This is note #800, wow. It’s not even in chronological order because I had it this morning! I just wasn’t feeling up to writing a note on it until now.
My boyfriend is in Chicago right now and I of course sent him to DavidsTea up there and probably ruined a surprise in anger. I apologized but seriously pretending something I want is out of stock when I just discovered I spent 70 minutes getting downtown and standing around waiting for class to start to only have class for 12 minutes was not good for my poor angry mind! So now I have to pretend I never knew.
I feel bad I ruined the surprise but I am still raging over how dumb it was to make me come all the way down for turning things in. I could have done that last Wednesday if she let us know about the feedback form for the class before then. Now I have to use the official school feedback form to complain again. Actually I just want to complain about this entire semester, because today was the last day of class. A Monday! What on earth is that?! Get over the loss of Labor Day, jeez.
This one just doesn’t taste as amazing as it used to. My bag is so full of blueberries so I assume it’s more of a lack of actual tea that’s causing that. This is one of the few black base DavidsTeas that I can steep according to the directions and not have a horrible, bitter mess. Then again, I’m steeping it at the low end of the recommendation.
However, I didn’t finish the cup before I left for my useless excursion downtown. So I came home really thirsty because I had to trek to the leasing office to get my Verdant package, and it’s SO warm out there today, so it really hit the spot. I think I actually like it better cold. Now that I think about it, it just feels like blueberry is a better flavor cold to me.
Before I close out this note, I have a request if anyone can help. Sebastian has been a very chirpy bird today, but he has specific music tastes. He really likes Jason Mraz and John Mayer. I, on the other hand, really don’t. He especially likes Jason Mraz’s song “I Won’t Give Up” so if anyone knows of similar songs I want to make him a Spotify playlist of similar songs. I’m guessing it’s the acoustic guitar that gets him. He also liked the sound of trumpets in a Doctor Who episode I was watching earlier, but when I’ve played him jazz, he doesn’t chirp.
He also apparently likes commercials for ham.
Thank you all! I will see if he likes them…right now he’s like slightly freaked out and chirping to the radio but he’s always super cool and comfy when he hears Jason Mraz. LOL I don’t get it.
aw, I love hearing about the music tastes of your bird! ha. I don’t have any ideas however.. I don’t listen to much of those two either, so I’m not sure what is similar.
haha it’s about all he does, so I have to share when it’s particularly amusing. Like today now, he chirps just when they say Jason Mraz on the radio. I think I’ll just use the radio aspect of spotify and see how that works
Congrats on 800!
800 reviews, nice! Congrats :)
He might like some Elliott Smith, or Hayden. Maybe Justin Nozuka
Woot! Yay for 800!
Thank you all! I will see if he likes them…right now he’s like slightly freaked out and chirping to the radio but he’s always super cool and comfy when he hears Jason Mraz. LOL I don’t get it.
aw, I love hearing about the music tastes of your bird! ha. I don’t have any ideas however.. I don’t listen to much of those two either, so I’m not sure what is similar.
haha it’s about all he does, so I have to share when it’s particularly amusing. Like today now, he chirps just when they say Jason Mraz on the radio. I think I’ll just use the radio aspect of spotify and see how that works
my bird LOVES the weepies!! the album with “gotta have you” on it. and nina simone