726 Tasting Notes

drank Birthday Cake by DAVIDsTEA
726 tasting notes

A big ol thank you to VariaTEA for sending this tea my way!

Oh dessert teas. And it’s caffeine free as well! Ahh I love teas like this :)
This is dang good okay. It smells like a typical vanilla birthday cake dry, and the sweetness just carries over as it brews. The woodsy rooibos takes over a bit too much to my liking so the sweet birthday cake gets lost a bit, but it’s still totally fine.
But this is a lovely tea. Love love love all my rooibos at night :)

Boiling 8 min or more 3 g 8 OZ / 236 ML

You should try coldbrewing this one if you haven’t already.


This is one of my favorites! :)

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drank Napa Blanc by Lupicia
726 tasting notes

From the name, I’m assuming it’s supposed to have notes of white wine. I honestly don’t know how wine is supposed to taste like since I’ve never had alcohol before! Yep. People are very surprised to hear that I don’t drink and I’m like.. I’m not old enough?? So yeah. That’s a thing that happens all the time.
I have cooked with alcohol before. White wine in our risotto, red in our coq au vin, beer in our bbq shrimp, and oh our tequila lime chicken was quite possibly the BEST thing I’ve ever tasted! But never alcohol on it’s own.

This one smells nice! It smells familiar in a way with the muscat since I always had muscat gummies when I was younger. This tea looks and smells great! I love the addition of the jasmine flowers and the cute little sugar nodes :)
Taste-wise, it’s really good! Oh wow, I really like this one. I think I like muscat flavours over grape. Muscat is sweeter, which I love :) But yeah, I’ve definitely had like 2 muscat teas and 1 grape tea in my life so I can’t really compare them.

I’ve had this tea for a while and only now did I decide to drink it? Dang. Well this is an absolutely wonderful tea. Definitely an ‘everyday’ sort of tea… if only that can be a thing! I have so much tea I need to rotate it all. But at least I know this one is great :)

And I sorta feel like Lupicia is starting to boom here on steepster :) I used to never see them on my dash, but now they’re there all the time, which makes me uber happy :)

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 g 8 OZ / 236 ML

I think I’m going to have to try Lupicia and if so, I will definitely be adding this tea to my order!


It makes me giggle when you talk about your “dash”….I don’t know why. I like it. And I love a good tequila lime chicken, if you’re willing to share the recipe.


I never thought I’d like this, just by the name, but you’ll never know once you try and I really like it!

Well, it is steepster.com/dashboard so might as well call it a dash! haha :D
And I’ll send you the recipe! I made sure to save all the recipes we made so I’ll type it up for you :)


The fact that Lupicia now accepts Canadian orders even thought they say they don’t means I can now proudly review their teas, yay :-)

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Decided to try this one iced!
Ahh I think I’m starting to love iced teas now. I used to only drink hot tea, but this one is pretty good iced.
I taste no lemon whatsoever, but the cream is good. Ori was one of the teas from the Hobbit sampler packs that sounded so good on the website, but it is sort of a let down. It didn’t taste as good as I expected it to be, but it’s just a nice, generic creamy black tea.

Just 2g of this left so into the sipdown pile it goes!

2 g 8 OZ / 236 ML

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drank Citron Oolong by DAVIDsTEA
726 tasting notes

This is definitely the first oolong tea I’ve had that I liked iced more than hot.
Hot was a bit… weird? I don’t know. But I like the lemony taste of this iced!
I find that icing oolongs really brings out the musky, smoky flavours out, which I don’t really enjoy in a cold drink. Because this one tasted more of lemon, rather than oolong, I figured that it’d be great iced! Good for a hot day like today :)

6 g 24 OZ / 709 ML

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Shoutout to shmiracles for sending this tea my way :)

First time I had this, it was absolutely TERRIBLE and I had no idea what to do with it so I drank like 2 or 3 sips and it went down the drain.
I had this other tea not too long ago, Aloalo from Lupicia, and it had that similar weird tart taste that did not work at ALL. Then I decided to throw it into a mug full of ice cubes and see how it’d do iced and it was TONS better.

So now, I’m sipping down the last 2g of this and making it iced! Let’s see if that saves this tea.
Dang. This tea is just… tea. It tastes like the generic iced tea that you can get from the soda fountain at restaurants.

2 g 5 OZ / 147 ML

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drank Peppermint Patty by Butiki Teas
726 tasting notes

A beautiful tea to help me soothe my tummy. And I’m drinking this tea to break in the new mug that I got!!

I got that, my Augustus Waters shirt, and a This Star Won’t Go Out bracelet :) Ahh okay yes, busy busy day so I’m going to leave this note here! I’ll write a better one next time I have this tea :)

4 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

I am reading The Fault in Our Stars now and loving it. Yay for an Augustus Waters shirt :)


I loved that book. Loved it. (And I’m loving the mug. Very cool.)


Oh gosh. I read it when it first came out, and then a year later, attempted to reread it. I haven’t been able to finish my second reading of that book because it was just SO hard to read through my tears!
I’m totally bringing a box of tissues when I watch the movie next week. Oh gosh, that movie is going to be brutal


That’s why I’ve decided I don’t want to see the movie in the theater. I’ll probably watch it on NetFlix or something later, but I just can’t….I prefer my sad stories in private. (Although you know the theater will be full of sobbing people.)


Dude. I was already bawling when I saw the first trailer. And all the little scenes that they’ve released since then, I cry every time.
I told my roommate that I want to go to the theater alone because I didn’t want her seeing me cry, but I figured, heck, we’ve already seen so many season finales with each other, now we just need TFiOS to top it all off!! She’s probably the only person I’d wanna watch this movie with cuz I know she and I will be bawling three minutes into the movie ahha


Ah! The fault in our stars! I LOVE that book! I’ll be out of town the weekend it comes out, so my ugly crying in public experience will have to be postponed by a week.

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drank Watermelon Mint by DAVIDsTEA
726 tasting notes

Decided to have this tea hot AND cold today!

Brewed up 9g of this in a 24oz mason jar and poured that into my water bottle, and I had like a lot of leaves left and I totally felt like I could still squeeze a bit of flavour out of them so I just took all the leaves, threw it into my Perfect Infuser, brewed it in boiling water for forever and I’m drinking it hot now!

Dude. It’s pretty good! Nice and refreshing melon flavour, though it does taste like an artificial watermelon.. but it’s still fairly nice. And I love the addition of the peppermint. Though it’s hot, it’s very refreshing.

My cold brew is sitting in the fridge right now. I’ll edit this in an hour or so. Just going to drop a couple ice cubes into it and take it with me to class :)

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drank African Solstice by Tea Forte
726 tasting notes

I love love LOVE this tea!!
It has that beautiful, woodsy rooibos flavour, but it’s sweet and scrumptious and I love it oh so very much :)

I only have one more cup of this tea left so off to the sipdown pile it goes!

Boiling 8 min or more 4 g 10 OZ / 295 ML

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drank Trilogy by G.T. Kombucha
726 tasting notes

You know, I keep forgetting that Kombucha is tea!
I personally prefer the ones with chia in it cuz I sorta love the texture.
This is the first time I’ve had regular non-chia Synergy.

I saw wee specks of silver stuff at the bottom of this and shook the bottle, not expecting it to explode on me! My sister told me that the ones with chia are the ones that are slightly carbonated, but I didn’t expect the regular ones with be carbonated as well haha. But still, I managed to shake it up a bit and pour it over ice as I watch Iron Man :)

Umm.. yeah this isn’t the greatest kombucha I’ve tasted. It tastes like… GINGER. YES. PINK CARBONATED GINGER. Sister loves it though and she just left, dang. Ahh well, I’ll just finish up this glass and I’ll just drink it little by little over the week :)

carol who

Do you know if adding chia to other teas will have the mild carbonating effect?


Naww. My sister told me that it has the carbonation because the kombucha is fermented tea. Adding chia seeds only adds a bit of a texture, no carbonation.
If you want to add chia seeds, I suggest overleafing a bit because it like sucks some of the flavour for the chia to expand and all :)

carol who

Oh well, good thought! Thanks!

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drank Mistie's Blend by Carytown Teas
726 tasting notes

Another sipdown from the lovely shmiracles :)

Yep. Black tea with coco and yumminess.
Currently busy watching Iron Man 3 before I have to meet up with my friend to study sooo yeah. Lazy tasting note. Here’s my previous one that actually has notes on the flavour and things


2 g 5 OZ / 147 ML

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Tea lover.
Food and Beverage lover (food, wine, beer, TEA)
DCP Alumni (WDW Fall 2013 and DLR Fall 2014)
Future management intern, WDW Fall 2016
(jump62359 is my everything okay)

Teas in my cupboard are in my personal collection.
I’m always looking forward to reducing my stash so let me know if you wanna swap :)
Likes/dislikes here:

Tea rating guide:
100-95: Best thing to ever touch my mouth and I want more. Restocking is a must
94-80: Love this tea. Restock if I can
79-70: Decent tea. Neither love nor hate.
69-60: I won’t be upset when it runs out. I’ll drink it but won’t restock.
59-30: I’ve done whatever I can to like this tea and I’ll finish the cup.
29-10: I’ve done whatever I can to like this tea. It may or may not have gone down the sink…
9-below: Let’s not even hide it. This definitely went down the drain.

I love tea.
I drink it.
I log it.
I have a good time.
Lather, rinse, repeat.

I first discovered my love for tea with jasmine teas because that’s all my mother would buy, so for the longest time, I thought that all teas were jasmine! And then in 4th grade, I watched the tea episode of Good Eats and that’s when the education started! I’d like to blame Alton Brown for starting this obsession because now I only like loose leaf tea.
It wasn’t until my second year of college that I actually expanded my tea taste buds. Special shout out to Cara McGee, Tea Queen for her Adagio Fandom blends. Because of Cara, I actually started drinking blacks, herbals and whites and pretty much everything else in between. I still have a special love for my jasmine though :)
I (try to) drink tea daily. Usually just straight up, no sugar or milk. This little obsession started young and just… kept going, I guess.

also I apologize in advance for lazy tasting notes and horrible grammar in everything I write. I was an avid fandom blogger on tumblr and tumblr talk can get in the way of everything kthxbai


Disneyland. Literally.



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