I drank this at work this morning. Normally I wouldn’t drink a green oolong in the morning, as I usually prefer a black tea then, but I just started unpacking my tea and all I could find immediately was an assortment of greens and oblongs.
I also couldn’t fine my perfect teaspoon to dish it out, so I guesstimated by pouring a little pile into my hand. Must have guesstimated kind of off, though, because this cup really lacked the yuzu flavor. I pretty decently buttery, slightly floral high mountain oolong, but yuzu, no. Oh well. I did find my teaspoon by the end of the day so at least I will have it for tomorrow!
Greens and oblongs? Hahaha. Autocorrect always changes oolong to oblong for me…
LOL, guess that’s what I get for writing tasting notes on my iPad.
Ha! I never noticed that was one letter away. I might start calling them oblongs from now on just for fun!