Almond Happiness

Tea type
Black Food Blend
Almonds, Black Teas, Cacao Nibs, Coconut, Organic Flavours
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by LiberTEAS
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec 12 oz / 354 ml

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  • “Meh. This was my first 52 Teas order. Everything I’ve heard about Frank’s blends has been wonderful. I was excited to try this one because I love all of the ingredients in it. But it was just...” Read full tasting note
  • “Almond Joy candy bars in tea form? Why yes please. They’re one of my favorite candy bars—well actually I prefer Mounds, but I think in tea form I’d rather have the added almonds since most...” Read full tasting note
  • “I grabbed this out of my swap drawer this morning and it’s been sitting in there for awhile. For some reason whenever I read the name “Almond Happiness” I just assumed it was a very stongly almond...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thanks to Jackie T for passing some of this along. I almost bought some, but my common sense took over (but I still needed to at least try it!) My verdict on it is that… it’s ok. It’s not what I...” Read full tasting note

From 52teas

Sometimes you feel like a nut…

sometimes you feel like you need some chocolatey-coconut-almond bliss… but before you reach for that candy bar, here’s a tempting and way more healthy alternative: our premium black teas blended with almond slivers, cacao nibs, honking big coconut flakes and 100% organic flavors.

If you missed out on this with last year’s Box of Chocolate (Teas), here’s your chance to nab some, reblended with our new organic flavors.

Our Tea of the Week for the week of January 21st, 2012

About 52teas View company

At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

18 Tasting Notes

323 tasting notes


This was my first 52 Teas order. Everything I’ve heard about Frank’s blends has been wonderful. I was excited to try this one because I love all of the ingredients in it.

But it was just mediocre. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. It’s fairly flavorless, and the black tea is a bit bitter. I’ve tried 1-2 tsp at 180 and 212 degree water, with milk and agave and without. Perhaps it’s just not for me?


How long are you steeping for? And it very well might just not be for you heh. Worst case you can likely swap with ppl. Franks teas are generally middle of the road where I’m concerned….ESP since they can be so hit or miss and you can’t restock them most of the time :(so if you really love it, youre SOL


I’ve tried from 2-4 minutes. 2 was bland but 4 brought out more bitterness.


I’ve noticed that my orders from 52Teas need to be steeped at a lower temperature. A lot of the teas are a hit or miss for me though. The less adventurous ones seem to be more to my liking.


Almonds are tricky in tea, in my experience. There’s about a half-degree of sweet spot, and if you miss it, blech.


@rantHappy – This is kind of reminding me of one of Adagio’s flavored blacks. Hrm.


I’d recommend trying 2.5 minutes at 195-200. That’s been my sweet spot with Frank’s black tea blends. I also almost always add skim milk (or unsweetened almond milk) and some Truvia. The milk bonds with the tannins in the tea and cuts out the bitterness. Good luck!

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470 tasting notes

Almond Joy candy bars in tea form? Why yes please. They’re one of my favorite candy bars—well actually I prefer Mounds, but I think in tea form I’d rather have the added almonds since most chocolate in teas tastes like dark chocolate anyway.

When there are 3 strong flavors in a tea it’s usually hard to taste them individually. This is the case here: the almond is the dominant flavor, and I’m getting a lot of chocolate as well. The coconut? There’s really only a hint of it. BUT this is the best almond tea I’ve tried so far, so I’m not going to complain! After all almond + chocolate is delicious, I’m really thinking of mixing in a bit of Yunnan’s Fable for the extra oomph of coconut (and also extra chocolate).


Hmm, it’s too bad the coconut is lacking in this one. I love Mounds too, and they’re like 95% coconut! BTW, if you love almond teas, I strongly recommend Almond Indulgence by Butiki Teas. It is by far the best freaking almond tea I’ve ever had!!! *Swoon.

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361 tasting notes

I grabbed this out of my swap drawer this morning and it’s been sitting in there for awhile. For some reason whenever I read the name “Almond Happiness” I just assumed it was a very stongly almond flavored tea, which are kind of hit or miss for me. But I’m going to try and cruise through some sample sipdowns today so I grabbed this one and threw it in the basket. It wasn’t until it was brewing (3 mins @ 185) that I started to wonder what exactly I was making. Frank doesn’t typically make simple flavored teas, there’s usually something more going on. Then I realized how dense I’d been. Almond happiness = Almond Joy. I felt incredibly dumb. Had I realized that sooner I would have brewed this one up a long time ago. Anyway I really enjoyed it. I would totally reorder. I got all flavors (chocolate, almond, coconut) and a nice black base. No honey or milk necessary. Yum! Thanks Jackie T!

Terri HarpLady

That sounds yummy!


I have a sample of this from Dexter3657 so I went ahead and made a cup also to see if I can change my mind from the first time I tried it. Haven’t even added a note because I wanted to give it a good honest try. 1 tsp for 2 or so minutes with near boiling gave me a very very weak concoction. How much are you using?


I used about 1.5 tsp per cup and brewed it for 3 mins at 185. That seems to be the right proportions for the 52teas in my opinion. I’ll do a resteep for between 5-7 too. Some of the 52teas I have hard time getting the flavors out of, but this one I thought was pretty spot on.


Will do this tomorrow, thanks!

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6119 tasting notes

Thanks to Jackie T for passing some of this along. I almost bought some, but my common sense took over (but I still needed to at least try it!)

My verdict on it is that… it’s ok. It’s not what I was hoping for (delicious amazingness a la H&S’s SoHo Blend), but I am enjoying the cup. I can taste the chocolate, which is great and not fakey, but I’m not catching much in the way of almond or coconut. Perhaps it’s because I just drank H&S’s Royal Wedding tea, which prominently features both of those quite deliciously. One interesting thing that I’m noticing, though, is that the flavour is a bit reminiscent of 52teas’ Cashew Turtle! I don’t know if it’s the chocolate, or the nut… but I’m diggin’ it.

Hmmm… the more I drink, the more I’m falling for this tea. Bleh, figures. It’s just alike enough to Cashew Turtle, which I adored and am all out of, that it’s filling that niche for me. Sadness. I think I have another cup or cup and a half left, and will savour it…

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

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4338 tasting notes

thanks again, starfevre for the trade! I woke up thinking almonds, so this one sounded good! I love those candy bars (who am I kidding, I rarely do not love any candy bar.) After a ONE minute steep (I’m trying low steep times on all of my 52s), all of the flavors here are even! I get almond, chocolate, and coconut notes at the same amounts. The second steep was for two minutes and I found that the leaves themselves had more of a dark chocolate flavor. 52Teas are amazing at doing this sort of thing. I knew I would like this one, as one of my favorite 52Teas is surprisingly the Coconut cream pie. I enough left for one more cup. Creamy chocolatey nutty goodness!

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297 tasting notes

Quick note before my phone dies.
Received this from T.C.

This smells like alcohol big time! Like sickening so, even once steeped.
Hot I am getting mostly almond, I ended up letting it cool too much & it was bitter, but had quite a bit of chocolate.

I may have to let this air a bit to kill the alcohol scent.

ETA: I retried this today. Just over 2 perfect teaspoons, at 2.5 mins.
Much better this time, the leaves still smell like alcohol, but the steeped cup doesnr. It’s almondy, with a strong black base. I’m gonna try this again with 3 teaspoons at the same steep time & see if the other flavours come out more.


“before my phone dies” – that’s dedication!


Haha Steepster over potential 911 emergency.


I swear I didn’t get the tea drunk before i sent it! :D

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863 tasting notes

I’ve been wanting an Almond Joy in tea form forever..but I held off on a 52teas order until I could make a big one. Kind of a risk really, since stock is always touch and go. That’s part of the fun though, I think!

Anyway, when I got my tea package, the only thing I could really smell was the blueberry cream cheese danish. Which was lovely, of course, but it made me worried that I would taste and smell it in my other non blueberry teas, too. Thankfully that wasn’t the case!

The dry leaf smell in this had a sharp, almost unpleasant coconut note- maybe from the adding flavoring? I was hoping it would fade out by the time the tea steeped, and it did, so that was good! I just added milk and sugar since I knew I was going to try and take this to work to repeat the blissful moment at 11:30 tonight when things settle down and I can take a second to relax.

This tea is predominantly chocolate. Dark, hot chocolate. The coconut is present only in the creaminess, maybe a background accent but definitely not very strong. It actually reminds me of when I combined the Salted caramel from DAVIDS’ with my hot chocolate mix. Which is super yummy, if not quite screaming almond joy.

In a few hours once it cools it may have some different nuances emerge, so I’ll update later – but for now, it is still a really great tea to be sipping away at!

Boiling 4 min, 15 sec
Daisy Chubb

yuuuummmm! Nice find, sounds SO good!

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4843 tasting notes

Backlog: I had this the other day, but I didn’t want to log it until my review of it published, here it is:

This was yummy… although I think it would be better with a touch of vanilla and more coconut flavor. But I still enjoyed it.


I really enjoyed your blog post about this one. It’s very descriptive and well written, and really paints a picture. I feel like I tried the tea just by reading your note!


So this was kind of a re-blend, I see?


@Kittenna: Kind of … it was from the valentine’s chocolates box last year.


Yeah, I was really confused at how you had written a tasting note for it “about a year ago” :P

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59 tasting notes

You know how they say there is no wrong way to eat a peanut butter cup? Well, when I eat mine (or when I did), I liked to eat all the chocolate away from the outside, then carefully peeled it from the top and bottom. Then I would eat the peanut butter center that was left.

Now, if I was to Do this with a certain almond candy bar-peeling away the chocolate outside then making a tea with the coconut/almond center- that is What this tea tastes like.

It was missing a little something when I made a preliminary cup last night, so I added some rock sugar today, though I RARELY sweeten my teas. Today, it is crazy heavy on the coconut/almond flavor, but all I’m getting as far as chocolate goes is the little bits that I couldn’t get unstuck from the coconut when I deconstructed my hypothetical candy bar. I was really hoping for the reverse-heavy chocolate, light other flavors… but maybe that’s just my PMS craving sweets ;)

It is yummy, but it’s more nutty than chocolatey.

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688 tasting notes

This smells kinda chocolatey. The flavour is more coconut/ almond with hints of chocolate. (Not really an Almond Joy, but I don’t have one for the comparison, and it’s pretty close.)

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

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