Mmmmm. :)

I had some friends over to play a boardgame (Lords of Waterdeep, highly recommended), which meant that I had to clean up, and in particular had to clear alllll the crap off my table. So now they’re gone and I have a nice clean table, which means I finally have room to set up my kettle and gaiwan and associated paraphernalia. I’m testing out the new gaiwan that I got from Verdant as well (this one: http://verdanttea.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/gaiwan_dripglaze_springblossom_110-LARGE.jpg). It’s bigger than the little 100ml one that I’m used to, which is now missing a lid thanks to my dog. :/ It holds anywhere from 120-200ml depending on how full I fill it. I think it’ll be very useful for when I have friends over for tea, but it’s a bit too large for just me. I’m also still figuring out how to pour from it without spilling everywhere, lol.

This is a really lovely tea, though! The aroma when you first open the bag and stick your nose in is amazingly sweet and fresh, and the aroma of the wet leaves is similar, but more vegetal and beany and savoury. The first few steepings in particular were very sweet and creamy, and I can definitely see where the “vanilla soymilk” comparison comes from. As the steepings progress, more soybean and then crisp vegetal notes arise, but very little astrigency or bitterness. I was expecting it to be energizing, but I’m actually finding it to be quite relaxing. Wow, these fresh spring harvest green teas have been a bit of a revelation to me, because I usually favour blacks and oolongs, but this and Verdant’s Dragonwell were both super delicious.

Flavors: Creamy, Garden Peas, Soybean, Sweet, Vanilla, Vegetal

175 °F / 79 °C 5 g 5 OZ / 150 ML

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Well it has been over a year and everyone I know thinks my tea obsession is a bit out of hand, so… I guess I’m not a total newbie anymore. :)

I’m drinking a lot more pure tea these days, though I still love a good flavoured blend too. Current favourites: Chinese and Taiwanese blacks, fresh Chinese greens, oolongs both green and roasted, sheng puer.

I really love companies that buy directly from tea farmers, and have an emphasis on quality and sustainability. Favourites: Verdant, Whispering Pines, Eco Cha, White 2 Tea. I live in a small town in the middle of nowhere, so I buy almost all my tea online.

For hot tea, I’m usually brewing in either a 100ml gaiwan, or a 10oz mug with a steeping basket. For cold tea, I cold brew overnight in 500ml mason jars.

My cupboard on Steepster doesn’t include small samples, just the ones I have at least 15g of. So if you see something you’re interested in, I probably have enough to share. :)


Northwestern Ontario, Canada

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