Totally gorgeous. I think the bitter puerhs were my first puerh love – dig me some of that Bulang – but this is the next level shit. It’s a glorious bitter, somewhere between a quinine bitter and a burnt-rubber bitter (but good!) – just hanging out and glowing while all this other oceanic stuff – warmth, passing dairy flavors, all kinds of fruity junk – meld and change and pass beneath it. And that bitter flavor just hangs out up there, glowing a little, and just being so insanely beautiful.
My only experience with LME is with my 100g Bing I received as a gift while visiting a Yunnanese friend/puerh vendor in Beijing. While not the same tea, your description is almost spot on. I picked up a complex, evolving bitterness that seems to be pinesol, gasoline, fresh kiwi, and something in between.
LME kicks tail and this is a good one.
Woah….this sounds delicious (I love bulangs, so this might be up my alley).
@S.G Sanders, think turpentine strong.
My only experience with LME is with my 100g Bing I received as a gift while visiting a Yunnanese friend/puerh vendor in Beijing. While not the same tea, your description is almost spot on. I picked up a complex, evolving bitterness that seems to be pinesol, gasoline, fresh kiwi, and something in between.