2967 Tasting Notes


Ah, refreshing.
Its been a long week already, and its only Tuesday. Gah.
I really, really like this. Its so creamy! So minty! So delicate and lovely! I am greedily hording the last of this, and will be enthusiastically buying more when the winter comes around!

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drank Eiyoeiga by Lupicia
2967 tasting notes

Just enough of this to make a final pot. Hurrah!
I’ve enjoyed this. Its a citrus and black tea blend, which I am usually all for. This one was a little bit bitter, but not in an unpleasant way- in a bitter citrus kind of way.
It was enjoyable, and the tin is one of the specially designed ones, so its super pretty.
But its a sipdown! Hurrah!
I’m gonna make my sipdown goals, to be sure!

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I can never get this tea to work!
I am one who likes floral tea. Rose teas? Lovely! Especially floral black teas- they can have a gorgeous flavor.
So I really want to like this. This has got chamomile and rose in it, which sounds interesting, but tastes… sour.
Its not unbearable, so I’ll work my way through it, but, after being blown away by some of Smith’s other special edition teas, I am not very impressed here.

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Thank goodness its Friday. Of course, its still going to be a busy day today, but the weekend is in sight, and its the first weekend since June that I am not working. Rapture! Joy!
Farewell, Black Currant. You did your job well enough, and were a pleasant companion. And though we part forever, it was a nice relationship!

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drank Boston by Harney & Sons
2967 tasting notes

Part two of the day is about to start- ugh. Thursdays start at 5:30 a.m. and end at, roughly, 10 p.m. Bleh.
So, when planning my tea consumption, I dove directly towards Boston, that beloved favorite. There are days not to mess around with less beloved teas, and this is one of them.


I second that!


Agreed. I hope the afternoon goes by quickly for you so you can be at home and enjoy some rest!

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And its a Sipdown!
I can’t say anything bad about this tea, it has done its job admirably- serving as a no brain tea, for mornings when something hot, caffeinated and pleasant is required, but no spare brain cells can be spared for complex flavors.
Such was my morning today, and this served as a valiant effort against the morning.
Good show, tea!

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Peets is no longer doing their signature teas, and while this will mostly be alright, I will miss this terribly.
Winter Solstice is easily one of my favorite cold weather teas, rich, layered and complex, with a clear, bright note of orange peel and citrus.
I still have a fair bit of it, but its a bit bittersweet, now that this is my last tin!
This has been a tough year for tea companies closing!

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drank Forever Nuts by DAVIDsTEA
2967 tasting notes

Tea of last night. I was going through my samples bowl, and this is what came up, and voila!
The best thing about this is that it turns bright pink when brewed, which can be a mood lifter.
It wasn’t as strong or sweet as I remember it, but perhaps my sample was a little too elderly? Who knows. Still, enjoyed!

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drank Boston by Harney & Sons
2967 tasting notes

I am lagging behind today, as I got a migraine yesterday, in the middle of a work training, none the less, and I always feel a little hungover the day after. Couple that with a Monday and today has been a lot of fun.
But there is always tea, isn’t there? And on days like today one of my favorites must be summoned from the cupboard.
Is it autumn yet?


Hubby gave me a scare a few weeks ago – complex migraine with aphasia! Meaning he could hardly speak! He has had the aura before but it was the first time with aphasia. Thankfully the hippie juju I gave him (as he calls it) helps a lot and got rid of the aphasia and aura quickly. It is Migraine Relief from Native American Nutritionals or Rocky Mountain Oils – same company. Maybe it would help you?


Maybe so! Thank you, Ashmanra, I will look it up. I don’t get them often, but when they hit, boy is it unpleasant!

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For the first time since June I don’t work on a Saturday! I got to sleep in, and then enjoy a highly leisurely cup of tea!
Oh, I’d almost forgotten how that felt.


Hope you enjoyed your day off!

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I love tea! I confess that I was a hot chocolate lover for most of my life, but recently a switch has gone off in my brain, and suggested that I might just love tea. And I do!
I’m a bit of a novice, but an enthusiastic one, and am happily sipping new varieties all the time.
I love vanilla, fruity, and caramel flavors, and cant wait to try more.

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