Pink Flamingo

Tea type
Herbal Tea
Not available
Eucalyptus, Hibiscus, Orange, Grapefruit, Citrus, Lemongrass, Sour, Tart, Berries, Lemon, Strawberry, Citrus Fruits, Citrus Zest, Citrusy, Fruity, Lime, Pleasantly Sour, Tangy, Grass, Hay, Floral, Lemon Zest, Orange Zest, Vegetal, Apple, Berry
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Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
190 °F / 87 °C 6 min, 0 sec 5 g 49 oz / 1459 ml

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214 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Very thirst quenching cold brew! In total, an 11 hour steep which yielded a delicious citrus grapefruit juice like drink with a refreshing kickback from all the eucalyptus (I’m reaching the end of...” Read full tasting note
  • “My overall opinion of this tisane hasn’t really changed since the first time I tried this. Sour citrus and eucalyptus just isn’t a taste I gravitate towards. I do kind of like the light orange...” Read full tasting note
  • “Eh, yuck. Last time I tried this, it was a cold-brew that was absolutely awful due to the hibiscus and oversteeping. So I tried a regular hot brew to taste both hot and chill this time. Sadly,...” Read full tasting note
  • “Given I have not been having the best time with hibiscus today (and yet keep making teas with it), I am surprised to actually enjoy this one. It’s quite tart, and I am enjoying that aspect of it...” Read full tasting note


Florida flashy
Ready for spring break? Try this sweet, citrusy cocktail of oranges, tangerines and lemongrass. It’s got hibiscus and beetroot to turn it a natural shade of hot pink, plus blackberry leaves for a sunny burst of Vitamin C, apple and carrot for extra sweetness, and eucalyptus leaves for kick. Sound irresistible? Try it iced. In a martini glass. With a splash each of cointreau and gin. And a paper umbrella. Caffeine-free.

Ingredients: Hibiscus blossoms, apple pieces, carrot flakes, blackberry leaves, eucalyptus leaves, lemongrass, beetroot pieces, freeze-dried tangerine/orange slices and artificial flavouring

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

214 Tasting Notes

16891 tasting notes

Very thirst quenching cold brew! In total, an 11 hour steep which yielded a delicious citrus grapefruit juice like drink with a refreshing kickback from all the eucalyptus (I’m reaching the end of my tin, so a lot of the small eucalyptus bits that sunk to the bottom are what remains). This will be a summer staple, for me.

Next up to be cold brewed, Watermelon Mint Chiller so I can get in that easy sipdown!


Careful cold brewing watermelon mint chiller as I tried once and the base got rather bitter.

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357 tasting notes

My overall opinion of this tisane hasn’t really changed since the first time I tried this. Sour citrus and eucalyptus just isn’t a taste I gravitate towards. I do kind of like the light orange juice aftertaste it leaves in my mouth though, hmmm, neato. I decided to try making a hot brew then tossing some ice in it since the weather has been so warm. I like it better this way…refreshing. Unfortunately it’s still a long way from making my favorites list. Not likely a repurchase unless I forget that I’ve tried it, and I see it at the 2 for $5 impulse buy display at the cash register.

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6117 tasting notes

Eh, yuck. Last time I tried this, it was a cold-brew that was absolutely awful due to the hibiscus and oversteeping. So I tried a regular hot brew to taste both hot and chill this time. Sadly, although the tea smells deliciously of grapefruit, I really don’t like it. I suppose it’s not terrible, but I’m getting a citrus peel sort of taste (I dislike citrus peel of any variety), and although the hibiscus isn’t overwhelming, I’m finding time and time again that it ruins my enjoyment of a tea even in small quantities. I’ll drink the rest of this cold tomorrow (or try to, anyhow), but I doubt that’s going to change my opinion of it. This tea is probably just fine for citrus lovers, but for whatever reason, such flavours just don’t work for me in tea.

ETA: Chilled version is no better. Bleh. I guess part of the reason I disliked it the first time was because I think it’s gross period.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

not my thing either. The hibby ruined it for me. bleh!


When will they learn to just leave the hibiscus out!?


Soon, I hope…..

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1220 tasting notes

Given I have not been having the best time with hibiscus today (and yet keep making teas with it), I am surprised to actually enjoy this one. It’s quite tart, and I am enjoying that aspect of it right now.

It comes off more as a ruby red grapefruit rather than a ruby red hibiscus tea. I think the lemongrass is actually quite good here, I know I’ve said before that sometimes if it doesn’t fit, it makes whatever it is taste like Froot Loops. I love how this is tart without it being the hibiscus for once. It has some nice citrusy notes to it.

I think after Mamma Mia the surprise lies in the fact I actually like this since it seems like such an odd combination of various things…carrots? Eucalyptus leaves? It works. As I’ve let it sit, the tartness has lost its bite, so to speak. The first sip actually felt like a pinch inside my cheek but now it seems tamed. I was considering adding agave but now it’s good.

I probably wouldn’t get this normally (I received it in *DaisyChubb*’s iced tea swap I believe!) but I will sure enjoy this the rest of the summer, so for the next 2 1/2 months.


I like this…it reminds me of marmalaide from England with grapefruit in it.

Autistic Goblin

oooh I love marmalade :D

Daisy Chubb

It’s so different from Mamma Mai – I expected them to taste similar! But this one wins hands down ;)

Daisy Chubb

Mia! Mai Mia!

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15544 tasting notes

So a friend of mine is pregnant, and “storing her tea” at my place until some time in the future. I was given specific instructions to just drink it all – like i haven’t got enough of my own tea to drink! In any case i figure i would however, use the time to sample the teas she has that i’ve never tried.

So this one is up first! It’s hibiscus alright, but it’s over all not a bad little tea. I’d likely prefer it better cold and i certainly wouldn’t buy it myself but i wouldn’t refuse to drink it. I can get hints of orange in this but mostly it’s that sour hibiscus taste hanging out.


Yeeeah, IIRC I hated this one.


I wonder how it’d do in a sangria :)

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6768 tasting notes

I was fairly certain I was the last person on Steepster to try this! OR…darned-near.

Special thanks to Amanda for this one!!! I have been wanting to try it for a while and I’ve shocked myself with that statement because it’s a fruity herbal. BUT…you know what? This is tasty! Citrus, Apple, fruit combo is really wonderful…it’s citrusy and fruity but not overly puckery or hibiscusy. The berries are a nice touch. I think the carrot adds the smoothness but pleasant sweetness to make this all work out nicely!

This was a wonderful surprise in many ways. I’m drinking this hot and it’s yummy but I am thinking cold it would ROCK even more.


I don’t think I’ve tried it… so you were in good company?


I’ve had this one for a while and still haven’t tried it.


LiberTEAS – I’m actually sending you the rest so you can try – already had it in there for ya!!!


cool! :)


You are officially last. The end of the line. Kaboose. You got citus apple? Hum? I had 3 fruit marmalaide with a hefty grapefruit like Merry Olde England. Maybe they keep changing the recipe…I begin to wonder about DT.

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1792 tasting notes

I met up with Heather today to swap samples, and pass off samples to the Vancouver crew since a bunch of West Coasters are meeting up tomorrow (exciting, eh?) and we stopped in at the nearby DAVIDsTEA for an iced tea. Blackberry leaves and citrus, how can this not be good?

For the longest time I stayed away from hibiscus. Most hibiscus blends have been too loud, too tart, too spastic. But after Pink Passionfruit has won me over, more hibiscus-laced herbals, please.

I’m obviously going by memory, but the citrus hit me first, a sparkly orange, followed by a well-behaved hibiscus, followed by crisp blackberry leaves. I’m surprised the lemongrass isn’t coming through, but that’s cool.

I never ever put sweetener in my cold brews/iced teas at home but the agave was kind of refreshing. Don’t know if I’d make it a habit at home, though.


I should try it sometime, because it smells soooo good. I like Midsummer Night’s Dream, which is also citrusy.

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658 tasting notes

I am liking this less as time goes by. I had it iced (cold-brewed), and I’m rarely in the mood for something so tart. I thought it would be a little weaker when cold-brewed, but it was so potent!


Me to. This was gifted to me… I’m not sure what to do with it!


Hey, me too! My mother stopped by shortly after the spring teas had come out with a full tin of this. She’s never bought me tea before so I was thrilled, but wish it had been something else!


exactly! I got one of the sleepy teas with it to, I don’t really love either of ‘em. It’s taking up valuable cupboard space!!!


I don’t like the taste of either of the sleepy teas, but Mother’s Little Helper makes me legitimately sleepy so I do keep it on hand. It’s the only thing without a prescription I’ve found does it for me!


oh I use powdered magnesium for that! puts me right to zzzzzzz! and tastes kindof milky, tons better than sleepy tea. Plus those teas only work half as well, for me anyhow


Ooh! I’ll have to give powdered magnesium a try. It sounds like it would taste far worse than sleepy tea, which probably explains why I’ve never looked into it.


If anyone wants to get rid of their pink flamingo I would gladly take it off their hands. ;) I love this one. But I love tart things so it isn’t surprising.
I have a hard time with the peppermint in Mother’s Little Helper but adding some Pink Flamingo seems to tame that for me.


good luck with the magnesium! I thought it’d taste awful but it’s almost pleasant really. I think you can find it at Noahs. Oh and I heard Melatonin capsules work as well but I’ve never tried it.


whereabouts do you live again? I’ll send you some! there is a postal strike here at the moment so it will have to wait awhile…


I am just outside of Ottawa. That would be wonderful of you. Is there a way to message someone on here.
Hopefully the strike will be over soon if they ever stop debating and vote in the house.


I just emailed you! oi, don’t get me started on this strike! the main issue is their safety, not the wages!! sheesh, it’s a right to have safe work, not a privilege in Ontario


Thanks. Just replied. And I agree they should have a right to a safe workplace. Hope things are sorted so they can be safe for doing their work.

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709 tasting notes

When I first smelled this in store, I thought it smelled like Joy’s Teaspoon’s Wellness. It also looks like it, since they share a number of ingredients. Nonetheless, the beau bought a tin of this yesterday, and we’re giving it a go. It still smells like Wellness, but with additional grapefruit smell. I really like the smell, and if it tastes anything at all like Wellness, I will probably love the taste. As soon as I poured the water, this turned bright pink. Definitely hibiscus and beetroot!

This tea from the Spring collection is actually far lighter than I expected. 100 g filled the tin almost to the brim, so that sort of makes up for the suggestion that 2 tsp of tea are required for 1 mug of water. As usual, I’ve thrown that out the window and used 2 tsp of tea for 20 oz(ish) of water. Since this has no proper tea in it, I’ll just leave it steeping longer to really flavour up.

The steeped smell is slightly grapefruit, even more slightly hibiscus (can I say more slightly??) The colour is deep pink to purple. I don’t really know how long I steeped it..I should really try playing by the rules someday.

First sips are tart and sweet, if that’s possible. I don’t get as much grapefruit not, but definite citrus. There is an extremely pleasant aftertaste. I get the impression this isn’t fully flavoured thanks to my screwy steep times, btu I like it and that’s what counts. Definitely reminiscent of Wellness (as expected). Between the two I would pick Wellness for strength and flavour, great price and re-steepability. But, this is lovely and will be enjoyed until it’s gone. I might try steeping properly sometime and see if I get that hardcore grapefruit flavour that others do.

Boiling 8 min or more

I first had this iced, and it makes a world of delicious difference! If you like iced teas, definitely give this one a try!

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464 tasting notes

I used the last of this to create a cold brew. I’m getting less citrus and a lot more lemongrass and hibiscus. Still pretty tasty, but I prefer it hot.

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