Salted Caramel

Tea type
Black Tea
Black Tea, Chicory Root, Natural Flavours, Rose Hips
Caramel, Chemical, Chicory, Artificial, Chocolate, Coconut, Metallic, Mineral, Tangy, Tea, Toffee, Alcohol, Bitter, Burnt, Butterscotch, Salt, Astringent, Maple Syrup, Sweet, Burnt Sugar, Vanilla, Brown Sugar, Butter, Cocoa
Sold in
Tea Bag
Edit tea info Last updated by derk
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 15 sec 10 oz / 281 ml

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From Bigelow

Beautifully balanced tea with creamy rich caramel flavor and just a hint of salt as an undertone

Enjoy this popular combination of sweet and salty, now in a teacup. Our all natural blend of hand-picked black tea and succulent caramel with just a hint of salt flavor is the perfect treat. Add a splash of milk and a little sweetener for a sublime guilt-free indulgence.


Black Tea, Natural Flavors (Soy Lecithin), Rose Hips, Chicory Root


Be sure to start with fresh cold water and bring to a rolling boil.

Pour over tea bag, steep for 4 minutes (or whatever time you like), remove bag (but no squeezing please!).

For Iced Tea by the Glass: Steep a little longer. Pour over ice.

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33 Tasting Notes

541 tasting notes

I picked this up on a whim because it was very cheap ($2.50) and displayed by the cash register at my local health foods store. The flavor is actually very close to Kusmi’s caramel. The burnt sugar notes are the most prominent flavor. It’s a great deal if you want a good dessert tea.

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737 tasting notes

I looked into my cabinet with all of my teas in it this morning and felt completely overwhelmed.

I’m going to be bringing several boxes of my bagged stuff into work to share with coworkers and also force myself to sip them down.

This was the first one I brought today. It’s a seasonal blend. Not as good as it sounds. The base is very bitter and overpowering, and the saltiness of the flavoring only exacerbates that. I can taste caramel fleetingly, and then maybe the merest suggestion of milk chocolate. It tastes… flat. Like most bagged teas.

Maybe I’m weird. I like my flavored black teas to have a mild base. I just feel like it allows the flavors to come out more.

I will not restock next fall, but I am glad I gave it a try nonetheless.


Yeah Bigelow teas tend to be underwhelming and flat from what I’ve noticed. At least when compared to loose leaf.


100% agree! Loose leaf ftw

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2977 tasting notes

With a pinch of sea salt and a couplevteaspoons of light vanilla almond milk.


Duh…I never thought of salting it up more, but that would provide the extra pinch it needs!

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3011 tasting notes

Husband knows I’m a sucker for most of Bigelow’s seasonal teas, so he grabbed a box for me at the one local store that carries them. I married an enabler.

This is foo-foo tea instead of get-your-sleepy-hindquarters-out-the-door tea, but it’s good foo-foo. The caramel scent and flavor are just right—not much “salted,” but no great loss in my opinion.

My winter wardrobe desperately needs me to start losing interest in pastry and pie, so I foresee this as a tasty and comfortable pacifier when I am craving something sticky and sweet.

Evol Ving Ness

Husband is a good man.


I’ve probably told this story half a dozen times, but one anniversary, our “seven—tea—nth,” he filled a Rubbermaid tub for me with tea, tins, tea t-shirts, and other paraphernalia. (Economics were a little better for us that year.) I still get a little steamy thinking about it :)


Aww! That is the cutest thing I’ve ever heard. (And this tea sounds good, too!)


Your hubby is a keeper!! what did the tea-shirt say :P


At the time, there was an indie company that did shirts with vintage tea labels on them. Oh, and one with the Mad Hatter’s tea party.


aw that’s awesome!! love it


I got a tea tray from my better half this year.

Evol Ving Ness

Lovely story. Lovely thoughtful man.


Mrmopar, does Better Half sip along with you? Hubby will, but only in the dead of winter and I have to steep his oolong to the consistency of engine cleaner.

Evol Ving Ness

hahahaha. No wonder you are getting all the gifts. :)


I don’t think I have heard that delightful story! Love it!

Lexie Aleah

Aww he sounds super sweet.

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