267 Tasting Notes


I’ve been drinking this one every morning for a few weeks, because I wanted to wake up, but am under so much stress that my stomach has been a mess. Coffee hasn’t been my friend lately. However much I like the other Tulsi teas though, this one is just okay. Rather than giving me that delicious black tea taste PLUS the benefits of tulsi, it really just tastes like tulsi to me (tulsi = holy basil). I find that some of Organic India’s other flavors do more to cover up the sorta herby-sweet tulsi taste.

Nonetheless, I shall finish up the box because the plant is good for my adrenals, and right now, in this stupid language immersion program, I need all the help managing the effects of stress that I can get.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec
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drank Earl Grey Decaf by Mighty Leaf Tea
267 tasting notes

Drinking this with my steamed soy milk- and actually finding it a bit weaker than the regular Mighty Leaf Earl Grey. Also, if they can make the regular Earl Grey organic, what about the decaf? I hope they don’t use chemical decaffeination methods.

Anyway, I am barely tasting the bergamot right now, which is odd- it doesn’t get swallowed by the soy milk when I use the caffeinated version. That said, I’m going to give this one a few more tries because of my need to combine the tummy soothing effects of black tea with less caffeine for the sake of my nerves. I am a fragile bunny right now.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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I’m in a Japanese immersion ‘camp’ right now, so I thought this one would be fitting (thanks, silvermage!)- we’ve eaten plenty of Japanese food while here, although not enough sweet sesame desserts for my liking :) Also, right now I need to wake up, so a black tea seemed like a fine idea.

This isn’t the first time I’ve tried this one, and I keep finding myself really missing the taste of sesame. It’s there in the dry tea, but brewed this mostly just tastes like okay black tea to me- slightly bitter, slightly dry, good to wake up to.

I am considering just combining this with the sweet potato adagio tea- that one is a bit too sweet, and this one just tastes like nothing when brewed, so voila, diluted s.p. tea.

So funny- I didn’t drink black tea before this immersion program, but as stress caused my tummy to get a little bit unpredictable I found black tea was one of the most effective remedies- more so than the ‘tummy’ herbal teas I have. I have been loving my black teas here.

Anyway, unimpressed by this one.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

I found this much more “soy sauce” like than sesame. I find your “I found black tea was one of the most effective remedies” statement interesting. I find that most non chai black teas (flavored or not) actually upset my stomach. Maybe steep the rest of this and make some rice?


Sounds like so much fun – are you planning to go to Japan?


Cofftea- huh, black tea has always been one of those good tummy remedies for me- although when really woogy I often alternate with ginger tea.

Harfatum- yes, I will be living in Japan at some point, but need to take my Japanese speaking to the next level first.

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Thanks to silvermage for letting me try this one.
I love oolongs, but it’s been a while since I’ve had one at home. I was afraid of this blend being too floral, but it’s actually quite mild and pleasant. I’ve been enjoying this one mid-mornings, as a kind of energizer. There’s something very clean and refreshing about it. I can taste the rose component, but it’s not at all perfumey. A pleasant surprise, really!

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Cinnamon Fig Rooibos by 52teas
267 tasting notes

I bet this one would go really well with a nice piece of cake. Oooh, good idea, me. But I think I’ve been overindulging in dessert lately, so maybe not. Anyway, I most strongly taste the fig in this one, and it reminds me of the raisin in the Cinnamon raisin toast tea (which I liked). I don’t taste the cinnamon much, but that’s kinda okay because cinnamon can turn sickly sweet in tea blends, and I was afraid of that. I’d like to try this one with steamed vanilla soymilk, I think. It’s a good after dinner cup, and I can’t really taste the rooibos, so fear not, rooibos-haters!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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Keep in mind that I have absolutely drowned this in a sea of steamed soy milk, because as I posted yesterday, my new hack is to get a cup of tea with steamed soy milk for a measly $1 at the campus coffee shop.

Anyway, I’m really digging on black tea lately, so I thought I’d try this one. I can’t say it held up that well to my milk-treatment, even with my leaving the tea bag in the cup and risking oversteeping. However, what I do taste of it is actually a rather mild, almost sweet cup of black tea. Not particularly astringent. I’d recommend this one to those who like black tea, but generally don’t like the mouth-feel of it / the bitterness. I’m actually enjoying it, but I’m not sure I’d consider it a breakfast black tea. More like a nice tea-time tea.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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Okay, I can’t take it anymore. I don’t think the world will end if I write about tea occasionally in English (currently in a Japanese immersion program).
Anyway, I’ve found a cheap hack at one of the campus coffee shops- one bag of Mighty Leaf tea is really cheap. Ask for it with steamed milk of any type (I get soy) and it’s the same price. Mmmmm…. so this is a decent earl grey (most really do taste the same to me), and with soy milk it even seems to have a touch of sweetness that I may or may not be imagining. I’m in the library with a travel cup, so I’m lazily letting the tea bag sit, and it hasn’t ruined the flavor at all. If anything it’s richer. I love that I can get an organic tea latte for $1 ;)

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Orange Dulce by Mighty Leaf Tea
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Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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Grad student in sociocultural anthropology. I drink tea while reading for my courses, and it makes the books go down easier. I genuinely like most kinds of tea – although fruit tisanes kind of scare me.


Houston, Texas, United States

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