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drank Mild Mint by Touch Organic
1117 tasting notes

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drank Mild Mint by Touch Organic
1117 tasting notes

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drank Mild Mint by Touch Organic
1117 tasting notes

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drank Mild Mint by Touch Organic
1117 tasting notes

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drank Mild Mint by Touch Organic
1117 tasting notes

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drank Mild Mint by Touch Organic
1117 tasting notes

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drank Mild Mint by Touch Organic
1117 tasting notes

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drank Mild Mint by Touch Organic
1117 tasting notes

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drank Mild Mint by Touch Organic
1117 tasting notes

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drank Mild Mint by Touch Organic
1117 tasting notes

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drank Mild Mint by Touch Organic
1117 tasting notes

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drank Mild Mint by Touch Organic
1117 tasting notes

A lovely tea. This combines two of my favourite teas, green tea with mint. The mint flavour is crisp and clear and the green tea flavour is smooth. Really very nice. Bought for a super low price at Winners. Would definitely repurchase.

Flavors: Green, Mint

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drank Very Berry White Tea: by Touch Organic
2958 tasting notes

Very tasty mixture of white tea and berries. I can still taste the white tea under the fruit, and it is strong but not astringent. The tea gets sweetness from the berries and the tea leaves themselves. I appreciate that the berries do not make the tea acidic or tangy, that would not work with a white tea in my opinion.

Flavors: Berries, Berry, Fruity, Sweet

185 °F / 85 °C 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 10 OZ / 300 ML

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drank Organic White Tea by Touch Organic
2958 tasting notes

Very delicate undertones, which made the tea taste weak to me. I do appreciate that the tea is organic and fair trade, however I wish my tea had a bit more flavour.

Steeps a pale yellow colour but has little smell.

Flavors: Astringent, Fur

170 °F / 76 °C 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 350 ML

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drank Organic Oolong by Touch Organic
2958 tasting notes

You can either steep it for a short time and get watery weak tea or brew longer and get astringent (and still weak) tea. I’ve had two pots of this so far, and there wasn’t a lot of flavour in either. It could have been this batch though.

Steeps to a slight tan colour, is slightly woody but overall is quite shallow. Smells like a strong oolong, however mine did not taste as good as it smelled.

Flavors: Astringent

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 25 OZ / 750 ML

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One of my first experiences with an Oolong tea. I would have liked to find it loose leaf, but saw this for a good price and decided to gamble on it. Surprisingly strong and full for a tea bag tea.

Flavors: Fruity, Honey

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You can smell the fresh apricots through the packaging. The tea smells divine before and during steeping. It is beautifully sweet, bright, and delicately fruity. The white tea gives it a nice round taste. It steeps a light yellow colour, but you can really taste all the different flavours. I also really like the ingredients are organic and ethically sourced.

Flavors: Apricot, Fruity, Grass, Stonefruit, Sweet, Tannic

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 350 ML

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drank Sencha by Touch Organic
400 tasting notes

So this was my first day back to drinking a good amount of tea. I brewed this today before work, and had it throughout the day. I’m currently sitting at my desk, taking a moment to write a review before jumping into my “1000 Word Writing Challenge.”

While I was in North Carolina, my mother-in-law wanted to take us out shopping after we had our Southern-style BBQ/family gathering. Anyway, I stumbled upon a 1000 gram “bucket” of this Sencha for $20! I love a good Sencha, so I thought that price was a steal, especially for 1000 grams!

Now the leaves are about the size of my pinky. The aroma of the dry leaf has a nice vegetal/mineral aroma. The wet leaf is the same, but the vegetal aroma comes forward a little more. However, the flavor profile is nice. It’s a smooth-sweet-vegetal-coated-in butter flavor. 1000 grams is plenty; I’ll drink this daily for a while. It’s a good cup to have throughout the day, and I rather enjoy it.

(Side Note: Imagine broccoli with butter. That’s what my wife said it tasted like. I’m not a super connoisseur when it comes to Japanese greens, but this is all I can think of now. What would you (those of you who are BIG into Japanese greens) call this flavor?)

PS. Apparently this tea is a Chinese tea “prepared by using traditional Japanese deep-steaming methods….” So my bad. However, it’s nice. I might try expanding my tea tastings to more Japanese greens, or some prepared in this fashion. I’m down for something good, but being that I haven’t been exposed to too many Japanese greens, I avoid them as much as possible. I had an old roommate who played with Japanese teas, but his method included over-steeping and water that was too hot. If anyone has any ideas what to try, please let me know!

Flavors: Broccoli, Butter, Vegetal

165 °F / 73 °C 0 min, 45 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML
Daylon R Thomas

Liquid Proust is your man for Japanese Greens.


I’ll talk with him!

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Bitter, weird green grassy taste.
Mango is only in the smell.

Flavors: Bitter

195 °F / 90 °C 8 min or more 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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At work today I had spicy food and decided not to ruin some oolong so I pulled this out.
Brewed it up and then threw ice in it. Fantastic pairing for a spicy . I will admit that without the addition of ice/water it may be a bit bitter and strong, but if you weaken it up it becomes rather nice.

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I never drink bagged teas, because they lack depth of flavor and can’t release enough tea for more than one real infusion. That said, I’m in a pinch right now and I spotted a brand of white bagged tea in the grocery store, and since I have developed nighttime asthma I’ve been needing lightly oxidized teas frequently to help clear my airways. The description wasn’t disingenuous, so I took a shot in the dark. True to form, brewed at a low temperature, this fanning tea brand brews one steeping of “nothing fancy” Chinese white tea. I prefer to begin sipping a tad early, so as to taste both the premature and mature flavor in one steeping, after finally removing the leaves just at the moment of full infusion.

The aroma is grassy and tangy. The color is a tinge green compared to whole leaf white tea, while not unattractive. Surprisingly, there is somewhat of a soft body to it—that is, if steeped long enough, and with roughly 1.5-2 bags per cup. Watched carefully and with cooler water, it should not become bitter and retains a sweet buttery mouth-feel, true to white teas. If the water is a little too hot, the tea becomes more astringent and less sweet, so it is sensitive in that way.

A mellow honey-and-hay flavor, with delicate fruity notes, and at first a tartly tangy aftertaste. That’s about it, a hit it and quit it shallow white, with a medium-ish degree of caffeine, as the fannings seem to diffuse it well in cooler water. Helps the sinuses and provides a good oomph! There is a vegetal aftertaste which leaves you with a lightly astringent, creamy sensation in the end.

Rather pungent, as bagged teas go, and acceptable if necessary…

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It’s very light, and very floral. To me, it was actually not to far from Teavivre’s jasmine pearls, which is surprising because it’s bagged. The Jasmine is perfume like, but not overwhelming. The green tea is also pretty smooth. The after taste still lingers, and is partially sweet. I can drink it pretty easily without honey or sweetener. A part of me actually prefers this one to Numi’s: the price is significantly better (mom got it for herself for less than two bucks for 24 bags), and it doe not have the same astringency nor tannin aftertaste that Numi has. It’s cleaner, and I was actually lucky that I got it so fresh for a bagged tea.

Flavors: Freshly Cut Grass, Jasmine, Perfume, Sweet

2 min, 45 sec 8 OZ / 236 ML

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LuckyMe recommended it as a cheaper oolong, and what do you know, I found it at Big Lots for $1.80 for 24 bags. I totally didn’t need it considering incoming swaps, but I’m going to need it for my trip down to Florida and for drinks on the go. Also, my mom got it for herself anyways, so it’s our shared stash.

It’s a really smooth oolong, and for a bagged tea, it actually has a complete simple profile, with some notes of complexity. Turns out that this is one of the teas that I used to drink as a kid in Hawaii. I smell and taste a really herbaceous brown rice character, with a woodsy body, and a honey like finish. Not anything spectacular, and experience tea drinkers might compare it to cardboard, or a standard oolong. I really enjoy it, and especially so because of how cheaply I can get it for the really passable quality. Hence the higher review. Taste is really closer to a 65-70, but price and convenience bumped this tea up 10 points for me. It just might be a decent introduction to a newbie, but it might not be sweet enough for a developing palette.

Flavors: Earth, Honey, Rice, Wood

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec 8 OZ / 236 ML

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