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drank Chinese Flower by Harney & Sons
807 tasting notes

Wow! I was so confused in the beginning of this cup but found myself IN LOVE!
See full review here http://sororiteasisters.com/ on the 13th.
I just want to say thank you to Invader Zim for sending me this GENEROUS sample!
I would not NEED to order more but I do want to get some so I can have the tin for it to have a deserving home!
I love the tart lemon (not sour) and the grassy flavor for the floral notes to rest on.
There is a shy sweetness about this tea that is NOT cloying at all.
Its so perfect!


oh man… sounds more and more like i need to try and find a way to place a H&S order. damn canadian shipping lol


Is it that expensive or does H and S just charge far more than necessary?


the blend itself is so beautiful on the picture, it’s like fireworks of flowers !


It is so very pretty – gorgeous! And smells amazing!


i don;‘t think it’s that expensive… other companies can offer canada free shipping or like 3-6$ theirs is 15 under a certain dollar value and it goes up from there! it’s not as bad as the persimmon tree tea (starts at 23$ and goes up) but as soon as you reach 8$ that’s a decent amount of tea from somewhere else!


What is odd is I can’t get their site to load at all ever since I did the review on Sororitea Sisters lol. I want to put it in my cart but it wont load at all. Bizarre.

Invader Zim

I’m glad you like it! I like this one a lot, it’s great iced too. I like to keep it in a mason jar just because it’s so pretty!

When people come over and I offer tea they either pick jasmine pearls or see this one and want to try it. It;s definitely a crowd pleaser, if I held tea parties I think this would be a good one!

Daisy Chubb

aw, yeah Sil, every time I made a fakie H&S order the shipping is well over 30 bucks and then I stop and cry lol


Daisy – wish there was a place i could just pick it up here

Hesper June Azzrian, I have not been able to load their site as well. I hope H&S was not harmed in the Super Storm. Aren’t they based in New York?

They are in Millerton, NY and there is a store in Soho.


It is running for me now – geesh I thought I had broke the site lol

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I tend more toward flavor and quality than “name,” but this delivers on all counts. Eight black teas carefully blended to produce one amazing cup of tea. I also tend toward single source over blends, but this breaks the rule again. Caramel-like sweetness, loaded with aroma, and a subtle kick that pleases. The blender deserves an award, or at least a meal at The Fort.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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Yum yum this is so good. I like cinnamon in all its forms – I enjoy it sweetened, full-blown with lots of fire and anything in between. This is a really cinnamony tea – sometimes you can tell it’s spicy but have to pretty much imagine the cinnamon is buried in there somewhere. Not the case here. It’s gorgeous. I can’t pick up anything else but I absolutely don’t mind this (for me) one-note tea. I love it. It’s very inviting, very interesting. I can see its going well with honey, but I used stevia and a drop of milk. It’s November 2 and I couldn’t think of a more appropriate tea to drink. Thanks to my fabulous penpal Jackie for this sample.


Yes, it’s powerful! :) Glad you are enjoying it!!!

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Picked this up at the Tea Festival in LA last weekend! I love this flavor, fell in love at first sip! Reminds me of the tom kah soup I love at Thai restaurants, except no fish chunks! And the vanilla smoothes it all out. :-)


They sell this loose leaf under the name “Bangkok.”

Peggie Bennett

Really? Ooh, I will have to put that on my shopping list, thanks! My co-workers come into my office just to open the tin and inhale it! :-D

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Tasty, got this out at Barnes and Nobel when I needed a tea fix! The coconut is strong, not artificially tasting and I do get a vanilla after taste. Not sure on the ginger part myself, I don’t pick up any or I’m Losing it searching for the green tea itself. I made a second infusion and it held up nicely, you definitely taste the ginger the second time around
Will buy again!

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drank Love Life Tea by Harney & Sons
1271 tasting notes

Drinking the last tea bag of this yay!

And oversteeping it as I have no where to put the tea bag! I’d have to go downstairs and fetch a saucer and I’m too lazy right now. I thought I had a saucer up here for emergencys like today.
Now I’m starting to think this kickstarter is a good idea http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/klip/klip-ditch-that-saucer-and-sip-as-you-brew?ref=live
Though, I’ve been doing in mug steeping because I’m out a 2 cup teapot. Maybe I should get just a freaking new tea pot.

Flavor? Actually not going bitter that fast and the coconut flavor is getting stronger. End of the cup the tea is starting too pungent for my liking.

160 °F / 71 °C 8 min or more

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drank Love Life Tea by Harney & Sons
1271 tasting notes

I received a couple bags of this tea from Rachel Sincere, ty!
I need to do a Harney & Sons order sometime!

STEEPED: Fruity, roasty and creamy sweet smells over light gold tea.

TASTE: Lightly strawberry flavored first, then a blend of vanilla and coconut flavors wave in, over a gentle base of ricey puff green tea. Get a bit of a roasty aftertaste sometimes, other times a naturally sweet strawberry vanilla aftertaste. Overall a light tea.

Second steeping, the strawberry flavor is gone, but the coconut and roasted green is still present and quite tasty.

COMMENTS: Pretty nice tea – great flavor mix and delicious! However, this tea is pretty light. I’d be all over this tea all the time if it was stronger in flavor, but if I’m in the mood for a great light tea, this is good!

160 °F / 71 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Interesting, I completely skipped over this one when I made my order. How vegetal is it?

Oolong Owl

not too veggie, I mostly tasted the rice, but it’s very light green tea.


Hmm, sounds like it’s worth a shot. Anything green and roasty sounds promising.

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drank Tower of London by Harney & Sons
148 tasting notes

I got a tagalong of these to bring to school. The tea at my college is sad. So, so, very sad. Neglected bags of tea sit in glass jars exposed to light and with the lids off for most of the day. Typically I bring some kind of bagged tea from home that is unremarkable but at least not blech, and help myself to the hot water in the cafeteria dispenser.

I was pleasantly surprised to find that this is quite delicious. It’s not bitter at all, and I’m sure the pyramid tea bags help quite a bit with the flavor and quality. The best part, though, was it reminded me of being a kid and chomping on giant slices of toast liberally slathered in apricot preserves (and butter of course, don’t forget the butter). This reminded me of an Earl Grey, but with more of a “jammy” flavor.

I just realized that Terri Harplady logged this yesterday, and she also thought of toast and jelly!

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A couple of short notes today. I drank this early in the morning, and it is now late and I’m yawning!

My partner’s last name is McCormick, so when I saw this I went oh my goodness! It’s McCormick tea! I’ve been on a quest lately to find some decent, inexpensive, everyday teas and ordered a tin of this. After all, it bears the last name of someone I love very much, so for that alone I figured I could like it.

And I did! It’s not going to knock your socks off (in other words, it’s no Laoshan Black), but this had a pleasant malty flavor with a hint of cocoa, and no astringency. Although I disregarded the instructions and brewed it for 4 minutes instead of 5.

As a testament to its name, this is in fact a Decent Cup of Tea.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Sencha by Harney & Sons
15 tasting notes

My tried and true friend. With me daily, consistent quality from Harney’s, a sweet vibrant nectar I adore both tasting and looking at. Life exists for moments with this tea.

160 °F / 71 °C 1 min, 0 sec

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drank Li Shan by Harney & Sons
15 tasting notes

Update: the first time Harney’s has let me down, and with my fave no less, Li Shan. Yes, they are pricey, and that in itself can be a good source of complaint. However, this year’s Li Shan is a shade of its former self. That is the cause of my despair and lowering of their rating. 6/28/13

The gold standard. Pay a bit more but count on consistency. This is the only Li shan I have tasted that blossoms after the floral notes to reveal amazing base notes of lychee and citrus. Bliss.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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Harney and Sons’ Darjeeling was my first love and has since led me to explore the wonderful world of tea. I always have massive cravings for this simple blend now and then. Today I’m sipping it as a post-Sandy celebration. Delicious. Simply, quietly, and elegantly delicious. The color is dark warm amber. The mild aroma is a bit flowery and leafy. A lump of rock sugar added and it is just perfect, both as my post-Sandy treat and as my first tea to be reviewed. :)

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drank Earl Grey Supreme by Harney & Sons
262 tasting notes

The Earl Grey tea that I measure all other Earl Greys against is my favorite (so far) from Rishi: http://steepster.com/teas/rishi-tea/5258-ancient-tree-earl-grey-organic-fair-trade. To me, that selection is the mother of all Earl Greys. It is strong, bursting with bergamot, and a complete, full-bodied, black tea blend. I was curious to see if this Harney & Sons offering could go the distance with Rishi.

When I opened the double-sealed sample packet, so kindly provided by ashmanra, the bergamot aroma immediately drew my attention. It was strong but not overwhelming.

I steeped the black leaves at 212 degrees for five minutes. I’m experimenting with five minutes for all black teas now. I like my tea to be potent in the morning as I need all the help I can get to shock myself out of the previous night’s slumber.

When my tea maker beeped completion, the bergamot aroma was much more subtle than I expected, particularly with five minutes of brewing at a boiling temperature. The smell was still pleasant. The color was a golden red.

With my first sip, the dominant taste was black tea. The flavor was nice, smooth, and malty, without bitterness, but I had difficulty sorting out the bergamot from the black tea attributes.

As the number of sips quickly multiplied, my tastebuds began to pinpoint the bergamot beneath the commanding black tea taste. It then occurred to me that the bergamot was not hidden behind the black tea flavors. The bergamot was so perfectly balanced with the black tea taste that it was actually fused into the overall tea flavor. Once I figured that out, my sleepy brain was able to separate the bergamot from the black tea when desired.

To sum this tea up, it did not dethrone my Rishi favorite, but it is tasty, smooth, and malty, without astringency. It would still be a great breakfast tea minus the bergamot.

If you like bergamot to slap you silly in your morning Earl Grey (like the aforementioned Rishi product), this tea may be a little too mild for you. However, if you can only tolerate bergamot when it is a quiet aspect of your cup, this selection will be a great choice. This Harney & Sons product will also be a winner if you prefer your bergamot intensity to fall somewhere between those extremes.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

Love Rishi’s EG!


Me too! It’s the turbo Earl Grey!


Stoo: this one was getting a little age on it. I wonder if it has mellowed? Although I don’t find it as strong as their sachets of Imperial Earl Grey.


Hi ashmanra!

It could also be that my tastebuds are getting a little age on them. I’m bringing the sachets of Imperial Earl Grey into the office tomorrow. That’s where I do my bagged tea drinking. I’m looking forward to trying them. Thanks again for the samples!

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Refreshing and light green. Citrusy.

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

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Classic Earl. Can’t go wrong.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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Refreshing, strongly peachy.

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Smells…odd. I think I just don’t like pomegranate in tea, although I love it in real life. This is the second pomegranate tea I disliked.

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 30 sec

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At first I didn’t think I liked this, but as the weather changes I’m finding the strong cinnamon flavor to be comforting, like cider. Fall-y. I do get some clove, but yeah, cinnamon all the way. Great fpr sickies too.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Florence by Harney & Sons
172 tasting notes

It’s hurricane madness over here on the east coast! We’re in the beginning stages of the storm and people are freaking out. There have been emergency broadcasts on virtually every channel, stores everywhere are closed and sold out of virtually every commodity, I have off school today and tomorrow and everyone’s locking themselves in their houses and preparing for the worst.

In the midst of all this insanity, I thought a cup of tea was in order. I haven’t had much luck with this one so far, but with the low price of it in mind I suppose it’s not so bad. I’ve just found that with this one and Boston the flavors just seem very artificial. But today it’s behaving a little better. I added sugar this time and it’s pretty decent. It’s reminding me of a cup of hot chocolate with a little bit of nut and tea flavor mixed in.

Hesper June

Stay Safe, Friend!
All of you folks on the east coast are in our thoughts and prayers.

Autistic Goblin

Definitely time for a cup of tea! Be careful out there!

Charles Thomas Draper

I evacuated from Margate, NJ yesterday to higher ground. The pics I’m seeing are frightening and the storm center is still 5 hours away.


How close to the coast are you specifically. Hope all is well for you, keep us updated.


I’m in southeastern PA, so we’ll definitely have it a little easier than New Jersey. But thanks everyone, I’m sure everything will be fine. Where did you evacuate to, Charles?


Wishing safety to all of you affected by this nasty storm…


stay safe

Charles Thomas Draper

I’m offshore in Egg Harbor Twp at a hotel with my dogs


All the best to you! Keep us posted on the What tea to drink during the hurricane thread discussion!

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drank Vanilla Black by Harney & Sons
262 tasting notes

This was one of the few Mondays that I looked forward to! Thank you ashmanra, for sending me this Harney & Sons sample to taste!

When I opened the sample packet, a light vanilla aroma was noticeable. I steeped the very black short leaves for five minutes at 212 degrees. The brewed color was a dark amber.

The flavor of the first sip was smooth and breakfast-tea-like with mild vanilla undertones. As I drank more and more of this selection, the vanilla taste became more obvious.

I did detect a slight twinge of something additional with the vanilla flavor. I am not quite sure what it was. It wasn’t bitter and it wasn’t astringent but it did seem to be pointing in that direction. I noticed a similar attribute in another vanilla tea I tried a while back. Maybe it is just the chemical reaction of the vanilla bean when boiled in tea.

In any event, this was a pleasant enough tea with sufficient vanilla flavor to keep me from craving more. It became even more satisfying with a couple of English tea biscuits!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Paris by Harney & Sons
408 tasting notes

This is a tea I get thanks to Nicole. Thanks really for that.

Paris…my town…I mean Paris is really my town, the one I love overall on earth.
The other one which touchs (almost) so much my heart is Lisbon.

I decided to have this tea especially today because of its name, I’ll explain you why : I’ll have to leave my apartment in one year, the owner needs it.
Regarding the rates of the apartment in this city, I won’t be able to find another one with the same rooms number.
So I am already nostalgic with my town as I really don’t want to leave it : I feel already out of Paris even if I am still here.My bakery, my supermarket, my daughter’s school seem already distant now, as no more mines…

So let’s back to the tea : it’s a real tea :) I mean I feel the tea + the flavours and this is very nice.

After reading some reviews and especially cteresa’s one, I didn’t steep it too much, 3 minutes only.
I had none bitterness,none astringency.

This is a nice tea where I picked out bergamot (leading note for me) and vanilla and just a hint of caramel.

Not sure I would have chosen these flavours to represent Paris, but why not ?

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

That’s really sad. :( I feel the same way about Scandinavia. The second I confirmed the date when I had to move back to Canada, it felt like I was already moving away even though I still had nearly two more months there. It’s crushing when you have to move away from a place you love so much.


That’s sad about you having to move. I hope you settle in quickly wherever you end up. Glad you liked the tea. :)


I am so sorry about having to move! Good luck, hope you can find a new nice home.

And did not know that about you and Lisbon, it is my city! I love it and know exactly what you mean about having to move. Here are very complicated times, and a lot of things are disappearing or just neglected and it is very sad. Saudade for things that still exist.

Never seen any tea named Lisbon. I would buy in an instant and then likely sneer. I was joking with friends about a café having breakfast menus named after several cities, the Lisbon breakfast would be 1 bica (strong expresso) and 1 pastel de nata and would have to cost less than 2 euros. Would they put cofee in any tea named after Lisbon? LOL. It would have to have cinnamon I guess, and lemon as well. Or a lemonbalm tisane. Closest thing to a Lisbon tea I have ever seen would be Harney´s Queen Catherine blend, she was a portuguese infanta and spent many years as regent of Portugal, a very nice neighbourhood is named after her palace.


I feel very sad for you Ysaurella…I understand that apartments in Paris must be very coveted and expensive, but maybe the perfect one will come along and you won’t have to move? I am very hopeful for you…


Uprooting is hard! May all go well so you can thrive wherever you are replanted.

I love the lemony-caramelly flavor combination, although I wouldn’t have dreamed it up on my own in a hundred years.


thank you all for your support :) I am spending a lot of time on real estate agency website and hope to find quickly something correct in the suburb.

@ cteresa : I visited Lisbon a long time ago and only once. spent 4 days during a December month and I really loved the city, its atmosphere and I understand the Saudade “feeling”
Never saw any Lisbon tea but for sure I would put some lemon in it and probably apricot as well (acidity + sweetness)
I miss Mosteiro dos Jerónimos,barrio alto, praça do comercio & Castillo san Jorge !


Best wishes, Ysaurella! Hope you find something that makes you happy. =)

I love reading your reviews. Not only are the tasting notes themselves wonderful, but you always inspire our Steepster family to post such great comments in response to you and they are equally lovely to read. =)


Lisbon can be lovely in December indeed. And if you get the chance, come back in late May, when the jacarandás are in bloom.

Oh a tea for Lisbon, that is a fun idea to think of. Apricot is not really something too usual here – but maybe loquats, nêsperas. The fruit and the totally different smell, which is the blossom, oh so sweet. The loquat trees are in blossom right now, sometimes you pass somewhere and you have this heavenly strong sweet scent from some tree in some backyard. The nickname for Lisbon natives is the little lettuces, but I can not really see lettuce in tea!


And I just another tea which reminds me so much of this Harney´s Paris, and realize I got FOUR teas which are all this redfruits-caramel-vanilla thing and feel the need to compare them. With photos and all!


no lettuce in my tea please ;)
St Petersbourg is caramel+ redfruits…which other do you have ?


I have figured out what a Lisbon tea would have to have – cinnamon and quince (it is the season, and so much better than apples and foreigners seem to not appreciate those as much as we do) and maybe a touch of Port maybe. We shall avoid the lettuce I think.

And I got 4 fruits-caramel teas – Paris, St Petersbourg (Well done!), Paul and Virginie (new arrival! my first Dammann) and (I think) Marco Polo (not that they say anything about what is on it!). Each is relatively famous or popular within its brand and I just checking the four and sniffing and it is fascinating. St Petersbourg and Paris have bergamot though not too noticeably when brewed. Marco and Paris smell chocolatey in the leaf. I think Marco has to have some Assam on it, though again they do not say what it is on it. Paul et Virginie has the clearest stronger fruit notes, I can smell the cherry and raspberry very clearly. Checking the tea themselves, and they are all similar, black teas with no fillers, P&V and Marco have the fattest longest leaves, and my sample of Paris is of such thin broken, almost fannings leaves (explains the bitterness). But it might have to do with packaging, my sample of Paris is a little bag which does not offer much protection, tea might have gotten broken in transit and that cause them to be so small and would explain the bitterness. Dunno. But really these 4 teas are really all somewhat different takes on the same idea. If I was creating a tea line I can see what would be a popular flavouring!


Frenchs adore quince (notre gelée de coing…Bonne Maman…so famous)I struggled with port… as I was pretty you didn’t want to incorporate the Lisbon’s port in a tea I had to verify the dictionary : ah ! Porto ! :) of course !

that’s so true similar composition teas may be so different.

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Favorite herbal of all time.

185 °F / 85 °C 6 min, 0 sec

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drank Paris by Harney & Sons
24 tasting notes

Dry this smells like pipe tobacco, and brewed it’s cloyingly sweet and over fruity and flowery. I almost want to mix it with some Irish Breakfast Tea to tone it down a little bit.

It was so sweet tasting, it gave me the rare psychosomatic tummy ache. Imaginary, but painful none the less. :(

I tried this again with slightly cooler water, around 200 degrees and it came out much better. rating amended.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

Too bad you didn’t love it! It is one of my favorites!


I was really dissapointed that I didn’t! It has such great reviews. I tried it several ways but I could never make it work for me.

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This is good – it manages to be creamy and fruity at the same time.
Otherwise it’s fairly unremarkable. I don’t really know what to say about this tea. Pleasant but eminently forgettable.
I know this is a short note, but that’s all I really have as a reaction!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

Pretty darned good iced! And sweetened!


Thanks for the tip! I never seem to think of doing either of those!

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