’d love to restock it again someday, but right now I need to focus on cupboard control.

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Sipdown. I’ve been so busy and stressed getting ready for an upcoming show I have a booth at. Well, busy getting ready and busy avoiding working on things until the last minute. I drank through the last of this unceremoniously. I had been turning to it more and more over the past couple months, even craving the flavor without recalling what tea it was I was thinking of at first. I hope they blend this again sometime because I’d love to have it back in my cupboard.


ooo! What do you sell? Craft fairs and the such can be stressful I definitely feel you!!!


OMG, I just saw your comment two years later as I was deciding how much I love this tea now that it’s back in stock! I must have been really stressed out!
I make gold and silver jewelry for body piercings and stretched ears that I sell wholesale to piercing studios. The show I do is at the body piercing industry convention.

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Sipdown. I have to say… this has grown on me. The addition of cream and sugar really helps make this cup delicious. I don’t know that I’d pick out the flavors as being banana fudge, but they are tasty. The cup is malty with banana notes when I think about it, but more as a creamy flavor than bright banana. The fudge part feels like it melts into the malt as opposed to standing out on it’s own. If I had more room in my cupboard and was doing another AD order I’d add a bag of this for sure.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Queen of Thorns by Happy Turtle Tea
1714 tasting notes

I’m liking this tea better this go round. The floral almond combo is very welcome today. The crowns are visually interesting in the dry mix, but I don’t know that I like the disintegrated bits in my tea. I might pick them out next time. Right now I’m feeling like this is a tea I would reorder at some point if I were making another order. Funny how my mood is totally different with this tea today than it was the last time I had it.

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank White Pumpkin by DAVIDsTEA
1714 tasting notes

This starts out pleasant with a nice bit of warming light spice, but then the stevia kicks in and takes over. It’s too sweet in that stevia way and is super distracting from the flavors. The aftertaste is all stevia too and a little sour, leaving a light itch in my throat. The spices do say pumpkin, but I don’t get to linger on them for long because stevia. I’ll have to try this cold steeped to see if it is any good that way. Hot is no bueno.

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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My name is Dustin and I like tea.

I’m an added flavor kind of tea fan, but have had a growing appreciation for plain. I want my tea to remind me of cookies and cakes with coconut and almond slices with a hint of chocolate drizzled on top. I want dancing ponies and flying monkeys shooting off fireworks! And no hibiscus. Hibiscus is the devil.





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