So, during the last few months, I have not been doing good cupboard management.
I’d been doing a huge project of the last few years of sipping down teas, to curate a more reasonable number of teas. This had been going well, but it went rather too well, and left me high and dry, scraping the proverbial bottom of the barrel lately.
Well, nothing cheers the heart like adding new teas to the cupboard, so I have started buying some more teas, and some old favorites but some new ones, so I have a fun new experience to try!
The first up of the new teas is this, which was such an interesting combination that I had to try it. Orange and vanilla AND spearmint? What is it like?
It’s herby, and maybe almost…. toothpasty? But in a pleasantish sort of way? Hmm, very difficult to explain. I’m glad I got a few ounces of this, more experimentation will be needed.
Is it going to become a cupboard classic? No. Will it be drunk with interest? Yes.
I don’t think I ever wondered what orange-vanilla-spearmint would taste like in tandem, but now I do!
I don’t think I ever wondered what orange-vanilla-spearmint would taste like in tandem, but now I do!
I admired your persistence as you achieved your cupboard goal a few years ago!
YES, good job on the cupboard clearout! I think mine is eternal at this point.