Dark Choc Chilli Chai

Tea type
Black Chai Blend
Not available
Artificial, Cardamom, Chili, Chocolate, Dark Chocolate, Spices, Spicy, Sweet, Cream, Honey
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf, Sachet
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 30 sec 3 g 11 oz / 328 ml

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28 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Had another go with this yesterday, while watching an old episode of The Vampire Diaries on DVD. When I made the first cup a few days ago, I kind of forgot what I was dealing with and treated it...” Read full tasting note
  • “Was hoping this Chili Chocolate Chai would offer me the spice I was looking for. Alas, it’s the same as Della Terra’s version: zero spice or heat to it. Still nice and creamy, just something other...” Read full tasting note
  • “Bird & Blend Advent Calendar 2021 – Day 22 So I wasn’t super excited to see this one on the side of the little box this morning, not being a chocolate tea lover. Plus I feel like all the spicy...” Read full tasting note
  • “Bird & Blend Advent Calendar 2021: Day 22! Wow, this one is spicy! I got tons of chili with just a hint of chocolate. I don’t mind spice but could’ve done with a slightly toned-down chili...” Read full tasting note

From Bird & Blend Tea Co.

This award winning blend is our absolute favourite sweet treat! Real chunks of decadent dark chocolate help melt away the day’s worries followed by a chilli kick to awaken your tastebuds!

Ingredients: Sri Lankan Black Tea, Cocoa Nibs, Cocoa Shells, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Ginger, Chilli, Natural Flavouring

About Bird & Blend Tea Co. View company

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28 Tasting Notes

2238 tasting notes

Had another go with this yesterday, while watching an old episode of The Vampire Diaries on DVD. When I made the first cup a few days ago, I kind of forgot what I was dealing with and treated it much as I would any other black tea. I was “rewarded” with a very strong chilli kick, which was almost a bit much. So today, I decided to try and remedy that a little and brewed this as a latte instead. I used quite a big cup, added an extra teaspoon of leaf (with some trepidation, admittedly), and used half as much water as I usually would. After about 5 minutes, I topped it up with some warmed milk.

It’s much better this way. The chilli is still there, but it’s a spicy warmth rather than a hot burn. The other flavours are also a little more prevalent — there’s more chocolate coming through, and some of the other spices, like the cinnamon and ginger, are making their presence known.

It’s nice to know that there are a couple of ways I can brew this, depending on the flavour profile I’m looking for. It’s equally reassuring to know that I can tone the chilli down into something pleasant, rather than a challenge. I feel more at home with this one now.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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1501 tasting notes

Was hoping this Chili Chocolate Chai would offer me the spice I was looking for. Alas, it’s the same as Della Terra’s version: zero spice or heat to it. Still nice and creamy, just something other than what I was looking for, or what it’s labelled as.

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

Sorry it was not what your looking for. I have not tried it myself but I’ve heard you can add cayenne pepper to teas like this that don’t have the kick you would expect. I’m not sure if that is a normal spice you would keep in house.

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4336 tasting notes

Bird & Blend Advent Calendar 2021 – Day 22

So I wasn’t super excited to see this one on the side of the little box this morning, not being a chocolate tea lover. Plus I feel like all the spicy teas I’ve tried recently have been way too spicy?

But actually, it’s quite pleasant. The chocolate flavoring does taste quite artificial, but the cacao shells help to temper it a bit. The cardamom is the strongest spice to my palate, with the others and the chili playing more of a supporting role. My tongue is sightly tingly, not sure if that’s the chili or if there’s ginger here as well.

Overall, pleasantly surprised! Not something I would order, but I enjoyed my mugful this evening well enough. :)

Flavors: Artificial, Cardamom, Chili, Chocolate, Dark Chocolate, Spices, Spicy, Sweet

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 8 OZ / 236 ML

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397 tasting notes

Bird & Blend Advent Calendar 2021: Day 22!

Wow, this one is spicy! I got tons of chili with just a hint of chocolate. I don’t mind spice but could’ve done with a slightly toned-down chili element. I’m not detecting much chai, but I think that’s actually for the best… chocolate + chili + chai has the potential to be overkill!

Flavors: Chili, Chocolate

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1401 tasting notes

B&B Advent 2021 Day 22

The steeped scent was very dark chocolate with hints of spice that immediately reminded me of a chocolate spice cookie. The taste translated almost exactly. I would say the chai fell to the background, and the dark chocolate came forward with a spicy kick in the back of the throat. We both downed our cups at record speed and agreed we must order this one!

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec 3 g 14 OZ / 414 ML
Evol Ving Ness

It’s nice to be wrong sometimes.


It really is! I actually love when it happens haha.

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2596 tasting notes

I loved the Mayan chocolate chai from 52teas, so I was excited to try this tea with a similar flavor profile. Compared with my memory of that one, this one is a little muted. I taste the chai inspiration, and I also taste a little chocolate, but it’s certainly more in a tea way than in a hot chocolate way. The spiciness definitely comes out more like a hot pepper than usual chai spices, which is fun. I just wish the flavoring were stronger, and as always, it could use more cocoa shells! I want more of everything from this tea.


Ha, I just realized that I actually do have a small package of cocoa shells! Whoops!


Oh they best not have changed the recipe on this one too…

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1781 tasting notes

Sip down!
I have enjoyed this one. It is of the caliber of Zhi Tea chais, which are my favorite. It is well balanced and flavorful. The chili adds a slight warming sensation, which could be WAY stronger IMO. IF I were to spend the money on shipping for another order, this would be on the short list of teas I really enjoyed from this company.


WAIT! Bird and Blend has free shipping on ALL orders (including international) until I think… Monday at midnight (probably UK time)? So now is your chance!


I was disappointed enough with most of their teas that I’ll likely not be purchasing from them again. Also, I’m doing really good on my new year resolution of not buying any tea! It would take tea WAY more amazing than B&B to get me to break that!


Aw, but I love B&B. haha. But the glory of free shipping is that you could just order the Dark Choc Chili Chai.


@tea-sipper I’m unsure whether I should regret seeing your comment or not…

Evol Ving Ness

hahahha, yeah, those with tons of teas should only read the negative reviews. :)


Welp. I now have a B&B order on its way to me.

Evol Ving Ness

But FREE shipping! Yay you!


Except that for some reason, it did not apply. Sooooo I’ve emailed them to sort it out. Sigh. The number of times I’ve had to go back and forth with various people/companies over things like this lately is astounding and frustrating.

Evol Ving Ness

They’ll likely tack it back on your cc and it’ll be easy-peasy.


AWESOME Kittenna, but sorry things weren’t as easy as they should have been on the shipping.


I was surprised to find that I liked their tisanes, but most of their teas were weak on the flavors promised. Glad others are enjoying them tho!
Hope you get the not free shipping sorted out! :(


Hopefully I like what I picked up! I did create my own sampler, plus got 50g of a few things. They refunded the shipping, but unfortunately, I was dinged on the exchange in both directions, which sucks.

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15596 tasting notes

i’m not overly a fan of chocolate teas but this one is a fun and decent cup! I like the chocolate flavour, the chili is a nice kick to the entire cup and overall i can get behind this as a chai. It might be a little spicy for some though.

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6444 tasting notes


Thank you Nattie!! This smells like a fudgey brownie which is oh-so-tempting but the taste is mostly cacao. Granted it is a rich cacao flavor, one I am enjoying far more than most but at the end of the day, it is still cacao and that is not a flavor that is really for me when it comes to teas. However, I 100% recommend this to anyone who enjoys cacao flavors with a little bit of a tasty kick.

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1024 tasting notes

Ooooh it’s a deep burn. Ohhhhhhh. This was a bonus treat from Scheherazade in our swap, so thank you! Woo! I don’t often go for chocs or chais and I did end up regifting most of this sample to a friend who is a fan of such things, but I couldn’t resist taking just enough for myself to sample the once.

And then I did my wonderful work trick of forgetting about my still-steeping tea, and this oversteeped—for around 15mins. So it’s got a KICK to it, son! SHEESH. I tamed the beast with a teaspoon of sugar and a dollop of milk, and now I’m getting that creamy chocolatey taste and the chilli isn’t knocking me on my ass. Ooh, this would be good on a cold winter night (and they’re not too far around the corner for me).

Good job with this blend! And thanks again to Sarah for forcing me to try things I wouldn’t otherwise gravitate toward. The joy of tea strikes again!

Flavors: Chocolate, Cream, Honey

205 °F / 96 °C 8 min or more 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

Steepster was supposed to distract me from my work for no more than 10 minutes, and now I have to go and make myself a mug of this.
Look what you made me do!


Ahhhhhh I blame Sarah.

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