This tea smells much like the other vanilla teas I’ve had do: black tea with a hint of vanilla. The dry leaf smells a bit more flavored, but it’s basically what you’d expect from a vanilla tea.
The problem I’ve had with other vanilla teas is that the vanilla flavor and the black base don’t complement each other well. While this does improve as the tea cools, I wanted something that was perfect the whole way through, and this tea is!
This tea is smooth and delicious, what I’ve come to expect from Lupicia over the past couple days. The flavoring in this tea is pretty subtle, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. I do like my flavors loud, but there is such a thing as too-much-flavoring. This tea doesn’t have that. What this tea does have is a smooth black base with a hint of vanilla, and the flavors blend wonderfully. The vanilla even adds a bit of thickness to the tea, it seems. This is what I’ve been expecting from the other vanilla teas I’ve tried, only to be disappointed.
So this tea? This tea is YUM.