193 Tasting Notes
Had this tea yesterday morning with a little bit of milk and a lot of honey. I freakin LOVE this tea! Still one of my favourites and the only pumpkin tea I need in my collection. This is the only pumpkin tea that I have not been disappointed with. Most of them just taste spicy and don’t have any pumpkin flavour, but this one does. So gooooood.
This was one of the samples from the March Amoda box.
This smelled so good. It had a very strong lime scent. I thought this would be great iced, but unfortunately, the citrus flavours were lost in how medicinal the rooibos was. I think it was the worst rooibos I have ever tasted. I might give it another try with a shorter steeping time.
Drank up the last of the tea today. I enjoyed it more and more every cup I had. This last cup was definitely the best. So smooth and creamy and the flavour is awesome too. To me it is more nutty than eggnog, but I’m definitely not complaining. This is my favourite flavoured green right now and will definitely be ordering again.
This is the second time I had this tea. I didn’t leave a tasting note the first time because I was not sure how I felt about it.
This is definitely a tasty tea. The green base is slightly vegetal, but while a few months ago that would have caused me to dump out my cup, I’m finding I don’t hate vegetal greens anymore. I was having a hard time detecting the peach, but I found it. It wasn’t a distinct peach flavour, and not that of a fresh peach, more of canned peaches. I didn’t really detect any jasmine either. I read in another review that steeps 2 and 3 produce the most flavour so I will have to resteep next time. Usually i’m not a resteeper because I get bored easily and can’t stand to have the same kind of tea twice in a row.
This was a huge miss for me. I had to make this one twice just as I did with Boston because I thought I had over steeped it. But again, just like Boston, turns out it tastes the same when I follow the brewing instructions perfectly.
This didn’t smell like chocolate or hazelnut nor did it taste like either of those things. It just tastes like a black tea that I don’t enjoy. The base tastes the same as the base in Boston as well. Actually, I’m finding that all of the Harney black bases taste quite similar and I’m not a fan.
This is another H&S blend I tried tonight. The smell of this one was soooooo good! I was definitely getting the almond and a sweet fruity smell.
I had to make this one twice as I over steeped this the first time I made it and it was quite awful. Even though it wasn’t astringent or bitter, it just didn’t have any flavour and the base was quite dull and what I would describe as dirty tasting.Ok, second steep. Really not much better. Base tastes about the same, very tired and boring, but also unpleasant. I kept adding sugar until it was drinkable and then it was ok, but only because all of that sugar toned down the base and brought out the flavour a bit more. I would never repurchase something I have to drown in sugar to semi-enjoy.
I’m kind of upset about this. I love the idea of a cranberry almond tea and I read such good things about this tea. What am I missing? I wish that someone that loved this tea could make it for me so I could see if I’m doing something wrong.
I went off of my diet today to attend an International Women’s day breakfast, and when I go off my diet, I make it worth it. I had a starbucks latte and some dark chocolate today which are my weaknesses. So I thought I would go ahead and try the three caffeinated H&S teas a purchased a few weeks ago (I’m only allowed one cup of caffeine per day on my diet and it has to be strait and I can’t drink black tea strait).
The smell of this was very fruity, mostly bergamot and some cherry notes. I took a sip of this before I added anything and it was quite astringent, though I only steeped it for 4 mins, which is super short for me. I added some honey and milk but it was still astringent so I added some sugar as well. There we go, perfect. Well as perfect as this tea can get for me I’m sure. I enjoyed this one the most out of the three I tried. I was getting mostly bergamot out of this, just the perfect amount of bergamot for me actually. Also a little bit of fruitiness as well. I’m getting a bit of honey in the aftertaste, but I’m not sure if that’s the tea or the honey I added to it. I will have to leave out the honey nest time to be sure. I would order this one if I was to make another H&S order, but the way things are going, I probably won’t be.
When I smelled this in store, it was a very overwhelming spearmint smell with a hint of cucumber, but funny enough, there is no mint in this tea. I suggested to the David’s tea girl that maybe it had spearmint flavour in it because the ingredients just say natural flavours, but she said no there isn’t. My friend at work didn’t get spearmint at all, just melon. It’s kind of funny how everyone seems to smell and taste this differently.
I really don’t like spearmint tea, but I decided to try all of the spring teas just in case. This tea is definitely unique. It tastes very strongly of spearmint to me, but I’m definitely getting the cucumber as well. No sign of the melon though. The dried cucumber slices made it quite unattractive and almost made me gag when I dumped out my leaves into the sink.
Even though I didn’t personally like this tea enough to re-stock it, I have to admit it was quite refreshing and light. I can definitely see how others would like this.
I ordered a bunch of sample packs of decaf teas from H&S and unfortunately I’m only getting two cups out of each sample, so I have only drank this twice.
This tea has a very sweet smell and taste. It’s very distinctly vanilla, but maybe too much? I say that because I find it tastes kind of chemically, but that could be the stevia that I added to it both times. I should have tried it once without it but didn’t. I liked this enough that I would order another sample just to see.
I learned a “trick” if you ever want to order samples from H&S again. There sample pouches are $2. If you call the H&S store in NY and place an order you can get 2oz of loose leaf tea for $3. I ordered a bunch of their flavored blacks this way. I am not sure who I learned this from, but it was someone here on Steepster.
Woot woot! First tasting note!
Mmmmmmmm! So good! This smelled the best out of all of the new teas. At work this afternoon I decided to try a piece of the candied pineapple, which I never do because most of the time the fruit in teas taste like shit, but holy f it was good. I wish I could buy a big bag of just the candied pineapple. Yes, I’m aware I can go buy some candied pineapple, but the ones in this tea also had the flavour of the tea infused in it, so freakin good!
It tastes really good too. The blueberry, lemongrass and pineapple are all there and work awesome together. It’s kind of like a blueberry lemonade, but very mild lemony flavour, not sour. This is in the running for favourite herbal with cocomint cream, it might just pull ahead if it keeps on being awesome. I have a hard time finding herbals that I enjoy so I will be getting a LARGE tin of this. Just have to decide how much.
Bluebird’s Spiced Pumpkim Pie is awesome. I’ll pop some in our swap for you :)