Sugar Caramel Oolong

Tea type
Oolong Tea
Not available
Apple, Brown Sugar, Caramel, Nuts, Roasted, Honey, Burnt Sugar, Oats, Walnut, Roasted Nuts
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Edit tea info Last updated by takgoti
Average preparation
190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 15 sec 4 g 10 oz / 288 ml

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136 Tasting Notes View all

From Golden Moon Tea

Rare. Exotic. A Reward For The Curious and Adventurous.

Mood: Introspective, scholarly
Time: Anytime – in the study or garden courtyard
Cuisine: Fruit, chocolate, or mild cakes and cookies.
Price Per Cup: .31+
Caffeine: Low
Rarely – maybe once a generation – will a tea blend come along with flavors so rich and pure. Close your eyes. Concentrate. You’ll note the subtle wash of dates, chestnuts, cedar, and orange blossoms. It’s a constant reward for those willing to give it a chance.

The fanciest silver-tipped leaves provide a remarkable durable blend good for many infusions without a loss of flavor. It’s a fine value if you’re willing to step out on the skinny end of the branch and reap the awards of risk. Why not add it to your cart today?

About Golden Moon Tea View company

Golden Moon is dedicated to offering outstanding, whole-leaf teas of the greatest quality and finesse. All Golden Moon Teas are hand-plucked and meticulously crafted to enhance leaf character, aroma, color, clarity, body, complexity, and above all, flavor.

136 Tasting Notes

184 tasting notes

Tea #7 from Pass the Stash box

I like this tea. I can taste the oolong, which isn’t too overpowering. The smell of the caramel/burnt sugar was prevalent in the dry leaf. I can taste some of it in the tea, but it too, isn’t too overpowering.

I probably did oversteep it, but it is satisfying.

4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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518 tasting notes

This sample came from mj a little while back and I’m just getting around to it.

This is an interesting oolong. The first infusion wasn’t what I was expecting. Where was the caramel? Where was the sugar? It tasted like a light roasted oolong to me, kind of nutty, and even a little fruity. The second infusion….this is where the sugar and caramel
were hiding. It tastes like a dark caramel, with that not quite to burnt sugar taste. And the fruit is a lot stronger, too. Oh, this is nice. The third infusion the caramel burnt sugar taste is really toned down but still there. It’s nice. I like it.

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737 tasting notes

Not gonna lie…was kinda disappointed by this tea. I thought it would be way sweeter than it actually was. But mainly tasted just like oolong tea…slightly nutty, and maybe a hint of caramel. Eh, not my favorite, but so glad I got to try it before I wasted my money on it. Thanks so much, mj1851!


I felt the same way about this one. It’s not what you would expect from the name and it’s a little on the old side as well. Anyway, I’m much more impressed with the Coconut Pouchong. I’ll be interested to see if you like that one better :-).

P.S. Coconut pouchong is good hot and does really well as a cold brew.

Cameron B.

I’m actually curious about this one. I’m considering ordering the Golden Moon gift set, which has this and 11 other teas – most of which I am interested in trying. Hmmmm…


I could send you some Cameron :-)

Cameron B.

Aw, thanks for the offer, but I think I’ll just wait and grab the set, since there are several other teas in it that I’m very interested in trying. No sense in taking some from you! :P


Yeah, I’ll probably try the coconut one soon. Thanks again, so much for the sample, mj1851!

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1598 tasting notes

Another sample from Sil! (238)

I’m drinking this one while I catch up on my backlogging from earlier. It’s a really nice oolong – it’s darker instead of greener, which is what I like, and it has a bit of caramel sweetness to it that I am a fan of. I could see myself drinking this one fairly frequently.


glad you liked it

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237 tasting notes

To continue my nightly tea binge, I chose this little dude, brought to me by the charismatic mj1851. Thanks gurl! The dry leaf smells strongly of toffee and caramel, and I’m really looking forward to having this in my mouth right now. The water may have been a bit too hot when I steeped it, on a count of me being lazy and not wanting to check the temperature of the water, so I don’t know…I may have screwed it up. Let’s try it, yeah?

I just splashed a whole bunch of very hot water on my eyeball, in my eager attempt to take a sip. Who needs two eyeballs anyway? So now about the tea: slight butter taste. Noticeable, but I’ve definitely had more buttery. Pleasant. There’s also a slight vegetal je-ne-sais-quoi and the caramel is there, but it should be there more. Caramel, why are you hiding in the background? Come here! I just want to talk to you! Come!

Nope, he doesn’t want to come out. Maybe if I let it cool down a bit. Let me just put my freakin’ safety goggles on before I take another sip lol. Well, I can now detect a vanilla-like flavour. Not exactly vanilla, but something like it. Maybe…sugar? But the thing is this tea is not sweet at all. It tastes like sugar, but doesn’t taste sweet. Am I talking crazy again? Probably. Now where do you buy an eye patch? Preferably one with ruffles, fringe or print, because an eye patch is no excuse for a fashion faux-pas.

God. What am I saying.


I pretty much just died laughing at this tasting note


Maybe try with sugar? I usually add sugar


But it’s SUGAR caramel oolong. What’s the point of having to add sugar to SUGAR caramel oolong? Shouldn’t it already be sweet? Tsssss….You just don’t get it mj. Here I am trying to make this tasting note a piece of literary genius, pouring blood sweat and tears into tasting this tea to tell the world a story. A story of tea. There’s no room for sugar in this story. It’s a story of pain, and perseverance, to try to find the beauty in a natural product. And here you are, laughing away. Well LAUGH! In the end the world will know that you resort to ephemeral solutions to an ongoing problem while I put in the effort that will ultimately lead to the best tea story ever told.


Yeah I’ll add sugar next time.


You know what’s funny? The whole time I was typing that paragraph, everytime I wanted to type “add” I mistakenly typed “ass”. Will I ever stop finding that hillarious? xD


I do see the irony in adding…sugar….to sugar caramel oolong. But I am in a jovial mood (does this make me sound like a Victorian era gentleman) . So, starting from “A story of tea” I’m reading this comment in my head in that movie announcer voice that is used in trailers. And then I wonder. What is the point of having to ass sugar? LMAO


Hilarious. (Make sure the eye patch is pink. Pink is always good around the face. Or in your case, in the face.)


William Gladstone: I love that you know I’m joking as opposed to others in the internets that think I’m actually this overpassionate about petty things. I would agree that an ass can change everything. Movie announcer kicks in or lead to your demise.

Fairy: I was thinking maybe more lace with some ribbon? You know, keep it sexy.


Ok, sexy is important. How bout black lace and pink ribbon?

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1310 tasting notes

I had this as my breakfast travel mug tea and it was fantastic. The sugar and caramel flavors are dead on, but the oolong is what really shines here. It’s smooth and… hefty, for lack of a better word. I did the second steep at 185f for 3 ½ minutes and it came out weaker than expected. The sugar and caramel came to the fore. The oolong kind of just dropped out of the show in the second act. The inverse happened after the third steep (boiling water, about 6 minutes). The sugar and caramel faded into the background. The oolong took on a new flavor that I can’t describe. It tastes how I imagine a maple tree would taste. Not maple-y, but dark and woody. Really tasty. Thanks for this one, Christina!


This sounds awesome – I just got my first Golden Moon order, and haven’t tried this yet. Kaylee what were the parameters that you used for your first steep? Would like to try and replicate your experience. :))


1tsp/8oz,180f at 3 minutes, per the company’s suggestion.


Thank you.

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726 tasting notes

Oh. my. gosh.

Thank you tons to QueenOfTarts for sending me a sample of this!

It smells like caramel cookies and brown sugar and ahh I just love sugary smelling teas! I have high hopes for this one :)
Now that it’s steeping, it definitely started smelling like an oolong!
I love oolong so freakin much okay. Partially because I love seeing the leaves unravel, but dude, I love all the oolongs I have okay.
I think this might actually be my first dessert oolong so I’m quite excited for that.

Hmm. The sugar/caramel bit does get lost. I’m kinda sad about that! It smelled sooo nice dry, but the flavour didn’t carry out through the steeping process, and now it just tastes like any regular slightly roasted oolong. It’s good, not gunna lie, but the sugar/caramel bits that I was looking forward to didn’t come through.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 15 sec 4 g 12 OZ / 354 ML

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15596 tasting notes

this has been on my wishlist for a while and dinosara was kind enough to send some my way for me to try. “But Sil! it’s an oolong” you might say…. I’m well aware, but i’m always open to trying things that a bunch of ppl seem to love. Turns out? this is a really boring tea for me. It’s not even oo-wrong…it’s just meh. It smells delicious in dry form, but then brewing it up…SNORE FEST. it’s not even enough of an oolong to get me all riled up about how i don’t like oolongs. it’s really just sort of there. hanging out. being BOOOOORIIIINGGGGGG…. lol


LOL! Sorry this tea was so boring for you. Best to move on to something more lively!


haha i’m trying a bunch of things today. sad that this one was just kinda there…but glad i tried it, as always :)


OH SNORE FEST is not a good thing. I actually have some of this in the mail to me right now – interesting….


Haha! Hilarious!! Oo-wrong…almost as funny as bleeergamot!


I like it a lot…but I’m also a big fan of oolong in general :)

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138 tasting notes

walnut sweet sugar, i think a squirrel fell into my cup (oh wait, those are acorns…)

so delicate, perhaps a bit too mild & i just wish there were something to hold onto- anything—-the buttery texture or sticky rice pudding flavor of Coconut Pouchong, the buttery mouthfeel and green floral tang of Maple Cheesecake Ti Kwan Yin, or even the ‘honey bunches of oats’ in Maple Pecan Oolong.

but this does smell outrageous & and is certainly a pleasant cup. nothing i’d ever refuse! maybe they could pair the ‘Sugar Caramel’ flavoring with a more roasted oolong, like say, a Laoshan or Formosa! even a TGY that has somewhat of a pucker to it. so that the sweet seemingly banana flavor can cling to something well, tangible.

then again i’m no tea connoisseur or mixologist. perhaps the wonderful taste i attribute to the flavoring could be coming from the oolong itself! i just wish i knew what kind they used.

keep in mind this note comes after the 2nd steep of this tea- maybe something more will reveal itself in the 3rd infusion?

Flavors: Burnt Sugar, Oats, Walnut


This one is certainly not what you expect—but once you get over the shock, then you realize how excellent it really is!


haha yes indeed! the same thing happened to me with their Coconut Pouchong! once you become attuned to the delicacy and subtle nuances of oolongs, you really get a lot out of them. the nose on the dry leaf for this, Sugar Caramel Oolong, is one of the yummiest things i’ve smelled by far!

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467 tasting notes

Oolongs aren’t my favorite teas but I keep on trying because I know there are lots out there and someday I might hit on one that is perfect for me. The aroma of the dry leaves is vegetal with an overtone of caramel. The initial sip is too vegetal with only a bit of caramel sweetness. After letting it cool a bit and adding a drop of stevia the caramel pops! I am not noticing any astringency or over-vegetal taste that I thought there might be when I first poured it. Nothing bad but nothing to rush out to buy.

Flavors: Caramel

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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