Triple Leaf Tea

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drank Super Slim by Triple Leaf Tea
1597 tasting notes

Dosing my bowels with senna tea is not the solution to the deadening of peristalsis due to opioid usage. How can people drink this stuff all willy-nilly. This is hardcore medicine even with only a 2-minute steep. Educate yourself.

(it works but feels like poison, like Smooth Move)


Oh goodness, I feel for you. Last time I had Smooth Move, it felt like my body was wringing itself out like a soggy towel. It was so miserable. That’s why I still have about 15 bags of Smooth Move left. I guess eventually I’ll just toss them since I know I won’t be putting myself through that misery again.

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Very average black tea, and an average or below average puerh tea by taste. Quite drinkable if you add a little oatmilk and collagen hydrolysate (collagen protein powder) to it. By itself, it’s a little rough. I had about half a dozen leftover tea bags from a box I bought a couple of years ago, so I thought I’d give it another try. Packaging is a paper tea bag envelope so that can’t have helped with the tea aging and oxidizing, but at least is recyclable. Not bad.

Flavors: Astringent, Bitter, Tannin

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

I’ve had a handful of Triple Leaf teas over the years, one a few days ago even. I think this was one I drank several years before coming to Steepster. None of Triple Leaf’s teas are memorable in any way. Then again, they are marketed as medicine, not for taste and pleasure.


I used to drink them in college for medicinal purposes. For awhile, it was the only line of tea you could get locally in western Wiscosnin where I am during the summer. Fortunately there are now so many options online.

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drank Green Tea by Triple Leaf Tea
1597 tasting notes

Found this in the kitchen. This company wraps their teabags in paper. I have no idea how old it is. For reference, the oldest teas I’ve found in the kitchen were Best Before 2012. It’s January 2020.

The recommended parameters for this chopped-leaf tea include boiling water. I opted for 175F.

Very clear yellowish brown, almost shimmering in my glass. Little to no aroma. The tastes are mild and all-encompassing for a green tea. It has some nuttiness, grassiness, minerality, citric brightness, a hint of apricot and florals that come in and out. Glassy-viscous mouthfeel that finishes clean and drying.

Sub-220 teas. Finally.

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec 8 OZ / 236 ML

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It’s cold, rainy, dreary and miserable here in Eugene, Oregon. And I am doing my best to fight off a possibly incoming cold. So, it’s time to cruise through the tea box in the cabinet.

I do’t remember buying this one, but here it is. I’m normally not into flavored teas or blends, but it’s nice to change it up now and again.

This is maybe one of the better Jasmine Green Teas I have had from a grocery store boxed tea bag. The Jasmine is front and center, but not overwhelming, you can still sense the base green tea, with it’s hints of wet grass and straw.

Pretty good, it’s definitely hitting the spot right now.

Flavors: Grass, Jasmine, Straw

180 °F / 82 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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Picked this tea up at a local Asian Market. I like to try the various teas the market sells and since I’m sick in bed I thought I’d give the tea a go due to its claim to help build chi.

The suggest brew is boiling water then steeping for 10-15 minutes. I opted to use 190 degree water steeping for 15 minutes. I was a little nervous, initially, that I would draw out a bitter flavor with that long of a steep, but there was none.

The aroma is very subtle, but I picked up on slight hints of herbs and licorice. The flavor, is, also, very subtle. While I caught a bit of herb and fruit, my palate couldn’t identify them specifically.

While the tea was subtle, I didn’t find the need to add milk or sugar to it which is nice as I’m not feeling well today.

I have so many subtle teas that I enjoy that I’m not sure I need more, so I’m not sure how often I would buy this, but it is one I would buy again.

Flavors: Fruity, Herbs, Licorice

190 °F / 87 °C 8 min or more 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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Brewed 5 tea bags worth, loose, in 16 ounces boiled water for 3 minutes with stirring. (This amounts to only 5.9 grams of tea, so the mean weight per bag was only 1.18 grams, not 1.5 grams as on the label.) Dark red tea liquor. Tasted at room temperature: Strong black tea flavor with slight astringency. No perceptible rose flavor or aroma.

Flavors: Tea

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 5 g 16 OZ / 473 ML

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drank Ginger by Triple Leaf Tea
1723 tasting notes

I’m a sucker for ginger. It helps me when I’m sick, but that’s personal experience. Great with honey.

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So, this is a tea I picked up at a fairly local Asian supermarket. I’d finished all the pu-erh, and I wanted to be sure we had some in the house. This met all the technical specifications and it came home with my wife and me. It’s fine, not like fine as in quality, but fine as in adequate. This is an adequate tea.

Expect a small tea bag wrapped in paper with some dusty flakes that smell a bit musty. After brewing this smells more like leather, although it tastes mild and sweetens comfortably.

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drank Ginger by Triple Leaf Tea
1 tasting notes

When you open the tea you get hit with a strong ginger scent but the ginger taste is subtle. The positives are freshness and affordable.

Flavors: Ginger

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec

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I was at a friend’s house for game night last night and we were in the mood for tea. As the high tea snob of the party, I offered to make it, and soon found myself hunting through a box of tea bags. Some good stuff, mostly leftovers of teas bought long ago and quickly found to be not all that good.

I did find this gem, however, as well as a few other good ones in the mix.

Quick heads up: I have been trying a lot of different very high quality loose leaf teas, and it had been a while since I had anything other than the standard blends in a tea bag. Jasmine Green, Earl Grey, English and Irish Breakfast, etc.

But I am glad to say I was delightfully surprised by the quality and flavor of this little bag. Of course, it did not compare to the control, flexibility, and quality of a loose leaf, but it was actually very good.

Even the 2nd steeping was still full of flavor that had not yet been mashed and mixed to the point of bleh like many cheaper tea bags will do.

Good stuff!

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

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drank Relaxing by Triple Leaf Tea
639 tasting notes

This is a tea I got from my Mother-in-Law. I wish she would just look at my Steepster wishlist instead of buying me whatever she comes across. I haven’t had good luck with her finds. This is an herbal blend that my cat was immediately interested in, probably because of the catnip. He started by sniffing the box and then began biting it. He even nipped my finger and batted at me when I tried to take it away from him! Little jerk. He’s really annoying me today. Every time I get up he steals my spot on the couch. Then he cries at me when I move him. *Sigh.

I really need a cup of something relaxing. I’ve not had a very good day. Tea usually makes it better but the last couple teas I’ve had have been disappointing. I’m not even sure I should really be drinking this one because some of these ingredients aren’t recommended during pregnancy. So I’m just going to have a couple sips so I can write a note about it and then I’m going to re-home the rest of the box.

This tastes to me like an herbal teabag usually does. The peppermint comes across as the strongest flavor then maybe the chamomile. I can’t say that I can detect each ingredient individually but I think they all contribute to the taste. Overall, it’s an unremarkable and inoffensive blend. I think others could enjoy this. It’s not bad at all, just not my cup of tea. Anyone interested in the rest?

Flavors: Peppermint

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

terrible isn’t it when someone choices a tea for a tea lover.


I shouldn’t complain. It’s a gift! But I feel like it’s wasted money because I never enjoy them. She always buys teabags from places I’ve never heard of. Oh well. First world problems.

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drank Decaf Green Tea by Triple Leaf Tea
54 tasting notes

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drank Green Tea by Triple Leaf Tea
54 tasting notes

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drank Green Tea by Triple Leaf Tea
54 tasting notes

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drank Green Tea by Triple Leaf Tea
54 tasting notes

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drank Green Tea by Triple Leaf Tea
54 tasting notes

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drank Green Tea by Triple Leaf Tea
54 tasting notes

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drank White Tea by Triple Leaf Tea
59 tasting notes

Well, in case anyone was wondering, their recommended steep time of 3-5 minutes with boiling water is completely bogus. Unless of course you like to drink things that taste terrible.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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drank White Tea by Triple Leaf Tea
59 tasting notes

I’ve never tried white tea before, so I was looking for a cheap way to see what it was like. I found this at a local organic store; unfortunately, they did not have any loose-leaf white, but this was only a couple of bucks, so I figured what the heck.

I like it ok, it definitely has a mild, sweet taste to it. I’m sure it gets better than this, but I don’t really have anything to compare it with at this point.

Definitely worth the cheap price, and now I want to try out what the good stuff is like…

175 °F / 79 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Detox Tea by Triple Leaf Tea
4 tasting notes

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