Tea type
Black Green Blend
Not available
Acidic, Bergamot, Brisk, Earthy, Floral, Jasmine, Lemon, Metallic, Mineral, Smooth, Sweet
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf, Tea Bag
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 15 oz / 443 ml

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20 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Treat this one as a green. It’s the only way! If you don’t it will end up really overdone and bitter. Treated as a green, it’s pretty good. Not my favourite, but drinkable.” Read full tasting note
  • “Go Canucks! Kick Buffalo’s ass! :P I’m afraid I’m not having a very ‘hockey-suitable’ tea, though. The smell of this tea is an odd mix between the typical ‘tea’ smell and a soft jasmine...” Read full tasting note
  • “Take this review with a grain of salt, as I am about as inexperienced at reviewing tea as a person can get. :) I ordered this tea some months ago and have enjoyed it regularly in the mornings with...” Read full tasting note
  • “So I wasn’t expecting much after the other black-green blend I tried (Library Blend I think?), but this is quite nice. I really like the combination of the light jasmine and bergamot flavors...” Read full tasting note

From Murchie's Tea & Coffee

Named after the famous No. 10 Downing Street, this sweet green and black tea blend is lightly aromatic with a mild and soft, smooth flavour. A Murchie’s favourite for over 100 years.

John Murchie’s unconventional tea blending ideas resulted in one of Murchie’s most famous blends, one that has been a best seller for decades. Murchie’s No. 10 Blend is a mild, sweet combination of gunpowder and jasmine greens, with Keemun and Ceylon black teas, perfect for any time of day. Lightly aromatic with a soft, smooth flavour, that goes great with an afternoon scone topped with Murchie’s Lemon Curd.

Our No. 10 Blend was selected in 1996 as the best beverage out of over 300 products sampled at the Canadian Association of Specialty Food.

Ingredients: Black tea (Keemun, Ceylon), Green tea (Gunpowder, Jasmine), bergamot oil

About Murchie's Tea & Coffee View company

Since 1894, Murchie’s has been importing and blending the finest quality teas from select gardens around the world. As the decades have passed, the art of tea blending and tradition of excellence are handed down along with the old recipes. Today, Murchie’s offers traditional products and classic blends while also developing new combinations for a new generation of tea drinkers. We are proud to provide blends for events and occasions, from local landmarks to national observations and royal milestones.

20 Tasting Notes

2291 tasting notes

Treat this one as a green. It’s the only way!

If you don’t it will end up really overdone and bitter.

Treated as a green, it’s pretty good. Not my favourite, but drinkable.


I wonder what base they use for their black blends that make it so easily bitter?


That is such a good question. They apparently steep their samples with boiling water, and their samples don’t go bitter. It’s so weird. The diamond jubilee I have is apparently all black teas and also needs to be treated like a green. So disappointing, as I do not have the patience for that.


Wait – you don’t have the patience to treat it as a green? I usually pick greens over blacks (not to mention rooibos) because I don’t have the patience to wait for 3-8 minutes. I usually steep greens 1.5 minutes. (Sorry if this is a really stupid question.)


When I say ‘treat it like a green’ I don’t necessarily mean steep for less time, I mean getting the water temperature right for the leaves. I don’t have the patience to boil my water then wait around taking the temperature till its 180f or so. And now that I’m using filtered water I don’t fill my kettle, so the time I have to wait for the water to cool is different for every boil. If I had a variable temp kettle it’d be easy! (I steep almost everything 3 min unless I’m doing gongfu style or steeping an herbal.)


Oooh! I have a variable temp kettle now, but in my experience, many greens (although I mainly drink flavoured teas) steep just as well with boiling water as within the 70-80C range. With finer teas, though, I understand if this wouldn’t work. Thank you for explaining!


For me, greens cannot be steeped in boiling water. :) Doesn’t matter if its a cheap bagged tea or a fancy one.


I know that’s a pretty common perception – but how do you feel about Lupicia’s view? They themselves recommend boiling water and 1.5 minutes steeping times for nearly all their teas. (And they’re the ones that made me dare use boiling water for my greens at all!)


I’ve never had their teas so I don’t know. None of the green teas I’ve had work to my taste with boiling water.


I only boiled a green tea once, and I was surprised by how well it worked. I haven’t dared try it on an expensive tea though – maybe someday. But someday I’ll probably just spend the $60 to get the vriable temp kettle!


My kettle’s auto shut off doesn’t always work anymore, so since a variable temp kettle is about the same price as a new stainless one, I’ll be getting variable temp. Eventually. :)


I got a Bosch Styline a couple of weeks ago just to try the variable temp concept out, and I’m really enjoying how much it simplifies the whole process. Now that I’m so completely sold on it, I covet that Bonavita gooseneck one.


Ooo, that’s fancy. I’m probably going to get a $50 option from Canadian Tire. My last kettle was a gift, and is the only reason I don’t just use a pot on the stove. :)


It’s super fancy. I feel maybe I’d just stand there and sort of gaze at it shyly… and then edge out of the room slowly without ever daring to approach it.


That’s great Anna!
I’m in the same boat as OMGsrsly – my old one was a gift and I used it so much that the lid no longer closes – it won’t turn off anymore. As soon as I get job, I’ve promised myself a new kettle as a reward!


I look forward to reading all about your future kettle upgrades in the future, OMGsrsly and Cavocorax!

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1908 tasting notes

Go Canucks! Kick Buffalo’s ass! :P

I’m afraid I’m not having a very ‘hockey-suitable’ tea, though. The smell of this tea is an odd mix between the typical ‘tea’ smell and a soft jasmine fragrance. Interestingly the smell while steeping is pretty reminiscent of my H&S Dragon Pearl Jasmine.

The flavour however isn’t nearly as flowery. It’s light but it has a clean taste with some sweet, vegetale notes hovering in the background.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 30 sec

I find teas w/ numbers as names weird… But that’s just me:)

Harney & Sons The Store

It does make them slightly nondescript…


This one is named after No. 10 Downing Street in London and I LOVE when teas are named after things, but unfortunately you wouldn’t know that w/o reading the discription… It’s gotta be evident for me.


Yay hockey! I’m not sure what I’d count as a hockey suitable tea but yeah, I’m pretty sure a jasmine-y one probably wouldn’t be it!


lapsang souchong? cooked pu erh? beer tea? bacon tea?

Harney & Sons The Store

I’m excited to check out this beer tea…

Harney & Sons The Store

Have a look at my discussion I put up, I’d love to hear what you guys think!


Yeah, this would be a good time for one of 52Teas’ ‘Man Teas’. ;)

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13 tasting notes

Take this review with a grain of salt, as I am about as inexperienced at reviewing tea as a person can get. :) I ordered this tea some months ago and have enjoyed it regularly in the mornings with breakfast or in the afternoons, just as a little pick-me-up. It’s a green-black blend, which I have discovered is my favorite, but it is very easy to “over-steep” this tea, as I discovered this morning. Three minutes seems to be the magic number for my finicky palate, but alas, I let it go to five while getting ready for work, and the black flavors completely overwhelmed the green. Oh well, live and learn.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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4332 tasting notes

So I wasn’t expecting much after the other black-green blend I tried (Library Blend I think?), but this is quite nice. I really like the combination of the light jasmine and bergamot flavors together with the mixed bases. I get a bit of the gunpowder’s mineral earthiness for sure, but there’s some black tea adding a touch of heft as well. I also enjoy the bergamot that Murchie’s uses – it’s almost lemony and not perfumey at all.

I might have to put this one on the list to try in loose leaf… :)

Flavors: Acidic, Bergamot, Brisk, Earthy, Floral, Jasmine, Lemon, Metallic, Mineral, Smooth, Sweet

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec 16 OZ / 473 ML

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16975 tasting notes

Another tea from last night’s board games – just hot and straight.

I wish I had a little bit more information on this blend, but alas! I know it’s a green and black tea mix, but it tasted very grape-y to me which says one of two things to me (and maybe both). I think there’s either jasmine green tea in the blend, which notoriously tastes like grapes to me, or a very muscatel Darjeeling. I’m not actually sure though.

It was nice though, and probably my favourite thing from the evening.

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1186 tasting notes

I went to sunterra (local grocery store) after my dentist appointment and they have Murchies tea!! I have been meaning to try some of their teas since a recommendation from the people we bought our house from, so I picked up 10 teabags of this one since it said it’s a milder tea. The dry sachet smells like a combo of green jasmine with black tea lol, generic black tea but not bad quality.

I steeped at 195 degrees for 3 mins, and it could be a tad cooler, I’ll try 185 next time to take off the slight edge. The tea is also fairly strong for an evening tea lol it might be more appropriate in the morning.

As for the flavor, this is a decent tea for a more basic bagged variety. It has a nice honeyed flavor with a softness from the jasmine. As it cools the jasmine comes out more along with some mouth drying astringency. Not bad, but I’d prefer it a bit mellower. The black tea is stable and good too.

Overall, a decent random sachet pick. I will experiment with brewing temps and steeping time to find the sweet spot, but I shouldn’t have a problem finishing this one up. The bf might even like this one! Happy I tried it :)

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14 tasting notes

I would concur with other reviews advising a weaker brew on this one. Reasonably prepared, it’s a solid middle-of-the-road “tea.” One that if I was served it unlabeled at a restaurant, I’d be quite satisfied with but probably wouldn’t bother tracking down the source of. I wouldn’t have placed the green in it offhand, but with careful focus, I can pick out notes similar to those of the base green used in e.g. jasmine and other mild green blends.

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1501 tasting notes

Of course I see this “treat as a green” after I brew it up! Heh. Silly me. It’s still tasty at 200F instead of OMGsrsly’s recommended 185F, it’s just much more tasty when still hot. Cold, it’s an unremarkable black. Hot? A honeyed, deep, very rich, almost coffee-like brew.

Thank you OMGsrsly for sharing this, and so many other Murchie’s blends with me!

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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1 tasting notes

I’ve enjoyed this tea for years, not on a daily basis, but as a nice counterpoint to my usual cup of Assam or Irish Breakfast. It makes excellent iced tea, so I always brew a big pot full to enjoy later in the day.

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11 tasting notes

I started looking for a green and black blend after realizing how much I like the flavor combination in Tazo Joy tea. My sister ordered me several options from Murchies & this is the first I’ve tried. I’m still playing around to find my optimal steeping time, but I really love it so far. It has the deep richness I love in black tea with the more floral, fragrant notes I associate with green tea.

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