After some really ill-advised anniversary dining that my tummy is apparently too old to handle well anymore… I’m still paying for it 3 days later (habanero ranch bacon cheeseburger, fries with buffalo sauce, half a pound of Skittles and 2 chocolate Drumstick ice cream cones. Doesn’t help that dinner the night before was a burger with hot sauce and Cajun fries…). I’ve been mostly avoiding tannic things, hot things, spicy things, carbonation, grease, sugars… basically everything I eat or drink! :) Hoping this calms things down again. It’s been getting better but I want to drink tea all day tomorrow again! :) 2 reviews I posted tonight were jotted down much earlier, and I just found the notes again today, so I actually only had 2 cups of tea all day long before this one. :(
I was originally looking for more of a straight mint tea but I think I have too much tea in not a very good order because I know I have some but I couldn’t find it… Tonight I’m getting much more chocolate from this, both in scent and in taste and not as much mint as previously. Wonder if my tastebuds are off because of tummy has an unhappy? This is still very good and it’s a nice take-the-place-of-dessert tea.
Hope you feel better soon!
thanks :)
Feel better
sending you well wishes!
Get well soon!
Feel better.
thanks everyone :)