Yezi Tea

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drank Jin Pin Black Tea by Yezi Tea
15131 tasting notes

this was another from the other day which was sadly ruined by my other half using my travel mug lid for coffee and then forgetting to really soak it when we washed it :(


Oh no. All the sad faces. :(


yeah… he always feeels really bad because he knows it ruins the tea


Ohnoez! Sounds like he owes you a new one!


naw it’ll clean…just needs to soak instead of being rinsed :)

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drank Jin Pin Black Tea by Yezi Tea
15131 tasting notes

Another tea from the other day – sometimes i need a reminder as to how delicious these yezi teas are. I am a pretty big fan of their blacks and their puerh and they have some great customer service. It’s nice to have their teas back in my cupboard!

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drank Jin Pin Black Tea by Yezi Tea
15131 tasting notes

nom! so many teas, so little time…. and my poor cupboard is about to explode tomorrow..or at least this weekend lol

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drank Jin Pin Black Tea by Yezi Tea
15131 tasting notes

yay! i finally managed to get another yezi tea order in. I say finally because i’m sure it was nearly a year between orders and that sucks because they really are a great tea company. I’ve enjoyed both their “red” and their black teas and this one is no exception. It was really nice to revisit this today. delicious!

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drank Jin Pin Black Tea by Yezi Tea
15131 tasting notes

I think TB and i are on the same page with this one. it’s delicious but i love the first one i tried today way more.

This tea is slightly sweeter than the Jin Jun Mei and less earthy. A little cocoa and caramel but mostly just a decent cup.

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drank Jin Jun Mei Black Tea by Yezi Tea
15131 tasting notes

i picked this one up as a sample in my Yezi tea order because since i’ve last had it, i’ve had other Jin Jun mei’s that i really love and some that i didn’t like. I wanted to see whether my tastes has changed in the past year or so as far as this particular tea was concerned. turns out, not much has changed on this front – if anything i’m still not a huge fan of this version of jin jun mei..i’ll leave this one for my tea sister terri haha

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drank Jin Jun Mei Black Tea by Yezi Tea
15131 tasting notes

sipdown! While i enjoy this tea, Jin Jun mei appears to not be my preferred tea. This is a really enjoyable cup, but it’s not what i would be drawn to first. Still, happy to have tried it! I’m really enjoying the Yezi teas!

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drank Jin Jun Mei Black Tea by Yezi Tea
15131 tasting notes

hmmm this tastes totally different than the one from Tao Leaf Tea. This one is more up my alley because of the woody, malty tones in it. The aroma is utterly chocolatey to me, though that doesn’t come through in the taste as much, which is fine because that’s why i have LB :) Overall – i prefer other black tea i tried from yezi today but this one isn’t bad.

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mmmm this is a pretty nice puerh. I’ve been sipping on it throughout the morning and while it’s good, i prefer the puerhs from mandala that i’ve had. This has a very mellow profile. It’s got a bit of an earthiness to it, but not over poweringly so. this is a yunnan, so i expect that it contributes to it’s mellowness. Overall, still a good little example of what yezi tea is all about. nice!

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drank Zheng Shan Xiao Zhong by Yezi Tea
15131 tasting notes

Farewell delicious tea! we shall meet again i’m sure as I am a fan of Yezi as a company and because of their teas :)

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drank Zheng Shan Xiao Zhong by Yezi Tea
15131 tasting notes

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drank Zheng Shan Xiao Zhong by Yezi Tea
15131 tasting notes

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drank Zheng Shan Xiao Zhong by Yezi Tea
15131 tasting notes

not sure what i did the last time i had this but it was downright perfect. Deliciously malty, rich and fantastic.

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drank Zheng Shan Xiao Zhong by Yezi Tea
15131 tasting notes

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drank Zheng Shan Xiao Zhong by Yezi Tea
15131 tasting notes

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drank Zheng Shan Xiao Zhong by Yezi Tea
15131 tasting notes

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drank Zheng Shan Xiao Zhong by Yezi Tea
15131 tasting notes

noms. I am lazy these days. Maybe it’s not lazy so much as…. drained. I keep falling behind with things – tea related and otherwise. I had this one a couple days ago – feeling like very little progress is happening with my tea cupboard this year. lol it’s almost april and i’m still well over what i ended last year with. Still enjoying the teas though, so that’s all that really matters. :)

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drank Zheng Shan Xiao Zhong by Yezi Tea
15131 tasting notes

mmmm delicious tea for a “first day back at work” not much to say here beyond yes, yes and more yes. still a darn good cup of tea!

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drank Zheng Shan Xiao Zhong by Yezi Tea
15131 tasting notes

Pulled this one out today because i wanted delicious things to drink. I am still a fan of this one! It was malty and delicious..and that’s all a girl could ask for on a day like today!

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drank Zheng Shan Xiao Zhong by Yezi Tea
15131 tasting notes

the last of my teas from today…figured that i’d change things up a little and have this version instead of my other versions…….. i’m still pretty sure that the 2013 version from YS is my all time favourite of this type of tea. but this one? still pretty darn good. :)

Final Count: 126

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drank Zheng Shan Xiao Zhong by Yezi Tea
15131 tasting notes

mmm pulled this one out of the cupboard this morning because i wanted to revisit it. So good…just the right sort or tea for a return to work after the holidays. this has a great fruity sort of taste, with a little malt and cocao thrown in. :)

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drank Zheng Shan Xiao Zhong by Yezi Tea
15131 tasting notes

SIPDOWN! and it’s a good once since it’s 1 of 2 teas i had left from december. so woot woot for me. 13+hr day but at least i can smile at a few things :) There will be more yezi orders in the future because i love their “red” teas and their service!

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drank Zheng Shan Xiao Zhong by Yezi Tea
15131 tasting notes

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drank Zheng Shan Xiao Zhong by Yezi Tea
15131 tasting notes

oh december teas… how you will be gone from my cupboard..someday! lol i have one more cup of this left since today there was just a little too much tea for a sipdown heh. i’m actually not terribly upset by that because i rather enjoy this one with just a little maple syrup…yes VariaTEA… A LITTLE! not a tablespoon! lol

Terri HarpLady

Did I mention that our YS order came? I’m still working on filling your birthday box, but I promise everything I send will be primo stuff, not some lame crap ;)


i’m working on your box toooooo! and not to worry my dearest tea sister…you do need to tell me if you want me to pick anything up from TeaG for you when i’m there though!

Terri HarpLady

Have i ever tried any teas from there? I guess I’d better start perusing their website, eh?


what’s a little? Is that like 1/2 a cup?

Terri HarpLady

LOL, VariaTEA, I always just free hand it :)


I did too and ended up with a cup of maple syrup toned down by just a bit of tea :P

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