2958 Tasting Notes

drank Alpine Punch by DAVIDsTEA
2958 tasting notes

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drank Witch's Brew by DAVIDsTEA
2958 tasting notes

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drank Oh Canada! by DAVIDsTEA
2958 tasting notes

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drank Fire Light Chai by Zhena's Gypsy Tea
2958 tasting notes

This is one of the best rooibos chais I have ever had. The rooibos sweetness combined with a very spicy clove flavour is just fantastic.

Brews a dark amber brown, can be resteeped several times, is great as a latte, and you can forget about it/leave the teabag in without worrying about it oversteeping.

Flavors: Clove, Cloves, Rooibos, Spices, Spicy, Sweet

Boiling 8 min or more 1 tsp 17 OZ / 500 ML

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Thank you JK7ray for a sample of this fantastic oolong! I used half a teaspoon of loose leaf and it expanded to fill my entire teabag, it grew at least 10x in size! I think I’m going to do it with a clear teapot next time so I can watch it grow.

The loose tea smells really good, there’s some tea smell (but not old bagged black tea smell, more like a really fresh oolong, which this is) and a bit of honey, oats, and seaweed. I wasn’t expecting that, but I’m pleasantly suprised by everything about it.

I steeped 0.5 tsp in hotish water. I forgot to take the teabag out, so it steeped for about 8 minutes. It wasn’t astringent, though, so that’s a very nice feature. It brews a really nice dark amber and has that distinctive oolong smell. mmm I love that smell. The liquid tastes strongly of that sweetness you can smell from dried autumn leaves, a bit of seaweed/kelp, some very light sweetness, and a very light toasty aspect (maybe more like dried in the sun.) The tea/tannin flavour is strong, but not bitter or astringent. This oolong is absolutely phenomenal, I am very surprised there aren’t more tasting notes for it.

Flavors: Autumn Leaf Pile, Floral, Ocean Air, Seaweed, Sweet, Tannin, Tea, Toasted, Vegetal

185 °F / 85 °C 8 min or more 3 g 24 OZ / 700 ML

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drank Oh Canada! by DAVIDsTEA
2958 tasting notes

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drank Cocomint Cream by DAVIDsTEA
2958 tasting notes

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Flavors: Coconut, Fruity, Herbs, Lemongrass, Mint, Peppermint, Sweet, Sweet, Warm Grass, Toasted

Boiling 4 min, 15 sec 2 tsp 17 OZ / 500 ML

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drank Cocomint Cream by DAVIDsTEA
2958 tasting notes

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drank Cocomint Cream by DAVIDsTEA
2958 tasting notes

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drank Decaffeinated Orange Pekoe by Red Rose
2958 tasting notes

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I am a biochem major hoping for a career in research genetics and evolutionary biology. I love science fiction and spend too much of my time reading comic books. I’m a passionate keeper of spiders, cacti, and exotic plants. I eat a vegan, plant-based diet for moral and environmental reasons (I mention this only because it is relevant to which flavoured teas I drink).

I drink mostly flavoured and low caffeine teas/tisanes, but I will try anything twice. As far as pure teas go, I gravitate towards whites, yellows, and jade oolongs. I’m always open for trades and sample sales/exchanges. Message me any time :)

My cupboard is mostly up to date. For a more comprehensive list, see my stash spreadsheet here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-HjWKR3um-xEnj6HC9vMvKXOAyj_bpW5u_2ixEC20-k/edit?usp=sharing
Most of these are only tiny samples/I can’t always spare any, but feel free to ask.

Favourite flavours/ingredients:
Rum/alcohol, clove, cardamom, rosemary, pine, sage, moss/Earthy, lychee, floral, creamy, malt, hay, rice/grain, toasty, desserty, cocoa/chocolate, decaf or no caffeine, very unusual flavours

Favourite tea types
Decaf teas (any variety)/no caf tisanes like honeybush and rooibos, yellow, jade oolong, white, Darjeeling blacks

Least favourite flavours/ingredients:
Acidic/sour/tart, melon, grapefruit, bitter, astringent, smokey, sickly sweet (too much chicory, cinnamon, or licorice root), yerba mate, tumeric mushroom/fungus,

Animal products: [confectioners glaze, , marshmallows, , natural flavour, white choc chips, caramel bits, etc]
St. John’s wort (herb)


BC, Canada

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