Following 30 Tea Drinkers

Martin Bednář 104 followers

I am drinking almost everything. Tea bag collector who moved to wonderful wor...

Courtney 235 followers

I love black tea and this is usually what’s in my mug. I’m also happy to enjo...

Togo 112 followers

Hi, I am a researcher in math, physics and computer science. Apart from teas ...

Ubacat 193 followers

Green teas are my favourite teas but I also enjoy: white, some herbal,rooibo...

gmathis 563 followers

Steepster “geezer;” tea barbarian who has no systematic method for storage, p...

Natethesnake 31 followers

I’ve been a huge fan of all manner of black tea since the early 90s particula...

Inkling 149 followers

“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me...



I love tea. Mainly Chinese teas, such as Keemuns, Shui Xian oolongs when I can find them, Yunnan golden buds, and delicate spring greens. With so many options, though, I keep trying new teas.


Las Vegas, NV

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