As usual, Bravo A&D, Bravo!
Tea is amazing, tin is amazing. Enough said (or written).
Upon opening the tin, the tea smells quite strong. There is a bold malty yunnan scent. It is very slightly sweet. There is a scent of roasted tea as well. There are a number of different sizes and colours of tea leaves which makes the tea look quite unique.
The tea liquor is quite dark.
The brewed tea offers hints of stone fruits, I am thinking plums and apricots. The tea is not as bold as I was waiting for, but it is still quite strong. I am getting the slightest hints of sweetness, I would have expected more based on the smell. There is a strong after taste that lingers for a LOOOOONNNGGG time. It is not a bad aftertaste though. It is quite dry but not bitter or astringent. There is a roasted flavour to the tea. It translates into a bit of charred taste in the after taste but it doesn’t last for long.
Overall, excellent tea. It is not my fav A&D blend but it is still damn fine :)
Edit: steep 2. Much more creamy flavour and texture to the tea. No roasted or charred flavour. Very easy end of sip. No aftertaste at all. It has lost quite a bit of its boldness for this steep which is a bit disappointing.
I wonder if this aftertaste ( huigan) usually associated in puerh
mine is on its way :)
I didn’t get the smoky/charred at all, which is good since I don’t like that.