Popular Tasting Notes

drank After Dark by Dharma Teas
42 tasting notes

This is a unique herbal blend, with fruity sweet and slightly cool spicy flavour. Best taken at night, after a hectic day, just before bed time.

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I bought this on a whim because i was low on cash and didn’t have the gas to get to the nearest place that sells my usual tea, so I swung into a local food market and picked this up to get my irish breakfast fix. I was a bit sad to find that it wasn’t quite as robust a tea as I’d have liked, but still a decent tea, not quite the most flavorful, but not as bad as your typical grocery-store tea bag. (oh, also I tend to lean more towards loose-leaf teas, so this is a somewhat unusual choice for me). Recommendable, but not recommended.

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I thought this was a great tea for stress-relief and relaxation. I drank it at work; it wasn’t overkill on the valerian as it didn’t make me drowsy. However, I would recommend it as something to drink to wind down in the evenings.

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drank Lime Gelato by DAVIDsTEA
15131 tasting notes

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drank Hazelnut-Chocolate by TeaGschwendner
15131 tasting notes

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drank Lemon Grass by Adagio Teas
1629 tasting notes

Blended this iced with Rishi Blueberry Rooibos, Adagio Pi Lo Chun, Mighty Leaf Organic Spring Jasmine, Numi Rooibos. I love the fruity taste to the blend. I use lemon grass to blend with other teas… sometimes I drink it alone. I feel like it clears up my throat and has a nice lemon zing to it.

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I like this particular herbal blend, but now that I’m partly through the box, I realize I really bought it for the mint flavor, and I would prefer it to be 100% peppermint. That’s okay though, I will just keep using it until it’s gone, then go back to an 100% peppermint.

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refreshing light nutty taste, replaced regular bottle of water in the commuter bag

Iced 8 min or more

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drank Almond Oolong by Adagio Teas
30 tasting notes

Very flavorful! I barely put any sugar in it… Love this one!

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Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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I do love lemon, and I love it in my black tea. Just rating this as itself, I like it a lot. It’s got an intensity I enjoy. There’s a nice depth to the flavor. I note others have whined about the hibiscus, but I don’t know what they’re talking about. This is a nice lemony tea. When I don’t have any fresh lemon to add to my cup of black tea, I simply use a bag or two of this thrown into the pot—problem solved. It’s also excellent in a blend of mixed teas. This is better than Bigelow’s “I Love Lemon” tea, which is nowhere near as lemony as this is. It’s even good unsweetened.

Flavors: Lemon, Lemon Zest

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

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drank Chai by Harney & Sons
257 tasting notes

And the resteep. The resteep came out very good this time, not pale at all. Still had fines in the bottom as noted before, but good stuff.

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Flavors: Smoked

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 250 ML

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175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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I got this tea as a birthday present as I normally do not by bagged tea or herbal/rooibos tisanes, but I was quite amazed at not only the taste but the longevity of the tea leaves.

The first thing you smell when you open the canister is rose. It’s so strong you can taste it.

It says to steep one tea bag in a “cup” of boiling purified water, but to me a cup of tea is 6 oz so that’s the measurement I used. I steeped it for 7 min.

I was kinda nervous about this tea because I hate chamomile, but was pleasantly surprised that the smooth rooibos blended very nice w/ the lavender and the rose so I didn’t even notice the chamomile. Rose was the primary flavor just as it was the primary sent, but it was cut very gently by the rooibos so it didn’t taste like I was drinking my grandmother’s perfume.

If you are like me and don’t drink herbals or rooibos, I’d encourage you to still buy this but rather than steeping it water, steep it in your favorite green or white tea.

I was also surprised that it did have a relaxing effect. I know chamomile does calm the stomach, but when I drink this I do feel some of the stress leave my body.

But most surprising of all was it’s ability to stand up to reinfusion. I got 3 great infusions by increasing the infusion time by 1 min for each cup. I probably could have even gotten a fourth.

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#16. Wow this smells bad. It might just be me but the smell put me off right away and I’m struggling to describe it, maybe clove? Luckily it doesn’t taste anything like it smells. Green tea and mint, that’s it. I thought it was quite boring and didn’t finish the cup.

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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drank Genmaicha by Bigelow
6768 tasting notes

Not feeling this one today…makes me hungry tho

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drank Om by Tazo
2 tasting notes

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drank Chocolate Chili Chai by DAVIDsTEA
391 tasting notes

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drank Earl Grey Green by Bigelow
4 tasting notes

I can’t taste black tea anymore (due to meds), so it’s nice to find some earl grey green! the bergamot can be a bit overpowering, so I definitely only steep it for 2 minutes; any more and the tea is a little bitter and the bergamot is too strong. otherwise, a nice, cheaper tea – I get it more because of nostalgia than anything else. :)

Flavors: Bergamot, Citrus

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 4 OZ / 130 ML

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Only one serving left of this tea… I hope they’ll bring it back next year. It’s really good with milk and brown sugar (like Pumpkin Chai). It’s less spicy than Pumpkin Chai, so I drink this when I want a “neutral”, almost straight tea. I can really taste the green rooibos and pumpkin. Unfortunately there is a slight soap-ish aftertaste which I don’t like. But a very comforting drink.

Flavors: Pumpkin, Rooibos, Soap

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DAVIDsTEA 24 Days of Tea: Day 2 out of 24

Chai is sort of my thing: I enjoy making it from scratch, and have been doing so for a few years now. Over time, I’ve developed a blend of spices that I really enjoy, at the cost of being hesitant to try pre-made chai blends from retailers. Since I know it won’t be exactly the same proportions of spices, it’s likely I won’t enjoy it as much as my recipe. But, when I opened today’s calendar slot and was greeted with this, I took it as an exercise to offer a more open mind to “other chai”. Not to mention that I was in the mood for vanilla today, which helped. :)

Tasted straight and with half-and-half + raw sugar. Straight, it’s surprisingly sweet-tasting: I had to double check the ingredient list to see if there was added sugar. Sadly, I didn’t taste much vanilla, despite seeing the specks of vanilla bean in the tea. Most of the flavor was cinnamon and ginger. In the end, I couldn’t get over the cloying sweetness I felt in the straight tea.

Fared better with half-and-half, although the vanilla I was expecting was still very mild. With the milk cutting the sweetness down to a reasonable level, I tasted more notes of clove.

All-in-all, not my favorite tea by a long shot. I’ll keep on making my homemade chai for the time being.

Flavors: Cinnamon, Clove, Ginger, Vanilla

200 °F / 93 °C 7 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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