1714 Tasting Notes

drank Be Spicy! Chai by Akova Tea
1714 tasting notes


Steeped this up and added a little honey and oatmilk. It’s a pretty good chai mix. I do wish it was heavier on the pepper. I love the heat of pepper in chai. It either looses a little flavor when it cools or the honey somehow concentrated at the bottom because honey is all I taste now. I like this and I’d take another cup if it was offered, but it’s not something I need in my cupboard.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Mince Pie by Bird & Blend Tea Co.
1714 tasting notes


This smells delicious. For some reason I expect it to have hibiscus in it, but it doesn’t. The first several sips were bitter. I steeped it a minute less than the package recommended, but it still seems a little over steeped. I could taste almond when it was really hot and as it cools a cherry taste starts to come out. There is something alkaline that creeps in the finish and my mouth feels dry after each sip. Interesting tea, but not something I’m taken by.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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I took a few sips of this while it was hot and it was a very rich and lovely roasted broth like flavor. Very umami. I walked away to do some things and came back to a cooled cup that is not as delicious. It still has a very bass roasted flavor, but some of the magic is gone. I don’t know if it’s the flavor along with the coziness of it being hot that makes it special when hot or if the flavors just transform. It’s not bad cooled off, but it does taste a little more flat. I am loving the idea of the popped rice with hojicha combo of this tea! I wish they would explore it more and do a flavored blend. I can imagine peach or some other stone fruit working well with these flavors.

170 °F / 76 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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Huh, this is strange. It says cola and I can pick cola flavors out in the finish, but the sip is more savory and almost sage like. I can smell ginger in the cup, but it gets sort of muddled in the sip. This tea is confusing! Not really into it.

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I’ve been eyeing powdered flavored hojichas from this company recently, so I’m excited to try this! My brain is all over the place today and after I added a little sweetener to the mix to bring out the honey flavor I forgot that I had done so and added honey so this is extra sweet. Having it as a latte. I taste honey and lemon that brightens it up a bit. I wish I had tried it before adding sweeteners, but brain fail. It’s a delicious cup with that deep hojicha flavor, but I’d like to try it again before adding things to it so I can get a good feel for the flavors present.

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Wow has my tune changed on this tea over the past 8 years since I first logged it! I didn’t like it at all 8 years ago. 7 months ago I accidentally bought a bag that was in the row for a different tea and managed to go through that bag in record time. I bought another bag a couple months ago when I placed an order with MF because I ended up loving it so much. There were so many new teas in that order that I’m only now digging up the bag of this, but I pulled it out today and drank a cup pretty quickly. It’s such a strong and smooth EG that works well plain as well as holding up to cream and sugar. I think it’s my favorite straight EG now. How times have changed!

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Russian Bonfire by A Quarter to Tea
1714 tasting notes

I wanted something smoky today, but this one isn’t quite hitting the spot. The jammy flavors aren’t in this cup, which is part of what made it unique. Another instance of tea hoarding going bad? It’s coming off as a lapsang with an edge that gets sharper as my cup cools. I need to figure out what plum or jam flavored tea I have and start mixing it with this when I steep. I still have a decent amount of this left to go.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Pumpkin Chai by Friday Afternoon
1714 tasting notes

Sipped down!
This smells a little pumpkiny, but I really have to think about it when I smell the cup. I don’t get pumpkin in the flavor. There is a light chai flavor, but it’s really light. I added honey and creamer in this cup and it diluted the chai quite a bit. The cup was really bland and with chai I expect the flavor to be strong enough to withstand the addition of cream. I had several other cups plain since I got this, but none of them really caught my attention. I was hoping I’d really like Friday teas, but so far I feel kinda eh about them.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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Not as delightful as a goat milk latte as I had hoped. Or maybe it’s the corn chips I ate just before. I feel like the caramel is somehow more distinct. I’ll have to find a different type of milk before I try this as a latte again.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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Found this in my travel tea bag! Not sure how old this is, but it’s probably had several birthdays by now. The genmaicha is going strong flavor wise, but it feels like any other flavors left long ago. It’s a little creamier in the finish than I’d expect from a gen and I’m attributing that to the cashew. I really don’t get any salted oatmeal cookie though. I wish I had made a tasting note for this when I first tried it so I had a good comparison of fresh and aged.

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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My name is Dustin and I like tea.

I’m an added flavor kind of tea fan, but have had a growing appreciation for plain. I want my tea to remind me of cookies and cakes with coconut and almond slices with a hint of chocolate drizzled on top. I want dancing ponies and flying monkeys shooting off fireworks! And no hibiscus. Hibiscus is the devil.





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