Berry-malty aroma with a touch of cocoa butter. Taste is malty, tabac and astringent, sweetness like brown coconut sugar, berry and orange undertone, some bitterness on the back end. With a second steep, the cup becomes coppery, tannic and bitter such that I want to drink it down quickly.
Halfway down this morning’s cup, I added a drizzle of hazelnut milk. This completely overwhelmed the tea. The hazelnut milk tastes like papery nut skins and smells strange. Oh well. Just not a milk tea person but thought I’d try!
When cold-brewed, the flavor is upfront more glassy coppery-woody “tea” with a thick oat-toffee kind of taste as an afterthought.
I’ve had a previous year’s harvest of this tea from another company and enjoyed it quite a bit more. Weather changes and so do tastes. While this tea is good quality and has a character of its own that stands out from basic plantation leaf, Sri Lankan teas aren’t high on my list.
Flavors: Astringent, Berry, Bitter, Brown Sugar, Chocolate, Fruity, Malt, Malty, Metallic, Oats, Orange, Tannin, Tea, Tobacco, Toffee, Wood, Woody