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A simple but nice Earl Grey. It isn’t very heavy on the cream, but I’m thinking the smoothness comes from that aspect. Really nice Earl Grey flavour though! If I didn’t already have a ton of stand-by Earl Grey, I’d consider keeping more of this around.

I’ve got a bunch more samples from Shanti that I’m quite eager to try! Really keen on finding more Canada-based companies.

2 min, 0 sec

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drank Lapsang Souchong by Twinings
557 tasting notes

I got excited when I saw this sitting in my teacher’s tea basket. She was excited that I wanted to try it. So, after several attempts of taking a drink (and burning myself) I finally got a taste.

First, it doesn’t really taste like much. It tastes a little peppery to me. Not bad but not something that I would drink all the time.

Second, this tea smells like bacon. I swear it does. One of my classmates sat down from me and asked where the bacon was so I wasn’t the only one.

Overall, it isn’t something I would drink all of the time but it was interesting to try.

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

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Flavors: Red Fruits

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 7 OZ / 200 ML

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drank Golden Milk Tea by Ronnefeldt
640 tasting notes

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drank Exotica by DAVIDsTEA
96 tasting notes

I just made myself a glass of this, iced. It didn’t need any sweeteners at all, though I was tempted to add a spoonful of honey. This tea has a light, lemony, fresh taste and I recommend it highly.

Boiling 5 min, 30 sec

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Iced 12 OZ / 355 ML

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drank Peach Melba by Bencheley
13 tasting notes

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drank Gyokuro Imperial by Zhi Tea
19 tasting notes

Subtle. Like the ocean. A hint of caramel? Smooth, tasty, a hint of bitterness. Refreshing. Is that smoked salmon? Ooh the smell. Such a nice tea

160 °F / 71 °C 1 min, 30 sec 6 g 14 OZ / 414 ML

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drank Tea Merci Berry & Rose by Blue Q
902 tasting notes

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drank Strawberry Fields by Teaopia
65 tasting notes

Maybe I should’ve tried this one iced. Most of the reviews rave about it, but I found it wasn’t that great brewed hot.

I ended up mixing it with the creamed earl grey also from Teaopia and that helped it, but it’s not a tea I would buy again.

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drank Rooibos Matcha by Matcha Outlet
2961 tasting notes

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drank Paris by Harney & Sons
2977 tasting notes

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drank Three Ginger by Pukka
35 tasting notes

I have a hard time not buying tea when I’m in the grocery store, even if I know it’s going to sit on the shelf for months and months. I bought this one to aid digestion. There’s nothing terrible about it, but nothing great, either. Sometimes I add it to black tea when I’m mixing a chai. In essence – “meh.”

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The first notes that hits me are chamomile and linden. I think the rooibos has dulled down the overall flavor just a bit. This tisane isn’t very exciting to me, as it has a very monotone character, but it might make a good sleepy-time tea.

I’ll try steeping it for longer and see if that brings out any of the other, more interesting, components (like lemon myrtle, hyssop, cyani and rose petals).

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Ginger Tea by Teavana
16 tasting notes

This tea really helped with my motion sickness honestly! It was easy to drink iced and I would make it before road trips as to feel better during the ride. I would recommend and to not put to many leaves in to make it to strong.

Flavors: Ginger

3 tsp 6 OZ / 177 ML

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