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drank SoHo Blend by Harney & Sons
69 tasting notes

Chocolate, coconut and vanilla, what more could you want? This tea is a great way to start your day, being both decadent and powerful enough to get you going! Perfect blend, the chocolate isn’t as overpowering as it can be in many other teas; it makes a cameo, rather than commanding the spotlight.

Flavors: Chocolate, Cocoa, Coconut, Flowers

Boiling 7 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 9 OZ / 266 ML

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drank SoHo Blend by Harney & Sons
69 tasting notes

Hi Steepsterians! I apologize for being MIA lately. So many different things going on. But don’t think I haven’t been drinking more than my fair share of delicious teas and miss you all! My apologies, I will be more diligent in the future, I promise!

So now that the time for Iced tea has come and gone – it’s great to welcome the fall. It’s amazing to me that I can have so many different teas with this flavor palette and still appreciate them distinctly. David’s Checkmate being one of my weekly go-to’s for a morning cuppan, I was hesitant to try this one as well. However, being that I work and spend most of my time in NYC (as well as being a frequent visitor to the Harney Broome St. Store) I felt somewhat obligated to try.

To my delight, it is decidedly different and unique. I get mostly the chocolate, balanced out by the coconut and light-yet-present florals. It is delicious! I have since incorporated it into my weekly routine. Although I enjoy it plenty now I can see it being a perfect winter tea.

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Light and refreshing. Great Stuff.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 15 sec

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Good Stuff. I made a Tall Cup (16oz tumbler, 2 satchet) and it was slightly much, but good flavor all around.

Update: Added a bit of sugar and it lessens the stomach weight.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Earl Grey by Harney & Sons
262 tasting notes

One of my teeth broke in half yesterday, probably caused by many years of chewing pens while working. I always rationalized that it was a safer habit than smoking cigarettes. Apparently the pen chewing addiction has its own repercussions (besides accidentally swallowed pen caps and the occasional mouthful of exploded ink).

Anyhow, I am anxiously, without access to pain pills, awaiting my high noon dentist appointment today to get my broken tooth fixed. However, my dedication to tea tasting (when I have new teas to taste) is greater than the pain in my mouth at the moment. So, I took one for the Steepster Team and prepared this Harney & Sons tea for testing.

When I opened the tin, a strong bergamot scent became instantly recognized. The tea inside was short and brown, like particles from a damp pile of raked Fall leaves.

I brewed the tea for five minutes at 212 degrees as recommended. I was struck by the absence of bergamot aroma in the brewed beverage. The color was a dark golden brown.

When I took my first sip, the next thing that was obvious (besides the stabbing pain in my damaged tooth), was the extreme understatement of bergamot flavor in this selection. The flavor is nice, smooth, and like that of an English Breakfast tea. However, the Earl Grey component is well hidden. In fact, I detected more bergamot in the aftertaste than in each cautiously directed sip (to the opposite side of my mouth from the screaming tooth).

All in all, this is a smooth and tasty tea with no bitterness. If you can take or leave Earl Grey, or you like the fruity flavor of bergamot in small doses, this tea may be quite satisfying. But, if you like bergamot to be the overpowering ingredient in this variety, you may feel short-changed.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

Wow, you had NERVE drinking anything hot or cold with a broken tooth! Yikes!


I think their Earl Grey Supreme is far superior to this one, this one I could take it or leave it, and I left it.


Have you tried their Diamond Jubilee, Royal Weddjng, and Wedding Tea? If not, I think I may know some good things to send you! PM your address!


NERVE is the operative…and painful…word there, Bonnie! I regret that I have but one tooth to give to Steepster!


Thanks, ashmanra! I saw the Earl Grey Supreme on-line and wondered if it was their premium blend. Maybe this basic version was made for people who don’t want bergamot overload. I personally like it strong. Stash makes a very strong double bergamot Earl Grey. My favorite so far is by Rishi. I will send you my address. Thanks again!


Ahhhhhhhhhh, my teeth hurt in sympathy! I hope it gets fixed quickly!


Thanks, Kittena! The dentist put a temporary crown on it today and I’m already much better. Tomorrow I should be able to drink tea with my usual vim and vigor. :-)

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drank Organic Assam by Harney & Sons
1792 tasting notes

Wait a minute, if I already logged this months ago, that means that H&S gave me two samples of this. Not complaining!

It’s a reliable one. Full-bodied, malty, and well-rounded. I’m enjoying this with some 1% milk and brown sugar.

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drank Organic Assam by Harney & Sons
1792 tasting notes

I’m sitting down to a breakfast consisting of this tea and, wait for it, pumpkin pancakes! Made from fresh pumpkin and loaded with spices. So tasty.

This is a bold cup. It’s quite brisk, but not too much. Perhaps I’m just ultra sensitive today, but having just drunk a cup of this has made me feel ultra wired. The maltiness is oh so inviting though.

Overall, this is a well-balanced Assam if you’re looking for one on the bolder side. Not too astringent at all and very smooth considering how assertive it is.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

WHY didn’t you call me to come over??? I would have come and even brought a TEA GIFT!


There’s still plenty left so the doors are open!

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drank Boston by Harney & Sons
1792 tasting notes

Noooo, I just spilled a cup’s worth from the pouch. This is the fourth time drinking this though so I already know that I’ll need to purchase more in the future, anyway.

Cranberry, you say. The dry leaf smells more like raspberry to my nose. Like a chocolate raspberry cordial.

Simply put, it tastes like it too. I haven’t tried it with additives yet but only because I’m enjoying it so much black. As this cools down, the almond comes out a little more. A perfect autumn cup on a cool, rainy day.

One thing I especially appreciate about H&S teas so far is that they’re not overly sweet. Many of my flavoured teas have simply been too sweet for me lately, and I’ve been craving unflavoured teas, especially my holy grail genmaicha, but I don’t have any in the house, nor have I found any in this city yet. Boston at least is more balanced in the world of sweetness.

205 °F / 96 °C

I definitively need to buy some H&S teas.


Ah bummer I hate it when that happens! Good tea though :)


This is one of my favorites!


Fairway market should have some of this awesome genmaicha.. http://steepster.com/teas/ujinotsuyu/3511-genmaicha


That’s the one I’ve been looking for. It’s been a staple for years! I checked the Fairway near my place but no such luck. Maybe another location, or the Japanese grocery store downtown. You just need to find the time to make such trips. :)


Maybe the one on Quadra and Hillside would have it, considering how large their Asian section is.


I luckily ended up finding some at the Fairway on McKenzie and Shelbourne. I remembered being there a few months ago and noticing that their Asian section was substantially larger than the one at Shelbourne and Cedar Hill X.

But thanks for the tip! I just knew the tea capital had to have some somewhere. :)

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drank English Breakfast by Harney & Sons
262 tasting notes

Aaaah. This is my kind of Monday! I’ve finally got a new tea to taste and review. I’ve been so busy getting married and keeping up with work tasks that I’ve had to push new teas down on my priority (and financial) list. It’s been a while since my last tasting note so my typing fingers and brain are a little rusty. But, here we go anyhow…

I’ve wanted to try Harney & Sons teas for quite some time. I’ve heard and read great things about their products. But, until this weekend, we didn’t have a local outlet from which to purchase them. I thought their on-line shipping charges were a little steep (no pun intended) so I didn’t buy any from their website either. Now, thanks to our local Fresh Market, we can purchase Harney & Sons English Breakfast and Earl Grey teas at discount prices.

When I opened the big black tin, the aroma that burst forth was like that of pipe tobacco in a tobacco shop. It was sweet and rich.

I steeped the short black leaves for five minutes at 212 degrees as recommended on the tin. I didn’t notice any particular smells wafting from the teapot during this process. The color of the liquor was a bright golden amber.

At first sip, the flavor was sweet and a tad earthy. The taste intensity was medium. The flavor remained mostly consistent after subsequent sips, but I did notice slight twinges of malt and the tell-tale woody and leathery flavors of keemun later on. There was no bitterness present in this brew.

Although this tea does not have bold flavors, it is, nevertheless, a smooth and pleasant beverage for those mornings when you don’t need something shouting at you to wake you up. There is still plenty of good flavor to get your morning off on the right foot.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

Congratulations on your recent nuptials! I wanted to drink this tea today, but my water is turned off while hubby moves our washing machine and that means no tea! Please look at my cupboard and see if there are any Harney teas you would like to try. It can be my wedding gift to you! I think I have forty or fifty on shelf right now,


Wow! Thanks, ashmanra! That is extremely kind of you! I will check out your cupboard! I hope you get your water and tea operation back up and running again soon!



Happy Wedding Stoo, I didn’t know that’s why you disappeared. I thought WE were going to elope…oh well. I’ll just have to keep looking!


Thanks, Bonnie! I guess I never got the memo about you and I eloping. :-) I hope you find a great one like I did!

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drank Vanilla Comoro by Harney & Sons
171 tasting notes

I made cookies today and this was the perfect addition!

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drank Vanilla Comoro by Harney & Sons
171 tasting notes

I may well be on my death bed right now. I woke up alarming sick with flu symptoms. Fever and chills flu, not stomach, which I am very grateful for. But, I had little to no desire to eat or drink anything until just now, I want black tea. I’m not about to drink a caffinated tea at 6pm when I hope I’m in bed in 3 hours.
Enter Vanilla Comoro, never a bad time for the decaf piece of heaven. I’m going to get back under my blankets and enjoy this while I catch up on season 3 of ‘The Big C.’

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

I hope you feel better soon!


I am so sorry to hear that you’re feeling so sick … I hope you feel better soon. I know that a few weeks ago when I was so down and out, it felt like I was on my death bed too. UGH! I hope you bounce back soon!


Hope you feel better soon! :)


Feel better!

Autistic Goblin

Feel better soon!!

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drank Vanilla Comoro by Harney & Sons
171 tasting notes

I simply love this tea. I love that I can drink a black tea, that tastes like a black tea, at 9:45pm! I wish there was a caffeinated tea like this!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

This is one of my favorites too. In fact I might just go make a cup now!


Have you tried the Vanilla Black? I’m wondering if it’s similar.


Not yet. Will let you know if I do.

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drank Paris by Harney & Sons
6 tasting notes

I had this at dinner the other night. I unfortunately didn’t get a chance to smell the dry leaves as they were already infusing in a pot when it was brought to my table.
I remember the liquor being a beautiful dark red, with pronounced floral and fruit smells. Really quite a fragrant tea. Unfortunately the tea smell is lost to this.
The taste is smooth and heavenly. Somewhat sweet even.
As with all teas, this was consumed straight up.
I’m not sure this is a tea I’d want to have everyday, however it is definitely an enjoyable afternoon/evening tea that I’ll be ordering again!

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Vanilla Comoro by Harney & Sons
1792 tasting notes

Today has been such a rollercoaster. On the upside, my H&S order came in, so I have a ton of exploring to do! On the downside, I’m not having a very good time in one of my courses. Paradoxical expectational kind of stuff. Yay.

But this tea is a pleasant surprise. I’m on the same “Whaaaaat, decaf?!” boat as everyone else. The dry leaf smells incredibly sweet. A little on the artificial side, but it’s a similar vanilla I’ve smelled in other vanilla teas. Sugared vanilla.

Very strong sugary vanilla aroma too. It makes you get it straight, that hey, you’re about to drink some serious vanilla tea here.

The taste, like those cubes of vanilla caramel wrapped in plastic. SO that to the tenth power, yo. It’s nice but glad I only got a sample pouch. A bit too cloying for my tastes.

Tonight’s a Pink Floyd kind of night.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 30 sec

Aww I hope it all turns around for you! So happy to hear your order came in =)


Thanks, I hope everything is going well for you in school, at least! Ugh, some people…

Did you end up making an order yourself?


It’s great thank you! Just very busy. I did make an order, but realized after I placed it that I forgot the SoHo coconut chocolate one! So silly of me. Ah well. =) I’m excited to see your reviews on them and can’t wait for mine to arrive.


Don’t worry about it. I bought a tin of SoHo so I’ll pass some down to you in the future. I can’t wait to read your reviews too!

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On opening the tin the Assam leaves were mostly dark with few lighter tan leaves and small, broken and almost granular, similar to the type of Assam you might see in a Masala Chai. I couldn’t detect much Assam scent from the tin. After brewing the leaves still looked broken and granular, nothing like the open pieces of leaf you’d find in a pot of quality loose leaf Assam.

I used a teaspoon in a single cup pot and boiling water for 5 minutes as recommended on the tin. The liquor had a nice color and some tea scent and taste – but not an Assam scent or taste and had a somewhat bitter bottom taste.

Okay, I’m going to upgrade this tea a bit after a few more brewings. A bit more tea a bit less brewing time and it did produce a bit more Assam top note taste. It still lacks the malty bottom but it really is okay for a decaf.
I’ll probably finish the 4 oz tin I bought, just to see if I can get it to taste better, but I probably wouldn’t buy it again. If you’re looking for a decent decaf black tea, try the Harney’s Ceylon decaf instead.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

I think I have this one away, but I like the Decaf Ceylon very much.

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I finally found a decaf that actually tastes like real tea.

On opening the tin, the Ceylon looked like real tea. Long decently well shaped leaves of dark brown and tan. It even smelled like tea. After brewing it became apparent that there were more stems than it appeared at first, but still with decent sized pieces of leaf attached.

It brews up a nice looking characteristic Ceylon colored liquor. The taste is quite nice (considering it’s a decaf of course) and is actually quite satisfying. I might even bring some to the office to drink during the afternoon when I want a cup but not the jangle. This is the closest I’ve ever come to a decaf that tasted and satisfied like real tea.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Tippy Yunnan by Harney & Sons
4196 tasting notes

I think I wrote a good number of tasting notes for quite a number of backlogged holiday teas for the entire month of December. whew. I do love my holiday tea collection… but those are usually on the flavoreds side… except for possibly Andrews & Dunham’s ‘Holiday’ tea which has always went insanely well with cookies. And there are too many cookies around here so I will definitely be steeping ‘Holiday’ a couple times to go with these cookies.
On to this tea: A smaller recent Harney purchase. I couldn’t help it with the holiday sale and the free shipping and my love of supporting smaller companies. But I’m not sure now… if their tea is found in grocery stores… is Harney a small company? I tried a harvest of this tea years ago. I remember it much darker and smokier. Now the black leaves with hints of gold are actually much lighter with a very fruity note… sometimes noticeable plum, sometimes some other fruits. The smoke is entirely gone in this harvest. It does have a starchy and slightly sweet potato note under all that fruit and it’s also very sweet anyway. I think others could pick out a billion other flavors here. The color of the brew is more amber than midnight murky. I will miss the older harvest. This one is very different but very good. My rating would probably still be an 88 for this harvest, but it seems a completely different tea now.
Steep #1 // 1 1/2 teaspoons // 12 minutes after boiling // 2 minute steep
Steep #2 // just boiled // 4 min


I wouldn’t call Harney a small company anymore. With stores in Soho and Millerton, and their teas sold in Barnes and Noble, Target, and nicer grocery stores, plus their online sales and European market…they blend the teas for the Historic Royal Palaces society in England and just opened a new store in…Tokyo? Somewhere in Asia, but I am not sure where. But yes, not so terribly long ago they began in John Harney’s basement!


I’m glad Harney is doing so well then. :D


I saw the top 10 tea list recently on twitter… Harney was on it. I haven’t tried any of their tea. I’ll have to try. :)


tea companies list*

Mastress Alita

The only time I’ve tried their tea was some samples at a tea festival, heh.


What the heck, if I had the new teas from Harney before mailing out the teabox, I should have added some! They have free shipping all the time now, if you wanted to just sample a couple things (I know you’re on a NO NEW TEA ban right now though) (also they send a couple extra teabags along and sometimes in summer, hefty iced tea samples.)


tea-sipper, do you actually have 999 teas in your cupboard? Are you doing it on purpose to irritate OCD folks like myself?


No one is supposed to SEE the 999. I feel bad enough about it. haha. I’m a tea addict, what can I say. Most of the teas are last servings of a tea that I’m hoarding. But of course some of the earliest are at least eight years old… actually I’m surprised I don’t have even older teas.

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drank Tippy Yunnan by Harney & Sons
4196 tasting notes

I could have swore I already tried this once since Nicole was so kind to share (thank you!) but if I did, this second cup was definitely different than the first time I tried it! I steeped for four minutes and it was nice and smokey, so I’d have to disagree with the description for this tea. I have no idea how the description could call it not smokey… that is its main characteristic. It definitely is smokey (but not as smokey as some teas I’ve tried), but also very sweet. I almost chose a russian caravan tea this morning, so I was pleased that this one was smokey anyway. I think the first cup I had was astringent, but this time it wasn’t, which leads me to believe that I oversteeped the last time and maybe the smokiness disappears if it is oversteeped. It was just a tiny bit astringent when the last bit of the cup got cold. (Where does astringency come from anyway?) I definitely would have remembered the smokiness before. So this one is sweet yet smokey. I love it.

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drank Paris by Harney & Sons
421 tasting notes

Rain, rain go away! It is pouring down buckets here this morning. Making my office more and more like a cave. Yuck! Thanks to the rain (stupid cane/aircast) I couldn’t stop for my usual cup and conversation at a local cafe. But thankfully I had a sachet of this in my desk.

I’m really liking the fruity flavors of this black tea and the bergamot. Oddly enough I did like bergamot much in the past. But these days I truly enjoy it in my teas (when the flavoring works). Now if the sun would just come out even for a moment!

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This is another mild, coconutty green from Harney & Sons, although it does have its own personality. The main flavor I get here, as you can guess, is coconut, along with a fresh, light, green tea. There is a slight smooth strawberry hitchhiking along with the coconut, but it’s not in the forefront by any means. I do not taste the popped rice. Very pleasant. I’ve had it with sweetener and without. I think it needs sweetener to bring out the flavors, but take that with a grain of “sugar” knowing that I have a major sweet tooth! :-)

OH! And I’m glad I bought it, because they donate half of every sale to the Gay Men’s Health Crisis fight against AIDS. Love Life!

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Black Currant by Harney & Sons
1118 tasting notes

For some reason I have it stuck in my head that I don’t like black currant, but the truth is it’s delicious. Lots of sweet berry flavor and a good black tea to go with it. Not sure why I have such a mental block about it when I’ve had this tea multiple times and enjoyed each cup.

And now I can confirm that this tea is especially tasty with biscuits and homemade marmalade! :)

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drank Black Currant by Harney & Sons
1118 tasting notes

I’ve had quite a few mugs of this tea today. The black currant is nice, but what I really like about this tea is the base tea. It’s strong, smooth and rich. There’s no bitterness. The black currant flavor is nice. It’s not over the top, but it is constantly present.

The more I drink fruit flavored black teas the more I realize I want to taste the fruit, but I don’t want it to drown out the flavor of the tea. Especially when it’s such a good tea.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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