2908 Tasting Notes

drank Kali Cha by The Tao of Tea
2908 tasting notes

This has made its way to the “just make iced tea out of it and get it out the door” queue. It’s a roasted oolong, but a finicky one: there is about a quarter degree and nanosecond sweet spot to keep it from turning bitter. Life is too short for finick.

That said, bitter-ish is better-ish when it’s on ice. We’ve got a nasty stretch of hissing weather ahead (thank you, Rosehips, for the turn of phrase!) so there’ll be plenty of opportunity to sip this one down.

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drank Tihnă (Leisure) by Fares 1929
2908 tasting notes

Martin, this one’s amazing! I tend to be leery of rose teas because they can be improperly blended and taste like the soap Grandma kept in her nightie drawer to make everything smell good. However, the rose gets a really nice citrus counterpoint that keeps it from being too cloying. This is another one I think will be really lovely on ice. Thank you!

Martin Bednář

Well, I still have a lots of left, so… if I won’t be able to finish them or share them, they are yours!


I have some in the fridge waiting for me to get home from work!


Delicious cold! My son tried a sample sip to humor me and said it reminded him of fruity chewing gum. I wouldn’t have come up with that on my own, but by the power of suggestion, now I’m tasting it.

Martin Bednář

Happy that you liked it. I don’t, so as I said. Rest can be yours :)

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drank Uva by Basilur
2908 tasting notes

Another treat from Martin’s Intercontinental Box of Happy Tea! The only unflavored Basilur tea I tried previously was an English Breakfast that was pretty so-so. This one was a pleasant step up. Less brassy, a little more malty, and it still has potential to improve … I used a little more mug and a little more water than was necessary. Looking forward to a more concentrated version.

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drank Mireasmă (Fragrance) by Fares 1929
2908 tasting notes

Is there anything better than a box of tea treats waiting for you at the end of a long day? Even better when they’re from a tea friend; thank you, Martin!

This was the first packet I broke into. The basil/lime combination is sweet and refreshing, and the combination of citrus peels and flavoring pumps up the flavor without a bit of painful tartness. The total combination smells like the tomato plants in our little container garden after a good rainfall! Fragrance is a fitting name.

I’ve got a second steep recycling in the fridge overnight. Garnished with a little fresh basil pinched from our plants, this should be equally refreshing on ice.


How nice!

Martin Bednář

Yay! Happy that you liked it. It’s one of the strangest flavour mixes I ever had, but I really like it!

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Took a chance on this sample today; steeped it according to package recommendations (3 minutes), then tucked it immediately in the fridge. Not a bad little treat when it’s chilled, although the creamy/nutty flavor completely overwhelms it. Couldn’t sniff out much cherry at all. I’d consider it a “tea party” tea you could serve to little’uns and non-teaists.

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Friend of mine did the Charleston Tea Garden tour this spring and signed up to be notified when the first 2023 flush was available, and sent a little sample my way.

I’ve always thought Charleston’s tea was a little on the acidic/coppery side, so this was a welcome surprise. It’s still not especially strong—I haven’t met an American tea that is—but there’s a nice brown-sugary finish to it that their retail-grade offerings doesn’t have. Nice and pleasant without additives.

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drank Paris by Harney & Sons
2908 tasting notes

You’re invited to VBS Family Night … 300 kids singing on stage, bouncy castles, a foam pit, hot dogs, and the fire department coming to turn on the hydrant!

Hotter than a skillet today, and kids jumping around like excited crickets. In anticipation of both of these things, at your recommendation, I iced down a large tumbler of Paris. Delicious. On ice, the lemony aspect is downplayed, and the caramelly part reminded me a little of almond ice cream.


I have GOT to try this!


This one is good – one of my standbys. I also like Victorian Afternoon (Mark T. Wendell) over ice on a hot summer day (and being in Texas – that’s everyday in the summer).

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Tea MO this week = two sips hot, then ice it down for the rest of the morning. It’s VBS week during a heat advisory, and I’ve been traipsing around after fourth graders in quadruple-digit humidity. (Wouldn’t change a thing. My high school teaching assistant is one of my Sunday kids all grown up, he has a heart for kids, and the 10-year-old boys traipse after him like puppies. My happy bubble is blown up to bursting.)

You’ve all heard me jabber on about this chocolate-grapefruit blend, so this part will be brief. I wouldn’t change a thing about it either, except get a larger tin next time. It makes me want to hunt down more hibiscus-free teas with grapefruit in the flavor profile.


Love this!

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One of you friends recommended this as a cold latte with vanilla syrup. My initial experiment left room for improvement, as the only dairy product under our roof was skim milk; however, it made me want to haul out the blender and try it as a milkshake: I think it would replicate malted milk very nicely. Unfortunately, the only ice cream under our roof is cherry lemonade. I don’t think that’ll fly! Plenty of summer left to try it.


I used whole milk but based on some friend’s recs, oat may be good. I haven’t tried it because I almost always drink raw lol

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When this landed in my Mom’s Day gift basket, I speculated that it would make great iced tea in the summer. (“You were right, Mom…. " just what every mama longs to hear.)

Requirements for what make a great unflavored summer black tea vary by user, but this meets both of mine: Is it strong enough to wake you up in the morning? and Does the bottom half of the tumbler retain that strength on ice? A firm yes to both.

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Steepster “geezer;” tea barbarian who has no systematic method for storage, preparation, classification, or rating; lover of strong unleaded builders’ tea. Never quite grew up—I cut and glue, play with Legos, design kids’ curriculum, and play with fifth graders every Sunday.


Southwest Missouri

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