Cinnamon Swirl Bread

Tea type
Black Pu'erh Blend
Agave, Black Tea, Cinnamon, Cocoa Nibs, Maple Crystals, Organic Vanilla Beans
Bread, Chocolate, Cinnamon, Cream, Vanilla
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Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 30 sec 12 oz / 348 ml

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From sTEAp Shoppe

Cinnamon Swirl Bread Puerh & Black Teas touches your tongue with a rich depth of flavor and the bright embrace of cinnamon. Aromatic cinnamon, combined with rich bread like pu-erh and the sweet honey notes of gold bud black tea. This combination of tea and spice creates the perfect cup to wake up with or as a dessert. Full bodied with a smooth buttery goodness embraced by bright ribbons of cinnamon.

2008 Yunnan Royal Top Grade Pu erh, Yunnan Premium Gold Bud Black Tea, Cinnamon, Organic Vanilla Bean, Organic Cocoa Nibs, Organic Agave, Organic Maple Crystals

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79 Tasting Notes

206 tasting notes

Oh my goooooooddddddness! Thank you so much to kimquat for sending me a sample of this! Man do you know how to make a sample AIRTIGHT! And such precise steeping directions.

So I’ve mastered getting tea with me to work! Yay. I get everything ready before bed the night before (water in the kettle, leaves in my aladain tumbler) in the morning I get ready and while I’m brushing my teeth I runnnnnnn down stairs and turn the kettle on. Run back upstairs and finish up. Out the door by 3.55 am and at work by 4:) ha ha i was quite happy with myself.

anyways….this tea!! I drank it ALL day yesterday. Steep after steep after steep. And to accompany it, I went to panera bread the night before a bought a few bagels for breakfast (french toast, cinnamon crunch, and pumpkin pie) I bought their hazelnut cream cheese to accompany them, so I had the french toast bagel with hazelnut cream along with this! Amazing! Blew my mind.

I have to admit, the first steeping scared the crap out of me. It was quite overwhelming, very astringent, very tooooooo strong for me, all I tasted was bread notes and astringency. :( luckily the many many many other steepings were out of this world. Perfection actually! Cinnamon swirl bread yummy goodness. It tastes exactly like a cinnamon roll without the frosting. Ohhh myyyyy gawdddd!

Ha ha this is literally the only tea I drank yesterday I’m not joking! Allllllll day until the moment I fell asleep:) the bread taste amazed me on how spot on it was. It amazes me how tea can bring out notes like bread! Like brioche in american tea rooms brioche. Tea just amazes me! End of story!

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 30 sec

Genus, I thought I was the only one here with such schedules.


Not genus, gezus, more like it, but I guess iPad doesn’t do blasphemy.

BrewTEAlly Sweet

Its a musttttt with my work schedule.


This tea sounds amazing.


I’m drinking Brioche right now! :D


:) :) :)

BrewTEAlly Sweet

Brioche has my whole heart and this one might be coming alomg with it. :):)
@Stephanie have you bought any yet. I see you have tried it a few times. :)


I haven’t purchased any! I’d be willing to go in on some since you’re shipping me stuff anyway ;) Have you tried any of their other teas yet?

BrewTEAlly Sweet

Ha ha I have an open shopping cart right now. 2oz tin of this, I can add one for you or a 2oz bag or 4oz tin or a try me:) I’m also adding samples of white chocolate, milk chocolate and yunnan premium gold bud honey black. The swedish delight and cranapple are intruiging though.


You should get a sample of the Black and White. Based on your preferences for good vanilla and chocolate teas I’m sure you’ll like it! I had a sample of it once. I’ll take a 2oz bag of Cinnamon Swirl! Lemme know how much money to paypal ya including tax. Sorry, we should probably be doing this in PMs LOL

BrewTEAlly Sweet

Any samples for you or anything you’d like to try as well?


I looked around on their website a little bit but I just got overwhelmed, LOL…so I guess not!

BrewTEAlly Sweet

Okay :) I added black and white. :)

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1040 tasting notes

So after the pleasant brioche experience, I decided to drink this next to be able to compare them side by side. This experiment is made possible by the wonderfully generous ifjuly.
This is totally different than brioche. This is sticky buns, with frosting. Super sweet, some caramelly depth (like the goo on the bottom of sticky buns), a bit of vanilla ish something that reminds me of the frosting. This one is more about the ooooy goooy goodness of sticky buns – brioche is more about the cinnamon yeasty bread goodness. I think the pu’erh in this one gives is more depths and a thicker mouth feel. I’m not sure which I prefer, I like them both for different reasons. For now I’m calling this a tie. Thanks ifjuly for sending me these samples – was fun to try them both. :))


This one resteeps well.

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1500 tasting notes

Thank you to, I think, JustJames for sharing a really generous sample of this with me.

I had zero idea how to brew this up, so I winged it and went for a heaping teaspoon in one cup of water. I think it needs more leaf, and perhaps a longer steep as I’m finding this a bit weak. I’m also rarely a fan of teas that are pre-sweetened, so this may be a factor.

Yes, I get cinnamon out of the smell and faintly in the taste, however it’s ever-so-slight. Again, I have to wonder if there’s something off with me, because everyone that has similar tastes to mine love this, and I’m just feeling meh about it.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

More leaf and longer steep (same as black tea for me because I add cream). This resteeps so well that just add to what you began with and you should get several steepings. For a large pot I use at least a tablespoon and a pinch…and go 3minutes. So good.


Yeah, I was going to say more leaf/longer steep too! 5-7 minutes doesn’t seem to hurt it.


I really like this one.


I loved this tea! Sadly I’m out now. If you like tea lattes, try it that way! I think I steeped 1.5 tsp straight in almond milk. :-)


Y’all have convinced me. I’ll try these suggestions tomorrow!

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2291 tasting notes

Thanks to Cavocorax and, I think, Sil for this sample.

This tea is definitely a puerh. As soon as the hot water hits the leaves, there’s this delightful bready scent.

(Blah blah blah…)

I really like this one. It’s not bread as the texture is liquid, but the flavour is delicious. The rest of the sample is going to Heather, but I kinda wish I could keep it. Anyone with a Tea Mule planning on doing a sTEAp order? :)

(Edit: I’m drinking steep 2 today in my travel mug, and it’s delightful.)


this one i love… and i have a sample coming, assuming steap shoppe has actually shipped it!!!


Omg I don’t need to place an order anytime soon but I will try and keep you in mind when I do refill mine :)


Yay! That’d be awesome, Sil. I seem to love cinnamon and puerh together – my other favourite is Silk Road’s Golden Phoenix.


This one seems intriguing (especially since everyone seems to like it so much) but I’m scared of it since it’s pu-erh. xD


This tea! This tea keeps popping up everywhere – and with such high reviews, too! I suppose I should cave and just place an order now… :)


It’s a bready/yeasty Puerh with cinnamon, though! Really a good combination. :) the shop has been on my radar for a few months, but I have to order through someone in the states, due to shipping. I’m so glad I got to try this one!


if you’re thinking about ordering other teas from the steap shoppe at the same time as the cinnamon swirl bread i’d read the reviews for the others just to get a sense of whether you’ll like them or not. some of them are very similar from one to the next.


I want to try………………….


You will, Heather… I don’t want to part with the rest of the sample, but it is going into your bag.

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390 tasting notes

Dear Cavocorax,

I wanted to write and thank you so much for the cinnamon swirl tea you sent me!

I woke up this morning with (and I’ll be honest) a certain amount of dread in my heart. I knew that today I was going to be stuck dealing with provincial government red tape and that it would probably take hours. Before I even got started I put the kettle on. ‘cinnamon swirl’ I determined as soon I perused the tea stash you sent me. It was the sample I most coveted as we wrote back and forth determining what we would send to one another.

My electric kettle clicked off and I opened the little bag of cinnamon swirl. Long fibers all stuck together reminding me of the tasty goo on top of a cinnamon knot… a vague scent of cinnamon, but not the heavy smell I had been expecting. Well, if there’s anything I’ve learned on this journey it’s not to judge a tea before it’s steeped.

At this point I will confide in you something that I hope you find most complimentary: I followed your written instructions! You always hear about different personality types: A, B, etc. people have always told me that I’m an SC which stands for Serial Contrarian. It’s never my intention to be contrary, and so far as I know I’m not a jerk, I just tend to do things my own way! That said with such a precious sample, did I really want to waste it by serial contrarianing it away? (I just couldn’t risk it especially seeing as I have read frustrations about not tasting what was expected by other steepers). so, 1 tablespoon for 6 ounces of water for 1.5 minutes of steep time…. Really? I thought to myself. Because I am famous for my long deliberate steeps as well as getting distracted and inadvertently making them even longer. Oh well…… instruction following. Yup yup!

The water changed colour and became rust hued, the vapour billowing out of my cup took on a cinnamon slant. I smelled a bakery! Just a second, afk… must take another sip. I’m back. The most remarkable thing happened when I removed my tea ball: mass amounts of red poured out of it! it reminded me of the huge red algae blooms you see in the ocean from space. It just kept pouring out and filling my mug. Wow!

Now, I know the purists would frown, but I added my standard bit of cream and sugar, it is MY cup of tea after all and for reasons that are old and complicated to explain those add ins give me comfort. (and who doesn’t need a bit of extra comfort when dealing with the government all day???)

The verdict: I am drinking cinnamon swirl bread. Cavocorax your instructions were magic! As I near the bottom of my cup there is cinnamon piled there. No floral notes or undertones aside from the warm taste of cinnamon bread. Interesting though because the flavour is warm even as my tea is cooling. This is lovely. Thank you for such a tasty respite from phone calls… and the directions so that I achieved the desired result!


195 °F / 90 °C 1 min, 30 sec

Hahaha. Very nice. :) I’m so happy you like it, although maybe Sil is the one you should be thanking! It was her review of it that inspired me to buy it, and she was the one who split the order with me.

I know what you mean about questioning the instructions though – I thought that was a little short, but I guess if you’re going to steep it 4-5 times, you don’t want to put it in the water too long.

Hopefully your dealings with the government go fairly quickly, but who am I kidding. I’ve had to make my own calls and it’s usually always frustrating and tedious. I hope the tea (and resteeps?) make it bearable!

Also, from what Sil and I have so far determined, THIS is the best tea that Steap Shoppe has to offer. They offer generous samples (about. 05 oz), but this one is the best by far!


OH man! This is another one of those teas that EVERYONE has been drinking. Gotta get my hands on some!


@Fuzzy_Peachkin well worth the expense, a very deeply flavoured blend. this tea has overpowered government frustration!

@Cavocorax… i have put a marotorium on tea purchases until the middle of july, here’s to hoping they still carry this tea! it was SO worthy of a public thank you!

Terri HarpLady

I’m still waiting for my sample, but not without patience, as I know it is coming & I know it will be worth the wait. :)


alas, patience is a virtue…. but not always one of mine, LOL!

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2201 tasting notes

A big thanks to OMGsrsly for a sample of this tea. I have to say I have wanted to try this one for a while because of all the rapturous tasting notes on it (and I kinda didn’t believe a flavored puerh could be that good). I kept asking swap partner after swap partner but no one had enough, and OMGsrsly was so nice and sent me the last of her sample. Thanks so much!

This one made me glad for the new “average preparation” section on the tea page since sTEAp shoppe doesn’t provide steeping parameters on their website. I hope the leaf per water gets incorporated into that now that it’s available (I still had to troll old tasting notes for that info).

When the water hit the leaf I immediately smelled a bit of stinky puerh, but then the sweet cinnamon bread aroma started overtaking it. Steeped, when I get a hint of it I smell cinnamon and a bit of earthy puerh, but then when I inhale deeply it really does smell like cinnamon bread.

I have to say, pretty impressive on the flavor here. I am glad I finally got to try this one. The Yunnan black tea and the puerh do a good job of making a bready base for this one, although the occasional whiff of puerh diminishes my enjoyment a bit. But I am enjoying it a lot nonetheless. Sweet bread, cinnamon sugar, a bit of icing. Pretty authentic! I don’t think I need this one in my cupboard, but I am really glad I finally got to try it!

Flavors: Bread, Cinnamon, Vanilla

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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4185 tasting notes

sTEAp Shoppeeeeeeeeee why can’t you still be around? I love this tea STILL. I had four steeps over two days… this way I could use two entire teaspoons for a mug…so I didn’t feel like I was wasting a teaspoon. (It works best with two.) It’s such a GIVING tea. And I will never understand how just these few ingredients create such a flavor. Four steeps are wonderful, and I probably could have went with a half steep fifth. I was going to order more of this one shortly before sTEAp Shoppe disappeared, so that was a real shame. A traumatic lesson for me in ‘grab them while you still can’ which might be why I have too many teas. It’s Cinnamon Swirl Bread’s fault for my hoarding, I suppose. And even just going on a tea buying break makes me feel like small shops like this one have more of a chance to go out of business. sigh. I only have a couple teaspoons left. One of my top 10 teas forever.

Evol Ving Ness

One of the best things ever about steepster is being sick and miserable with the flu/cold/who the hell knows and being able to cheer myself by reading people effervescing about teas that they love. I adore this post. Thank you.

And thank you also for reaffirming that for all the downsides that hoarding might have, when you have had the foresight to hoard a tea such as this, that kind of joy is beyond the beyond. So YAY! Here’s to hoarding the happy-making teas, those fleeting cups of joy!

This fever may well be causing enthusiasm dangerously close to delirium.


Aw, I’m happy my tasting note brought some cheer to you, Evol. :D In turn, your comment made my day (and not just because it supports the hoarding… but you’re right, teas like this make the hoarding worth it… or I’m realizing today it is definitely more acceptable to me to hoard the small shops or just the teas I love.) I hope you feel better soon!!

Evol Ving Ness


Thank you!


Indeed, feel better soon!


Sometimes delirious posts are the best ones we write … I’ll have to backtrack to the Great Food Poisoning Adventure of 2010 and see if I wrote anything worth chuckling over. I know I probably should have stayed off Facebook! (And agreed. Nice people hang out here!)


haha, gmathis. Well, you survived anyway. An yes, all the nice people are on Steepster. :D

Mastress Alita

I think that is why we deal with the poor spammers, site errors, lack of site updates, etc… the community here is just so awesome it’s worth it.


YES. But also, I know Steepster is run by a very small team of people and I’m much more forgiving because of that.

Evol Ving Ness


Sending all y’all fairy dust of loveliness.


Ok, yeah, Evol, you ARE out of it. (Joking)

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3294 tasting notes

OK….this is amazing! It’s like have cinnamon toast! It has just the right amount of cinnamon, it has a yeasty taste, probably from the puerh & possibly from some maltiness from the black tea, & it’s even lightly sweet. I drank it plain, including a resteep that was just as good as the first cup. I’m heading back to the kitchen for a third steep.
I’m sure it would be nice with sweetener & creamer, but I’m pretty happy with it as is. And I’m going to have to have MOAR!!!
Thank you Tasty Brew! I’ve been wanting to try this one for awhile!


Glad it lived up to the hype!

Terri HarpLady

One of the things I really like about it is that I don’t have to add sweetener to get the flavors to materialize. That’s the problem I have with most flavored teas.


it is truly awesome, isn’t it?

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160 tasting notes

Ok I am going to need a larger amount of this ASAP. I got 3 tsp in a swap with TastyBrew who has the cutest little bags for swapping. I don’t remember smelling the dry leaves because I was too excited to taste it. So once brewed, this smells precisely like a freshly baked slice of cinnamon raisin bread with buttered spread on it.

Every Christmas, my uncle/Godfather hands out these loaves of bread to the people closest to him, it’s the thing we anticipate most about the holiday in my family. It’s a huge loaf of cinnamon swirl bread with the thickest, fullest swirls of cinnamon you can imagine. It makes the greatest tea accompaniment and the BEST french toast. We call it “Joe Bread” because my uncle’s name is Joe. This tea could not smell more spot on like Joe bread.

I think I will not only need a large amount of this for myself, but special bags for every member of my family as well. The flavory is sweet, doughy, rich, and smooth. Such a treat!


Sounds amazing!!


Hahahaha it resteeps REALLY well too, especially for a flavoured tea!

Jackie O

I just ordered 4 oz online…LOVE when companies take Bill Me Later from PayPal haha. I didn’t resteep it but I’m going to have to try that tonight with the last of my sample!!

Natasha- it’s SO good, I will send you a sample when I get it in the mail!


I’m waiting to place my order….little hiccup with the cart that Janet is figuring out for me and then ill be able to order. Mwahahahahahah


Yay!!! :)

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1792 tasting notes

Sip down, and thanks to Sil! This cup was a little more pu-erhy than the last, probably because I let it steep longer, plus there was enough leaf left for more than one but less than two cups, so I went with the former. I still get that freshly ground cinnamon note in the forefront, and a truly baked cinnamon flavour. I also tried half and half this time. Tastes like the smell of the—I’m guessing—cinnamon raisin bread the grocery store bakery was baking whilst I was doing my shopping.

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