Browncoat Genmaicha

Tea type
Green Tea
Cacao Nibs, Genmaicha, Organic Flavours
Chocolate, Nutty, Roasted Nuts, Sweet, Toasted Rice
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Edit tea info Last updated by Skysamurai
Average preparation
175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec 2 g 10 oz / 294 ml

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49 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Oops. Missed one. Back up to 184! I also missed my 500th tasting note, so hello 503! Wow. Anyways. This one is tasting soapy to me right now. It tastes like a genmaicha, but with soap. :( I have...” Read full tasting note
  • “How to begin describing this? It reminds me of a Nestlé Crunch but not half as sweet. The smell and taste are also reminiscent of my mom’s chocolate covered rice crispy squares, which use a very...” Read full tasting note
  • “(backlog) Eeeek, I really don’t know what I’ll do with my packet of this. The chocolate is not exactly my idea of authentic. Quite fake. I don’t think I’d even want it as a base in my food. Some...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown!! (213? I think) So I have been on a bit of a genmaicha kick recently if you have not noticed from my constant talk about it (Sorry steepster for my obsessive blabbering :S). This is one of...” Read full tasting note

From 52teas

We think Captain Mal would appreciate this week’s Tea of the Week.

For those of you unfamiliar with genmaicha, a little history: genmaicha was originally the beverage of choice for poor Japanese folk; the toasted rice served to stretch the more expensive sencha. Sounds to me like something you’d see in the outer colonies. The thing is, what started as a poor man’s attempt to stretch his tea, soon became known as “the people’s tea”. The roasty-toasty goodness of the toasted rice was a great compliment to the sea-kissed sencha.

So, you might be wondering: how could we possibly hope to improve on “the people’s tea”? Simple: we add CHOCOLATE!

Our Browncoat Genmaicha is a premium Japanese genmaicha with organic cacao nibs and organic chocolate flavors. (Yes, it’s vegan too!) I’ve been doing some experimenting with genmaicha and while I normally would never think of blending green tea with chocolate, the toasty rice element in genmaicha makes it perfect for some rich, sweet chocolate tones. This being one of our nerdy homages, I don’t think it’s going to last very long, so get yours while it lasts. Speaking of nerdy homages, you might notice on our In-Stock page, we’ve reblended the Weeping Angel!

For anyone who does not get the Browncoat reference, you lose 50 nerd points and need to buy the Firefly series on DVD or watch them on Netflix.

Keep flying!

Our Tea of the Week for the week of December 10, 2012

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At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

49 Tasting Notes

149 tasting notes

Just looked through my Steepster cupboard. I think I had a sipdown of this a while back. I remember enjoying it, but that’s about it.

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772 tasting notes

Well, I’ve never tried a genmaicha before and I’m not a huge fan of green tea in general, but this is pretty good for a green tea and the toasted rice is really good! I don’t like the green tea part as much, but it just gets a slight grimace instead of a full on yuck face like most of them, so that generally means good things. I do love the toasted rice part though. I can’t taste the chocolate at all.

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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119 tasting notes

I am a fan of Genmaicha and this iteration with chocolate notes is amazing. The subtle chocolate is not a milky flavor; instead it has a roasted cacao nib flavor that pairs well with the toasted rice. Of course, the Firefly reference gives it a unique space cowboy coolness.

175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 45 sec

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16 tasting notes

I’m not giving this a score as yet because I think my score will be artificially deflated. I have never tried Genmaicha before. I’m not sure if it’s my thing. It reminds me of that horrible malt-o-meal ricey cereal that my mother made us eat growing up because it was healthier than fun cereals like fuit loops.

I want to give this tea another try at a later date, maybe add a wee bit of sugar. I think if you like genmaicha you’ll love this, as you have some good flavors going on and it tastes like quality tea. I just don’t know if toasted rice in tea is for me.

1 min, 15 sec

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391 tasting notes

Firefly! This was my first order from 52 teas :)

I tried it soon after I got it and didn’t like it, there was a sharp sort of chemically smell and I didn’t like the taste at all but after reading some, I decided to let the bag sit a bit and try again later.

So on this second try, the weird smell has gone away and the taste is a nice roasted, toasted rice and hint of chocolate. It tastes like what I imagined it to be from the description so I’m very pleased.

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67 tasting notes

While Genmaicha on its own is great- adding cacaco nibs to the mix takes this tea over the top. I am not typically fond of chocolate teas but in this case its a rare exception. The Genmaicha base combines with the subtle chocolate flavor to make a unique and tasty cup.

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1269 tasting notes

Summer Vacation! I have been trying to avoid flavored blends for this month’s theme, and instead sample pure varietals from the theme country of the week, but you know what? I feel like hell from the migraine I worked through today, coupled with the lady time cramps, and I just want chocolately comfort time tea. And my cupboard sale box from Ost showed up today, and inside was this really old genmaicha blend from 52Teas based on one of my all-time favorite TV shows, and it is chocolate-flavored. So I say it totally counts.

I’m just hoping some of the chocolate has withheld the test of time… this is a 2012 blend, apparently. I do get some cocoa aroma from the steeped cup, but it isn’t overwhelming… there is certainly a genmaicha nuttiness to the aroma, too. The flavor is… hmm. Interesting. There certainly are some chocolately notes here, but they do taste a little watered down (whether that is by age or by design I’m not sure, but I’m betting on the former here). I do still get that roasted nuttiness from the base genmaicha, and it is very sweet, with a subtle bit of chocolate at the end of the sip. Certainly the toasted rice and cocoa notes pair well, and the only downside is I wish the chocolate was a bit fuller and the mouthfeel creamier, but I’m happy with what it is. I’m appalled at the thought of adding milk to a green tea, or I’d be tempted to put some of my chocolate almond milk in the cup to amp up the cocoa notes just a touch. But who adds milk to green tea?!

Welp, I’ll be enjoying this while I settle in to translate a few more pages of manga before bed. Have another earlier-than-usual morning tomorrow…

Flavors: Chocolate, Nutty, Roasted Nuts, Sweet

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec 2 g 12 OZ / 350 ML

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23 tasting notes

From the Great Canadian Tea Box Round 5

Wehhhhh I don’t like the smell of this dry (I guess it’s the combo of slightly marine smell from the green tea + chocolate????). It smells better brewed, but it tastes like a very bland genmaicha. I’m not getting any chocolate flavour from it…maybe if I squint? It gets a little better as it cools, but I still don’t like it.


pretty sure this is the old icky one.


ah, that explains it. do you think i should take it out? or should i just let it live out the rest of it’s journey and leave it for others to…discover


imo unless someone in the box cares… it should be dealt a quick death…to make room for better things, since i think everyone’s been unhappy with this one. but that’s just my thought

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1184 tasting notes

I took a sample of this out of the GCTTB5.
I have been eyeing 52teas Genmaicha for a long time, but never wanted to commit to a whole package because I was sure that I probably wouldn’t like it. I think I did try the marshmallow treat one way back in the day, but I don’t even remember now.
Well, this tea is just not for me. It just tastes like vegetal green tea and toasted rice…duh…lol. The chocolate was nonexistent for me, but maybe I didn’t get any in my teaspoon. Oh well, just not for me. Glad to have satisfied my curiosity though.

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

this is pretty old to i think.


That could also have something to do with it


Yeah, please don’t judge our Genmaicha by this particular variety. I like to think our genmaicha teas are better now.


52Teas ok, maybe I will give it another try in the future!

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15596 tasting notes

GCTTB meh. tastes like a boring genmaicha, an average one at best. I’ve had far better so this doesn’t really do it for me. seems almost musty.


In fairness, this is probably quite old (which could account for the mustiness) as I don’t think this is one of the reblended teas. Though, even fresh it was pretty meh


i didn’t get any cocoa or anything.. :(


I don’t recall getting much either. Not one of my favorite genmaichas

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