Superfine Jasmine Downy Dragon Pearls Green Tea

Tea type
Green Tea
Jasmine Special Grade Green Tea
Cantaloupe, Floral, Fruity, Green, Jasmine, Melon
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Edit tea info Last updated by TeaVivre
Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec 4 g 8 oz / 242 ml

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From Teavivre

Origin: Fuding(福鼎), Fujian, China

Ingredients: Pure bud and new leaf, with obvious silver tips, hand rolled into a pearl shape

Taste: A bold sweet tea, with a subtle jasmine aroma

Health Benefits: This Jasmine Dragon Pearl is a superfine green tea, and so gives you all the great health benefits of any green tea. Due to its extremely high content of antioxidants, green tea helps reduce the instance of some forms of cancer, helps lower the risk of heart attacks and coronary diseases and helps fights the affects of aging and pollution.

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50 Tasting Notes

1719 tasting notes

A sad sip down. Hate to see this disappear. I do have a full bag of Jasmine green tea from Teavivre that I won’t open until a few more are gone. I can’t do 12 cups a day like some of you so this will probably take me through most of the day.

I have said it before but I thought I hated jasmine until Teavivre. Wonderful almost grapey goodness.

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3478 tasting notes

Congratulations to Teavivre for being named on the Top Ten Teas in the World list by Fox News! You deserve it!

I can’t believe I didn’t have this listed in my cupboard! I love love love Teavivre’s jasmine. The first jasmine I had as a newbie loose leaf drinker was not good – it was so perfume-y and fake it almost made me sick. I thought I would never have jasmine again, and then I tried Teavivre’s jasmines. I think I have had every type they sell. And it is almost a drug for me. I unwind and unclench and drift away when I drink it. Aaaaaaahhhhh.

I think my favorite is their Jasmine Silver Needle White tea, followed by Premium Jasmine Dragon Pearls, then this one, then Silver Jasmine Green. The last one is excellent with a meal and so economical, but the others are my favorites for drinking alone.


agreed! congrats teavivre!!


I turned down jasmine the first time Teavivre offered a sample because of earlier experience with perfume fakery. I think I would reverse your top two and pick the premium over the white. Love them all almost equally except I haven’t tried the econo version yet. I have 100g of it but trying to get my out of control open stash whittled down a bit.


It’s nice hobnobbing with greatness, huh?


“Congratulations to Teavivre for being named on the Top Ten Teas in the World list by Fox News! You deserve it!” – Congratulations Teavivre!


ashmanra,thanks for your lovely review. And thanks you all. Teavivre will continue to share more and more good teas with you- tea lovers, as well as provide good service all the time.

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1184 tasting notes

I love these pearls. They are so silky and smooth, but not overpowering or perfumey. The base is nice and light and not bitter.

175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 0 sec

Teavivre does jasmine really good!


And for decent prices!


Amen to that!


Haha! Listen to us three, we sound like the perfect commercial!

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16875 tasting notes

Sipdown (182)!

Now that I have my (admittedly small) Teavivre order from Tea Jail I don’t feel so bad about sipping down one of the few Teavivre samples I still have kicking around from the care package Lala sent me when I was brand new to Steepster.

This final amount of leaf was just a little bit more than a tsp. worth of pearls, which I steeped in 80 degree celsius water for 1 min. 30 seconds.

The tea was very light and delicate with a tolerable green base (vegetal, but light and buttery too) and the jasmine was just a touch sweet and perfect. This was a very, very nice tea to calm down and relax to – especially since I’m watching the most recent episode of Supernatural and it is an emotional rollercoaster. I definitely needed something to anchor me to a nice feeling of “zen”, if you will.

I got two lovely resteeps out of this. What a beautiful sipdown!


I WATCHED THAT AT THE SAME TIME!! We are kindred spirits you and I :P

Roswell Strange

I started watching Chuck while on vacation – and I kept thinking that it could be something you’d be interested in :P


I started watching it too :P I ended up watching Covert Affairs instead. By the way, I thought of you the other day. My friend gave me a honey rooibos tea and I thought it was something you would like because it is similar to Honey Bee. I will be buying it when I go back to Thornhill because they sell it in a bakery by my place. When I pick it up, I will send you some :)

Roswell Strange

You’re too thoughtful!

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206 tasting notes

Oh my heavenly tea gods!!! This jasmine! Where do I start?!?! I got this with my BF teavivre order, I meant to buy the peach jasmine pearls but added these to my cart on accident instead. And oh my goodness am I ever so glad I did!!!
I drank this as I got caught up with last weeks Downton Abbey episode.
These Jasmine Pearls are so dainty and beautiful! So delicate but so perfect! This tea is so smooth, it literally melts in your mouth! How is this possible. This my friends… THIS Jasmine tea is by far the most outstanding Jasmines out there! I am at a loss for words. It is so succulent and so delicate! How?! How?! I am so so so so so so glad I accidentally bought this one and quite a bit of it too!! Wow! Just wow!

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec

You must get some peach and then mix the two! Sooooooooo wonderful!

BrewTEAlly Sweet

I want the peach so bad!!!!

BrewTEAlly Sweet

Oh man I can’t even grasp the idea of those two together!


I already finished my sample or I’d send you some…


Yes, yes, indeed. I agree with you 100%. This is a tea you dream about.

BrewTEAlly Sweet

@Stephanie we need to make a order!
@ashmanra right?! I feel like this tea should be illegal it’s so good!

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185 tasting notes

I wish we would have had these to compare to the other pearls, as they seem to be very similar. Both extremely good, but I honestly can’t remember much difference at this point.

This was another great sample from Teavivre, so thank you!

I’m enjoying this while watching The Producers. All said, a very enjoyable night!

175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 0 sec

Old or new?


I was just going to ask that same question!

Dylan Oxford

New. I actually don’t have the old one, and as much as I like Gene Wilder, I like Nathan Lane more :)

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174 tasting notes

These pearls are smaller than normal pearls I’ve had, but that doesn’t mean they lack flavor. They are small, marbled green and silver, and smell softly of sweet jasmine. The jasmine is not overpowering or perfumey or fake in any way. Brewed, the infusion is a pale golden color with the soft sweet jasmine emitting from the cup.

I did not steep the pearls long enough the first time to let them fully unfurl, I usually don’t otherwise you get a soapy bitter jasmine green tea. So, after letting them sit for about a minute and a half, I removed them only partially unfurled.

The taste was a soft, sweet jasmine with underlying notes of apple, melon, a hint of hay, and a soft buttery/creaminess. It is a very lovely jasmine pearl tea and did fully unfurl after the second infusion. I was able to brew them a solid four times before the flavor started to drop and diminish. I got to six steeps before I declared the pearls done of their flavor.

I did not have any of the premium jasmine pearls to compare these too, so I cannot say how much different they are to each other. All I can say is that these are really nice and really good and that jasmine lovers should at least get a sample of these and try it themselves.

175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 30 sec

I have both, and they are somewhat different but both of them are AH-MAZ-ING!

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1379 tasting notes

I love Jasmine Pearls and try to keep stocked up at all times for whenever the mood strikes me to have a mug full. Since I regularly order from Teavivre it made sense to order a batch in to store in their wonderful new tins.

Well today I walked the few miles to a fish shop to see what they had to put into my tanks after unfortunately a few died over Christmas of old age. I came out with a female Siamese fighting fish (called Chun Lee), a red finned shark (called Sharky) and a pair of breeding Dwarf Gourami (yet to be named). I not long arrived home and I’m out of shape after Christmas so I let my husband sort the fish out while I sat down puffed out on the sofa. Then the craving hit me, JASMINE JASMINE JASMINE … I deserve the treat. I have had countless cups of this tea and am very surprised that I have not done a review for them.

The pearls look slightly fuzzy with a mix of greens and silver with a sweet and fresh jasmine scent. They are only small pearls but pack a lot of flavour and smell.

Once brewed the tea forms a pale golden colour with that has the same strong yet sweet and somewhat perfumey jasmine fragrance as raw but on a stronger level.

The flavour is smooth, naturally sweet and very fresh. The jasmine seems fairly strong at first but it mellows very quickly making each sip seem like it’s the first one. Whilst being perfumey it’s still refreshing and cleansing. The balance is perfect.

This is my favourite jasmine pearl tea and I don’t think it can be beaten in quality and taste. It truly is the perfect cup of jasmine green tea.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec

Ahhh… Teavivre Jasmine teas…the best!

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212 tasting notes

This was provided for review by Angel and Teavivre. Thanks guys!

This is smooth and sweet. I think the jasmine is done well enough it doesn’t hit my “I hate floral” button. I feel like I’m missing out on that apple-y taste the premium jasmine pearls have. I think they might be a bit more subtle on the jasmine as well. If you like jasmine, I think one will definitely fix that craving nicely.

175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 0 sec

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290 tasting notes

Free sample from Teavivre

I love dragon pearls. The little balls of tea waiting to unfurl in my pot have an aesthetic appeal all of their own. So, when Teavivre sent me this sample I was naturally very pleased. These ones are tight little balls of dark olive with silver tips, a beatiful contrast. They smell strongly of jasmine when I open the packet, a flowery, heady aroma that makes me feel good before I have even drunk the tea.

Steeping the tea for the first time results in an almost colourless soup with a delicate jasmine aroma. The taste is sweet and jasmine-y (well it is a jasmine tea after all!). The jasmine is not overpowering and the tea is lovely, leaving me feeling good and relaxed as I finish the cup. And then, crikey, the tea really hits with a wave of well-being and relaxation that is awesome. Brilliant!

On a second steeping the tea is just as good. The liquor is slightly darker and the leaves have unfurled completely in the pot, but the taste and effect are much the same. Now, if you will excuse me I am going to just sit here and feel suffused with well-being, relaxation and jasmine tea.

175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 0 sec

This is my weekend tea for when my two teen daughters, my 22 year old son, my 20 year old godson, and my son’s 19 year old girlfriend all descend upon my house for a weekend of food, games, and XBox! Talk about calming!


It certainly is calming, isn’t it? I am so relaxed now that I can barely feel my legs even all this time after finishing the third steeping! I can imagine that it would be perfect for helping you cope with rambunctious youngsters of all ages. :)

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