Masala Chai

Tea type
Black Chai Blend
Not available
Cardamom, Cinnamon, Clove, Ginger, Spices, Tea, Biting, Nutmeg, Cloves, Malt, Spicy, Pepper, Apple, Bitter, Caramel, Cream, Toast, Astringent, Tannic
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Sachet
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Michael
Average preparation
Boiling 5 min, 30 sec 3 g 34 oz / 1017 ml

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From Adagio Teas

To most Westerners, it is a little known fact that the word ‘Chai’ simply means ‘tea’ in Hindi. Therefore, all teas are technically chais. However, instead of the ‘chai’ that most Americans are used to (which usually contains really bad tea), we offer a Masala Chai tea – premium Ceylon black tea with a unique blend of spices; cinnamon, cardamon, and ginger.

About Adagio Teas View company

Adagio Teas has become one of the most popular destinations for tea online. Its products are available online at and in many gourmet and health food stores.

172 Tasting Notes

323 tasting notes

Dipping Girl Scout Shortbreads into this.

Oh happy day.

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248 tasting notes

Woo! This might be a bit too spicy for me. I’m a pretty big wuss though when it comes to spices.

I got this from the sampler pack and brewed this according to one of the reviews on Adagio: " I brew it in boiling water for 2 minutes, then add milk (1:1 proportion), bring to a boil, bring the heat down and simmer for another 5-6 minutes. Then add in some honey and its perfect."

I think it may be the ginger, but something hits me right in the back of the throat. I’m not a huge fan of ginger so… Not sure how much of the actual tea I was getting either, could have been I didn’t use enough (a heaping perfect teaspoon). This definitely needed the honey for me, sweetens it up nicely and brings out some of the flavors. I may try again with some different brewing.


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176 tasting notes

I feel like my tealog is becoming a list of “Ways In Which I Fail At Mornings” but, this morning I somehow managed to get up an hour early (4am!) and not notice it until I’d already showered, made chai, and been online for a good 45 minutes.

I think I may have brewed this a little weak in my slightly off-kilter state, so I’m withholding my rating until I do it nice and proper. I made it with equal parts water and soymilk, with a touch of vanilla sugar this morning, but it didn’t have the… zazzle? that I was looking for.

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124 tasting notes

I was surprised by this tea – mainly by how much I liked it!
I really really hate chai tea. So, naturally, when I went on my tea buying spree, I ordered a chai sample :) I’m the kind of person who will keep trying new things even in the face of evidence showing it might be awful!
When I opened the bag I got a mix of scents I love and scents I hate. The clove was kind of overwhelming, but I liked the other spices.
I added milk to this (because seriously, if I don’t usually like chai there is no way I’m drinking it without milk) and I actually really liked it! It wasn’t overwhelmingly spicy and sharp like other chai I’ve had. The milk mixed with the spices giving it a nice and balanced nutty flavour.
In the future I might brew it shorter as the black tea seemed to get slightly bitter. Maybe 4-4.5 minutes would do it.
Overall though, I love it!

I made another steeping of this for only 4 minutes. Wow, this tea does not resteep well. It’s much more one-dimensional after the first steeping and pretty bitter. The sweetness of the spices is gone leaving a flatter tart brew.
First cup: wonderful.
Second cup: almost undrinkable.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

This is the main chai that I drink, I agree that it’s quite good. I keep meaning to try prepping it the “authentic” way, simmering it in milk on the stove. But I’m so lazy… :D


That is absolutely on my list of things to try – possibly later tonight actually if it doesn’t seem daunting by then! Do you have a good reference you could point me to for how long to simmer it? I wouldn’t want the actual tea in it to get bitter.


I don’t, sorry! I usually don’t bookmark things like that until I am actually ready to try it. I’ll just forget I have it, so I generally Google it when I am ready to start.


No worries – I have so many bookmarks it would take ages to go through them and I still just google things I need. I’ll mess around with it and post my results :)

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985 tasting notes

I have enough of this for a few more trials. This time around, it was a little peppery for my taste. I am thinking this is ‘not the chai you are looking for’.

1 1/4 c water, 3/4 c skim milk, 4 heaping tsp chai. Simmer 5 minutes and strain. Maybe less chai next time? At least the milk part was about right this time.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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828 tasting notes

I had a cup of this earlier today. Or, rather, I had a glass. I made a cup according to the directions, and realized after the fact I had meant to steep it more strongly to add soymilk. I decided to go ahead and add the soymilk, and then ice to cool it down, and at that point it was so bland that it was really chai flavored soymilk. Next time I’ll do it right!

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6 tasting notes

Doing some serious spring cleaning, and the good people at freecycle will be benefiting :) Yummy masala helps me part with my things, the spices fill my heart so there’s no need to hoard useless stuff.

Today I tried a different steeping method. 5 grams in 12oz boiling water, still in a pan on the stove. Boiled for 6 minutes and then added 8oz milk, some honey and simmered some more. Didn’t keep track of how long, but it was kind of long, since I poured the chai into a 16oz problem and it all fit.

This is quicker and less troublesome than my previous small-batches brews and still very tasty. A good option to try when I want a treat in a huge mug.

Oh, and I doctored up the tin of Masala Chai. Took some cardamom pods and a quarter of cinnamon stick, mashed it in the mortar and mixed it really good. That was what my packaged mix was missing! The original version was charged with cloves and pepper, this upgrade rounds up the flavor.

Boiling 8 min or more

Love cardamom in chai!

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52 tasting notes

I love chais. It’s just something I have had to accept about myself. I adore the mixture of comforting milk, the sweetness of boiling it with sugar or honey, and the complex spiciness of the resulting tea. That being said, I like interesting chais, and am not a fan of the repetitive spice chai formula that seems to be done by various companies all over the place. So, when I brewed up a bit of the Masala Chai sample I had been given by Adagio, I hoped it would be different from some of the others I’ve tried. Very much like Good Earth chai that I used to drink as a young teen; also similar (though, obviously, not as sickly sweet) to Oregon Chai.

Yes, this formulation is traditional and a standby, and it certainly holds up, but it’s boring having the same ratio all. the. time.

So, Masala is nice and spicy. I love cloves, and you can definitely taste them in this blend. Cloves and cinnamon are the two big flavors in here, and ginger adds some good heat. Cardemom makes an appearance, but is mostly clouded out by the other strong spices.

I would drink again, but not necessarily buy this from Adagio. There are bagged chais that are cheaper and compare to this.

3 teaspoons tea, 12 oz. water and milk in a 1:1, 1 teaspoon sugar.

Boiling 7 min, 30 sec

I am also a chai addict! I was going to get a free sample of this from the Superbowl Squares thing, but when I went to place my order it mysteriously vanished…

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392 tasting notes

Had a nice cup of this with some cookies after a very icy and wet first day of classes. I figured chai would be the perfect way to warm up and this really hit the spot. Not to mention the much needed caffeine.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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79 tasting notes

Smells yummy, very strong smell of cloves. This tea tastes slightly of organge, which i’m not such a fan of, but pleasently spicy tea.

4 min, 0 sec

Orange? Hm. Never got that. 2 chai tasting notes in a row. I think this is a sign I need some. :)


Well i don’t know if it actually is orange, but looks like there are orange peels in it, which it the part of the orange i don’t like.


That is very strange. They really should lable it as a flavored chai if it is one. You should email them. I’d be curious as to what they say.

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