763 Tasting Notes


I was gifted a 50 gram pouch of this tea. I made a big jug of it iced. It is nice, a little weak maybe. I had it hot also, and it was a bit weak there too, so maybe it is just a really mild flavor. The color is quite pale. The flavor is a bit of a zing, but not sour like some fruit tisanes with hibiscus can be. It is refreshing. Summer has really started now. This week we hit 98. Way too hot for me. Since my blood glucose has been really high, I plan on lots of unsweetened iced tea for the next few months.

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I had this one last night. It is the second bag from the advent calendar. I did not like it very much when it was hot. The hibiscus was prominent. However as it cooled I liked it more. It might be a nice refreshing glass as an iced tea on a hot summer day.

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I found this single wrapped bag waaaayy in the back of my tea drawer. I wonder if it was part of an advent calendar that I put aside because of the hibiscus? It said Best Before January 2022 on the wrapper..


The flavor seemed muted to me. Probably because it was old? I got a bit of zing from the hibiscus, a faint hint of spices. I didn’t get any orange. Between my bum nose not being able to smell and the age of the tea I just didn’t get much. It was drinkable but not very flavorful. I bet it would have been better two years ago.


There you are! I haven’t seen you post in a while and was wondering how you weee doing!

Maddy Barone

I am unfortunately back to fighting cancer. A new spot appeared on my liver and was found at the end of January. I’m doing very well. I’ll be done with this round of radiation next Thursday. I have been drinking a cup of herbal tea most evenings, mostly my trusty peppermint. Maybe I’ll branch out into cold brews soon. :)


I am glad to hear you are doing well in spite of the new spot. Hugs from afar!


From me, too!


Keep fighting! I hope the peppermint helps, I usually feel brighter after a cup. Sending healing vibes through the interwebs

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I tasted absolutely nothing wit this tea. I don’t have a sense of smell, so I don’t actually taste much anyway, but I had this at the height of the worst cold I’ve had in a long time, so that probably didn’t help. It was literally warm water. At least it wasn’t sour, bitter or astringent. I got plenty of flavor from the Cold 911, so it couldn’t have been only the cold that kept me from tasting anything from this one.

I keep trying to find another caffeine free tea to add to my evening rotation. This one was drinkable, but nothing I need to order a tin of. I have another teabag of it and I will try it again.


Harney has a decaf peach and a decaf apricot!

Maddy Barone

@ashmanra Those sound good.

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Another of the chocolate dessert teas from my self selected sampler from Republic of tea. I liked it. It was pleasant and inoffensive. I have a second tea bag I will be able to drink, but I won’t look for more of this.

The dessert teas have been nice, but none of them has wowed me. I’m glad to have tried them but I have no urge to place an order for any of them.

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Just brewed this one now. This is a good day for hot tea. It is -7 F with a wind chill of -39, and a blizzard warning until 6pm. There was a funeral scheduled this afternoon at my church and I am helping to coordinate the coffee/desserts for the visitation time, but it was postponed. Part of me is sorry it was postponed, but I suspect the crowd would have been quite small. And in my heart I am glad to not have to go anywhere in this mess!

I learned from my last RoT cup and used a 6 oz cup this time. The flavor was good. I could kinda taste the chocolate and the peppermint was present too. A nice little dessert cup. Not one I will buy a tin of but a nice treat on a cold windy day in North Dakota.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 6 OZ / 177 ML

I can not imagine those conditions! Stay safe and warm!


Ooh…you’re making me crave Junior Mints!

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This is the second RoT sampler tea I grabbed. I like it. I’m not getting a lot of flavor out of it, but I suspect I should have used less water. My cup was a 12 oz one, and I think the small amount of tea in the bag did not go far enough. Next time I shall use one of my smaller cups. As I said, the flavor was pretty mild but inoffensive. Not weirdly sweet or astringent or bitter. I don’t think I shall order a tin of this, but I have one more bag and I will enjoy it.

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About a year ago I ordered a self-selected sampler from Republic of Tea. When I recently went through my tea drawer I found the plain brown box these teas came in. I decided I better start drinking these up.

This tea sure sounds good, doesn’t it? Orange and ginger and mint. Actually, it sounds a bit odd. Ginger and orange? Yum. Orange and mint? Okay, that could be tasty. Ginger and mint? Hmmm. This tea was Hmmmm. I really wanted to like it. I didn’t hate it. I drank the cup. There was something artificially sweet about it. There is no stevia or other sweetener in the ingredient list. Maybe it was the orange bergamot. It just tasted a little off to me.

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I have had this unopened pouch for over a year. Somehow it got pushed to the back of my tea drawer and I forgot about it. I decided to go through the drawer and organize my teas and that’s how I found this one.

I don’t hate it. I don’t love it. Unlike red rooibos, this brewed up pretty pale. That was surprising to me, but I suppose green rooibos is like that. The flavor improved as the cup cooled. I don’t think this will be a go to evening tea like my good earth sweet n spicy or peppermint herbal tea, but it’s drinkable.

There, is that damning it with faint praise?

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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I was reaching for Cold 911 by David’s when I remembered I had two bags of this one. My nose has been sadly plugged all day. This morning I thought I must be coming down with something, but no sore throat or cough developed, so maybe not. I know I[‘ve had this one before and I thought it was good. Tonight I couldn’t taste anything at all. Might be old. It tasted maybe a teeny bit grassy. I was disappointed. Tomorrow night if I am still stuffy like this I will try the David’s Cold 911 and see how they compare.


How about a nice spicy chai to open things up?

Maddy Barone

We need a “like” button. That’s a great idea, Michelle!

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I love cats. I love alone time. I love sitting indoors on a cold winter night with a book or my knitting while drinking tea. I don’t have a sense of smell, so many of the more subtle flavors of tea escape me. Two of the things I CAN taste are bitter and sour, so any tea that has even a slightly bitter taste is nasty for me. And what others might perceive as pleasant tartness may be horribly sour for me.

I’m also a writer. I love writing, and a mug of hot tea helps me get through the hours sitting in front of the computer. Although I’m a comparatively new tea drinker, I’m jumping in feet first. Feel free to recommend any teas you think I might enjoy.

100-91 – Wowza! I want to keep this tea in the cupboard all the time.
75-90 – Very nice. It would be good to have this tea on hand from time to time.
60-74 – OK. Wouldn’t keep it in the cupboard, but I would drink it again.
45-59 – If a friend served this I would drink it to be polite, but it’s not really my cuppa.
Lower than 45 – Blech. It was too sour or bitter for my taste. Would not drink it again.


Fargo, ND



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