This is another tea sent by Youngest – many thanks!
A while back we had a tea called Watermelon Oolong from Frasier Tea. The watermelon flavor was KAPOW and we really liked it. Over time, the flavor diminished as we didn’t drink it down as fast as we thought we would, since we craved it in summer but also summer was too hot to drink it much. We should have made it iced!
We did drink this one hot, and mostly at breakfast time in late summer so it wasn’t so insufferably hot outside.
I really like the watermelon here. It is strong enough but not KAPOW, the scent being stronger than the flavor. There is a fresh coolness to it that reminds me of cucumber without tasting like cucumber, just a whisper of lightness that runs alongside the watermelon. You do taste the oolong, too. It isn’t buried in the flavoring.