This is an interesting blend, intended to be drank in the mornings — so I have prepared it in the evening. I was freezing cold all aftenoon and evening, so I wanted something to warm me up.
Myrtle + ginger is making a quite clashing flavour profile, a little zingy sap. Myrtle definitely makes the sap notes. At least in my experience here.
Peppermint makes on the other hand the refreshing note. Black tea to have some caffeine… but it didn’t helped me much, I am still tired and it’s not present in the taste; and last ingredient, licorice root, makes whole liquor a bit thick and sweet — sadly, it is a bit too much of it.
But for warming up, it did its work.
I have tried this today in the office and it seems it needs shorter steeping time than intended 5 minutes. I did about 3 today and it was much better — the herbal notes popped out. Refreshing and warming up tea, indeed.