Imperial Pure Gold Bi Luo Chun Black Tea of Feng Qing

Tea type
Black Tea
Black Tea
Salt, Tannic, Toast, Malt, Sweet
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by ChernobylRaptor
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 1 min, 15 sec 8 g 7 oz / 215 ml

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From Yunnan Sourcing

This is the purest gold bi luo chun black tea we have ever offered! Just the buds from Autumn harvest tea leaves growing Feng Qing were picked and processed without the slightest inconsistency into this elegant pure gold black tea. After the tea was processed into the finished tea, the tea was hand picked through to remove any tea that was not perfectly shaped or not pure gold in color. The result is a very elegant looking tea that not only looks amazing but is very smooth to drink as well.

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7 Tasting Notes

1968 tasting notes

Artichoke water. Like an artichoke was boiled for an hour and I drank the residuals. But, somehow not terrible? Just much more vegetal than I was expecting.

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1324 tasting notes

The last of my advent teas (minus some herbals). Thank you very much, Michelle. his has been an awesome tea journey! The aroma coming from the steeping leaves is very nice. Full of earthy flavors; musty earth, compost, wet leaves, summer veggies. WOW. That flavor. Was not expecting that. Begins very earthy but then swirls with orange sweet potato and white sweet potato notes. (On a side note have you ever had purple sweet potato? Either Stokes or Okinawan. Regular sweet potatoes are good but purple is fantastic). The appearance of the leaves also makes for a very pleasant tea session. Beautiful curly leaves of varying light brown shades. This tea becomes astringent quite quickly.

Mastress Alita

I have had (and enjoyed!) Okinawan sweet potatoes. I live two hours from Boise, Idaho, and there is a local chain there called “Boise Fry Company” where you pretty much just order fries as a meal (you can get a small “side burger” if you wish). They have several different varieties of potatoes, including the purple Okinawan, and a large bar of different types of fry sauce (including the Idaho/Utah original fry sauce, of course).

Evol Ving Ness

^ this sounds very cool. I’d love to go there and get a sampler potato fry plate if they had such a thing. Otherwise, I’d have to come back to try all their potatoes.

Also, I was under the impression that sweet potatoes and yams were the same thing. Apparently, they are not.

Glad you liked the tea, I had fun putting it together :)


Ah, I love purple potatoes but didn’t know about purple SWEET potatoes.
Mastress Alita – that place sounds amazing, as fries have always been one of my favorite foods. And “side burger”. har har

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15596 tasting notes

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77 tasting notes

Briefly noting that I’ve found the Autumn 2019 batch of this tea to be gorgeous to look at, but that the aroma and flavor are at best, so subtle that I am incapable of evaluating much less appreciating them. I found this to be bland and flat for all but the initial infusion (which was itself weak), and only gaining some bitterness and a vague woodiness when truly pushed. Disappointing Dianhong. Not my cup of tea, as it were…

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec 10 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

Ten grams of tea and still weak. I can understand your disappointment.

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66 tasting notes

I wish this one would knock my socks off, but it’s…. eh. Brewed it carefully in a gaiwan and tasted each individual steep, which I probably didn’t need to do, because there’s not much complexity. It smells toasty with a hint of salt, and the taste is wheat bread with a tannic bite. Not gonna give this a numerical rating until I try brewing it again and see if the crappy taste was a mistake on my part. Beautiful to look at, there was clearly a lot of effort put into the production, but the flavor is as lackluster as a mass-produced yunnan gold tea.

Flavors: Salt, Tannic, Toast

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec 4 g 14 OZ / 414 ML

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13 tasting notes

Amazing tea. Good for many infusions, great to share with friends. Detailed tasting notes to follow.

Flavors: Malt, Sweet

190 °F / 87 °C 10 g 4 OZ / 130 ML

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