pu-erh of the day. Sheng or Shou

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I had a Sheng earlier today, Arbor Mist by Whispering Pines, its nice :)

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boychik said

Drinking 2008 Wild Tea of Dehong. It’s YS production, got it fr Mandala. Love it

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On my most recent YS order, I got samples of 2005 CNNP 1938 Anniversary peu-erh. I got both the Raw & the Ripe. Today I sampled the ripe one, a very dense & appealing piece of a cake, that was sweet (although not syrupy sweet) & rich tasting, with tastes of dark dried fruits, molasses, & whole grain bread, reminding me of Boston Brown Bread.

awilsondc said

This is a good one! I like it too!

Yang-chu said

I consistently receive good feedback on that on. The CNNP commemorative cakes are quite appealing to me. I’ve just ordered a couple fairly rare ones with schamcy wrappers to boot.


Tealizzy said


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mrmopar said

Having a 2012 Menghai “Golden Needle and White Lotus”.
Broke out a shou for tonight and the clay pot for it.
I started this one out with about 12 grams gave a good rinse and let it sit for 30 mins before brewing to re-hydrate.
To be as young as this shou no off aromas or “metallic” as some have being this young. Did a 8 second or so brew on this one. I poked around the leaf in the pot and there seems to be a fair amount of green leaf in this. Lightly fermented for sure. light on the palate, hints of oak, dates, raisins and a slight caramel to this one. Very reminiscent of another great shou from a local seller. Nice and velvety. Easy drinking and being enjoyed. Full 10 oz brew with the pot. I should gongfu this at a later date.

Flavors: Raisins, Dates, Caramel, Oak wood

Tealizzy said

Sounds amazing!!

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mrmopar said

Having White2Teas 2005 Manzhuan sheng tonight.
Breaking this out as the “chairman” indicated her desire for it.
I got 8 grams out for the Gaiwan and gave a very quick wash. The sample of this one I have is from the back circle/divet of the cake. it is probably tightly compressed so it may take a bit to unravel.
I let this one sit a while and then did 3 very quick cover it and pour it into the cup. Ended up about 10 oz. of tea brewed.
This one has a
light color that belies it’s age a bit. light golden and not as bronze as some other cakes
this age.
This one comes up with a little floral. citrusy. bitter and piney on the front third of the tongue. just for a second or two . It disappears quickly and goes slightly sweet on the back end of the tongue. This is light easy to drink albeit I like the kick some others give but in honesty I think as the compression loosens it will give a bit more.
A good tea for bringing someone into the field of puerh.

Flavors: Bitter, Citrus, Floral, Pine, Sweet

MzPriss said

I really liked this one.

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Rich select said

Dug into my Puershop of treats today. Trying the 2006 Gold Award Ripen Pu-erh Tea Cake Chunhai Tea Factory. This is a nice little bargain gem from Puershop. It is a very smooth ripe, no bitterness or fishiness. The flavor is clean and dark, though it is lacking a bit in depth and character. A very safe and tasty tea for a great price. You can’t go wrong with this one.

Yang-chu said


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Rich select said
2004 Jinggu Chenyun Ripe Tuocha 100g by PuerhShop.com

Another ripe tea today from Puershop. This is a very light ripe. The first steeping was really tasty, with perfume notes. However, it went downhill from there. It lost most of its flavor. It is almost like a light black tea. Interesting to try, but I’m not digging it. It’s one of those ripes I will put away and taste in 10 years to see if it gets any depth to it.

Yang-chu said

A lot of Moonlight Whites and Yunnan Gold come from that region. I wonder if that in anyway explains your experience.

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DigniTea said

Earlier today I decided to pull out the 2002 CNNP (Zhong Cha) 7572 Green Label Tiepai Ripe from White2Tea and I’ve been sipping it all afternoon. This is a tea with a roasted, earthy aroma and a mellow, creamy balanced taste. The crystal clear tea soup looks like a fine burgundy. The sip offers a rounded sweetness with a light hint of vanilla. The quality of the leaf seems to offer power and durability – seven infusions (each with rich flavor) and I’ve only used 5s or 10s steepings. I plan to continue tomorrow for another six or seven times. This tea has both age and beauty and deserves to be savored and enjoyed. Thank you Mr. W2T – this is a good find!!

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Cwyn said

I haven’t posted in awhile because I keep drinking these zhongers that take days to steep out. Seems like I’m never done with a pot of leaves from the day before or two,days before. Doesn’t help that shou makes me pass out.

That’s a good problem to have though right? Or is it like that old Chinese curse: “May you live in interesting times!” ? “May you drink tea from generous leaves!”

Cwyn said

Too much tea and so little time.

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Miscell said

I just had a Sheng Pu-erh dated 2006 that I quite like: sharp and persistent flavour, pleasant to drink. I’m still a beginner about the world of Pu-ehr…If somebody has some tip about a special one I shuold absolutely try I would really appreciate it :-)

They’re all special! :-D

AllanK said

Try the 2008 Song of Chi Tse ripe puerh from Berylleb King Tea. It is among the best. It is also available from Dragon Tea House and by a different name from Yunnan Sourcing, same exact wrapper anyway.

Yang-chu said

There’s an interesting discussion about “exact same wrapper” on the half-dipper.blogspot in reference to MGH. The gist is that makers, those who blend teas, will often use whatever wrappers the factory has on hand. Therefore, you have to actually read the characters to know whether the material is the same and that the differences aren’t just in translating the characters. ;-)

Miscell said

Thanks a lot for your suggestion! Much appreciated :-)

mrmopar said

Yeah translations to English can vary a bit.

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