Maple Marshmallow Treat Genmaicha

Tea type
Green Tea
Calendula Petals, Genmaicha, Matcha Green Tea, Organic Marshmallow Root, Organic Natural Flavors (Vegan)
Alcohol, Maple, Nutty, Roasty, Smooth, Sweet, Toasted Rice, Toasty, Artificial, Butter, Pancake Syrup, Grass, Maple Syrup, Marshmallow
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Organic, Vegan
Edit tea info Last updated by LiberTEAS
Average preparation
175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 30 sec 13 oz / 377 ml

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30 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I have a large bag of this from 2018, still sealed… sealed too well, as no matter how hard I tried after cutting free the top, the resealable part would not separate! I had to cut it off to get to...” Read full tasting note
  • “(52teas (Anne) 2022: 214) Strange, I have it recorded that I drank this in Oct 2021, but no note. Oh well. I think I oversteeped or overleafed it a bit – a bit bitter – but lots of maple flavour,...” Read full tasting note
  • “Hot, this smelled amazing, but I only tasted toastiness. Once I let it cool, the maple came out more, but the roasted flavor was still battling it. I added some milk, and that really helped the...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown 93-2021 I’m very rarely in the mood for maple teas, so I don’t reach for them often. But, this one is quite nice. It’s the lovely marshmallow goodness that 52Teas does so well, with a bit...” Read full tasting note

From 52teas

Tea of the Week for November 28, 2016!

One thing we’re known for here at 52Teas is our Marshmallow Treat inspired teas. Everyone seems to love ‘em – myself included! – so don’t try to fix it if it ain’t broke, right? Since we’re right in the middle of autumn (my favorite time of year!) I thought a yummy flavor to focus on would be maple – so why not a Maple Marshmallow Treat Genmaicha? Sounds really good, right?

I started with our organic Matcha infused Genmaicha and added maple essence and marshmallow root to create a marshmallow treat experience that’s perfect for fall!

This tea is all organic, VEGAN (yes, vegan!), gluten-free and allergen-free – not to mention sweet and absolutely delightful! Those of you who love maple like I do are going to LOVE this tea!

organic ingredients: green teas, popped brown rice, marshmallow root, calendula petals and natural flavors.

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At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

30 Tasting Notes

1269 tasting notes

I have a large bag of this from 2018, still sealed… sealed too well, as no matter how hard I tried after cutting free the top, the resealable part would not separate! I had to cut it off to get to the tea, so hopefully I can finish this off quickly before the “roll the top down and clamp” doesn’t do the job anymore. For the March sipdown prompt “a favorite pancake/waffle topping.” (I actually wanted to go with butter, which I always slather on in copious amounts before adding any other toppings, but I have a lot of older maple teas right now to get through…)

The last few genmaicha 52Teas blends that I’ve had recently from around this time period fell very flat on any flavorings and just tasted like plain genmaicha, but this one has such a strong maple aroma that the whole room smells lovely! There is definitely a potent maple flavor to the tea, which is actually coming off with a slight alcoholic taste to it… I wonder if the bag was sealed so tightly it just needs to air slightly? It’s still nice though, with a very sweet maple flavor lingering on the tongue after the sip. The roasty and nutty flavor of the genmai tastes really nice with the maple! They are very complimenting, rather than the genmai note overpowering everything else.

Flavors: Alcohol, Maple, Nutty, Roasty, Smooth, Sweet, Toasted Rice

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 350 ML

Oh, my – I’m sorry to hear about the difficulty you had with the seal! Hopefully you have something you can store it in that will keep it safe from the elements until you finish it.

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6119 tasting notes

(52teas (Anne) 2022: 214)

Strange, I have it recorded that I drank this in Oct 2021, but no note. Oh well.

I think I oversteeped or overleafed it a bit – a bit bitter – but lots of maple flavour, toasty, marshmallowy genmaicha. I like it, but wish that bitterness wasn’t there. Otherwise, it’s quite tasty!

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2594 tasting notes

Hot, this smelled amazing, but I only tasted toastiness. Once I let it cool, the maple came out more, but the roasted flavor was still battling it. I added some milk, and that really helped the flavors come together. Now, I taste both the maple and the genmaicha, though I think the maple could still be a little stronger. 52teas does a great maple. This one isn’t as good as their maple cheesecake oolong, but I definitely enjoyed it. The second steep tasted only like mild toastiness.

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1968 tasting notes

Sipdown 93-2021
I’m very rarely in the mood for maple teas, so I don’t reach for them often. But, this one is quite nice. It’s the lovely marshmallow goodness that 52Teas does so well, with a bit of maple. The maple is much more aggressive in the fragrance, and softens once brewed.

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448 tasting notes

Sipdown number two!

Another advent sample down! I’m definitely getting the maple in here, but it’s not super strong. I’m also getting some toastiness but not much of the marshmallow which I’m sad about! It was also mostly crumbly bits at the bottom though so that could be part of the issue

Cameron B.

I have a hard time finding the marshmallow in these blends too.


I know I’ve tasted marshmallow in teas like this before, but I feel like it is usually on the subtle end and probably can’t hold up to something stronger like maple

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2172 tasting notes

Lots of popped rice in this one! Fun! Toasty as soon as it hits the water but now I’ve lost the maple aroma that dominates the dry blend. I don’t taste marshmallow or maple. Bummer.

Flavors: Maple, Toasty

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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4334 tasting notes

Tea Swap Sample Sipdown Catch-Up! 3 of 4 (11)

Another 52teas marshmallow genmaicha from VariaTEA!

Wow, does the dry leaf have a powerful aroma… Super strong maple!

This has sort of a pancake syrup flavor. There is maple, but it’s more of a somewhat artificial version than a real maple syrup flavor. That combined with the buttery and toasty genmaicha is making me think of frozen waffles with butter and pancake syrup.

There is a slight alcoholic note here too – I’m assuming because of the large amount of maple flavoring used. I could do without that aspect of it, but it’s not overpowering.

Overall, it’s tasty and I’m glad I got to try it. I probably wouldn’t purchase this one, though. I seem to have difficult finding the marshmallow flavor in these blends, unfortunately.

Flavors: Alcohol, Artificial, Butter, Maple, Pancake Syrup, Sweet, Toasted Rice

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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1445 tasting notes

I love that the maple isn’t overpowering- just a nice highlight to the roasty and grassy matcha genmaicha! There’s a hint of something boozy going on too.

I still prefer my original Marshmallow Treat but this was a fun rendition that particularly pleased the mother.

Flavors: Grass, Maple Syrup, Marshmallow, Toasted Rice

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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2987 tasting notes

I have been airing out my bag of this since I opened it in December. It has a horrible chemical smell to the dry leaf. Luckily, there is no chemically flavours in the steeped tea. I’m really not sure why my bag ended up being like this. I’ve never had a bad bag from 52Teas before and wouldn’t hesitate to order from them again (once I have my cupboard under control). I think this is just a one-time thing.

As for the flavours, the toasted rice and maple go great together. The sweetness really brings everything together. Some nice marshmallow and creamy notes add to the rich dessert appeal.


glad it ended up ok :)

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308 tasting notes

Two genmaichas in the 12 Teas of Christmas box makes me one sad girl. What’s worse is this has maple in it, another flavor I don’t care in tea. I didn’t make it through the cup because I didn’t want to chug it. Quite frankly, that’s the only way I would’ve finished it.

It’s not for me, but the marshmallow treat genmaichas are quite popular. I would recommend it if you enjoy genmaichas, like a nice mellow marshmallow note, and are a fan of maple-flavored teas.

I wish there weren’t two of them in this particular sampler box. There were two in last year’s box as well, so maybe it’s just a thing…


It’s not really a ‘set’ thing to do 2 genmaicha blends – it just happened that way because the Maple Marshmallow and the Banana Marshmallow were the two green teas with the highest number of votes. The only thing that was kind of ‘set’ for me was that I was only going to do 1 Oolong because Oolong bases are considerably more expensive and I didn’t want to have to raise the price of the box to accommodate another Oolong. Other than that, I really went with the eight highest vote getters. Another exception: the highest vote getter for the Oolong was actually the Sparkle Pony tea, but when I went to the tea studio, I realized that I didn’t have the right base for that tea (I thought I did but apparently something went awry when I did inventory) so I needed to go with the second highest vote getter for the Oolong blends. For those who might be interested: I do plan on reblending the Sparkle Pony (sans sparkles, which proved to be a costly thing that was virtually impossible so it was an expense that was pretty useless) sometime this summer.


Fair enough. I’ll have to pay closer attention to the options for this year (if there’s another vote).


There will be! I’ll actually be starting the teas in September this year so that my international/Canadian customers get their boxes on time. I was very distraught over the time it took for them to get their packages – so I need to get those out at least 2 weeks earlier than I did this past year.

So I would expect the poll to be out around late June. :)

Evol Ving Ness

hahhahaha! June! That complaining about the 12 Days guy is going to lose his ***t completely :)


LOL! Yes, yes he will – and because we’re starting a month earlier, I will need to actually start pre-sales in August. hahaha!

Evol Ving Ness

hahhahaha! We can just start enjoying his irrational angst from now. The things one comes across in tea world, honestly!

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