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TTB tea! Now this is a nice fruit tea! It tastes fresh and appley. I’m really enjoying this cold! It’s like drinking apple juice!

Martin Bednář

Yay! A TTB tea from me!

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This was such a treat! This tea is the closest I’ve found to resemble the “legendary” 30 year aged Dong Ding that hooked me on aged oolongs. I knew that it was going to be perfect as soon as I opened the bag. I looked at these small brown curls and inhaled. I instantly spotted the quality aged oolong scent being raisin, plum, and sweet fruit. This heavy aroma is a syrup tang that lingers and fills the air. I got my trusty celadon gaiwan and warmed it up. I placed a fairly good amount inside and shook it up. I lifted the lid and let the heavy aroma fill my tea room. I was picking up tobacco, raisin, wet wood, and pungent over ripe cherries. This tea is highly aromatic and smells so very delicious. I sat for quite some time just sniffing the gaiwan. I washed the leaves once and prepared for brewing. The steeped leaves slowly unfurled and gave off an array of conflicting scents being: char, grape jelly, raspberry,and burnt sugar. The leaves kept jumping from sour to sweet. The taste was perfect. I was in love at first sip. The brew fills the mouth with a sweet juicy taste. The brew leaves the mouth with an intense ripe fruit aftertaste the stays at the back of the throat. I experienced an incredible amount of mouth action. The brew was filled with heavy concord grape flavors and a medley of berries. The sweetness that surrounded these flavors was stevia thick. The body of the brew was heavy and full with so many rounded flavors. The brew would fill your senses with an oily mouth,fruitful flavors, and a soft wooded base. I experienced no astringency and no bitterness. The tones flowed like silk through my senses. The qi began much later into the session. The sensation began at forehead and slowly warmed throughout the body. My mind began turning and slowly building up with an incredible lifted spirits feeling. This brew gives the iconic aged oolong tea drunk. I was slurring yet full of energy. I didn’t want this session to end, and I was able to pull a fairly good amount of steeping. I enjoyed this session a lot, and I am very happy to have tried it. I am saving some to drink with my friend that shared the 30 year aged Dong DIng with me. I highly recommend this brew as a fantastic aged oolong experience. This is what it should taste like, and this is some quality stuff.



Flavors: Berries, Blueberry, Burnt Sugar, Char, Grapes, Oak, Overripe Cherries, Plum, Raisins, Raspberry, Sweet, Tobacco

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 5 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

Ah, nice review. Was totally there with you :)

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Another never before opened sample packet. I believe it’s the last black tea sample I have from ATR. I still have a number of oolongs and white tea samples, also some pu erh.

It has a spicy smell in the packet. A bit like cinnamon. The aroma of the steeped tea is really appetizing. Malty-chocolatey, bready, and a hint of coffee. Its a very dark amber color.

The flavor is smooth and mild for an Assam. It’s not the heavy, black coffee-motor oil combo of some Assam. I’m not getting sweetness until the finish and aftertaste, but it’s not bitter or sour in the sip.

It’s even easy on the stomach, and in that sense is better than many Assams in my book. I like this one well enough to consider it something could easily drink more often than not. It’s going on the wish list and fortunately, it’s still available.

Flavors: Bread, Chocolate, Cinnamon, Coffee, Malt

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 17 OZ / 500 ML

An Assam that is easy on the stomach? I need to try this one! I love Assam but only have it occasionally because too much of it makes my stomach upset. :(


I hear ya, which is why I found this one surprising.

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Despite my longstanding dislike of banana-the-fruit, I am discovering an appreciation for banana-in-tea! In fact, I quite like this one. It’s got a nice creamy mouthfeel thanks to the coconut, which rounds out the banana nicely.

Flavors: Banana, Cookie, Creamy


That’s precisely how I feel about banana in tea. Minus the slime and fiber, it’s a pleasant little flavor!


DELETEless than a minute ago
I’m not a huge fan of bananas (the fruit) but I love banana tea (which is why it’s a frequent flavor in my teas) I prefer the fruit to other banana flavored things (such as banana candy, which I do not like) but on the banana pedestal, banana tea ranks #1


gmathis — yes, the slime is what gets me! The texture is just so awful. Ugh ugh ugh.

52Teas, hahah, the banana pedestal! What an image.

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drank Glacier by Simpson & Vail
443 tasting notes

I like this one from S&V NP collection. I am tasting mostly huckleberry flavor, but maybe a hint of juniper underneath. Its a nice cup that goes down smooth. I’d add this to an order, just because it is rather unique in its flavoring and I do like a berry tea done well.

Flavors: Huckleberry Flavor


Ooh, onto the wishlist!

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drank Movie Night by DAVIDsTEA
158 tasting notes

Goodness gracious great BALLS OF POPCORN! This smells like the movie theatre, both dry and liquor. It tastes like popcorn balls and apples and heaven. I had no idea apples went so well with popcorn. It’s like kettle corn with a hint of sweet apple flavoring. I added a touch of german rock sugar and a pinch of salt. I am literally gulping this down. I need to order this pronto. Thanks Jenn!

*I steeped the recommended 2 tsp per 8 ounces for 7 minutes at 200 degrees.

200 °F / 93 °C 7 min, 0 sec
Daisy Chubb

Yeah this tea is pretty much amazing. Glad you got to try it!!

Anna Vu

You have me pretty excited. I just ordered some tea from DAVIDsTEA and the next thing I know, you’re raving about the tea you got from them… Sounds like it’s going to be magical!

Ashley Bain

everything I’ve tried from them is great! I’ve got to place an order soon.


I added a pinch of salt to this after reading this review. SO GLAD I DID.

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Pretty stressed out today and, once again, had no time before work to brew a tea for French Friday (I may have to permanently move working on these samplers to the weekends). Quickly brewed up this cup on my lunchbreak, sample courtesy of Cameron (thanks Cameron!)

No time for fussing, whole packet steeped in 350ml 205F water for as long as it took me to scoop the cat boxes. No measuring, no steep timer, just taking what I get. Smells and tastes floral and grapey. * looks at description * Huh, not tasting anything biscuity/caramelly. It is fruity with that floral undertone, mainly muscatel grapes but I can sorta taste apple and a hint of citrus.

Thanks Cameron!

Flavors: Apple, Citrus, Floral, Fruity, Grapes, Muscatel

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 350 ML
Cameron B.

This one mostly tastes like a big ol’ pile of orange blossoms to me. Needless to say, it’s not a favorite ha ha…

Mastress Alita

As it cooled, the grape turned to raisins. I like raisins fine, but I never got any of the flavors listed in the description.

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drank Charlotte au Chocolat by Dammann Frères
15092 tasting notes

Still love this one….rich in the chocolate department but not like say, mousse au chocolate. It’s also that chocolate taste that i like, versus some of the chocolate teas out there.

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drank Gingerbread Cookie by DAVIDsTEA
2958 tasting notes

Thanks to AJRImmer for a chance to try this blend!

I made the mistake of trying this before bed because I thought it was a rooibos blend, however it is actually a rooibos/yerba mate blend. Oops. The name is quite accurate in that this tastes like gingerbread spices. I didn’t taste any cookie flavour or brown sugar/vanilla type flavours, so this was more of a gingerbread spice flavour than a cookie flavour. Still, it was a nice winter blend on a very wet and cold days.

Flavors: Cinnamon, Ginger, Spices, Spicy

Boiling 8 min or more

Any favorite teas you would recommend that do taste like cookies?


Oh whoops I thought it was just rooibos as well! Luckily I usually take this one to work so I haven’t had it at night before. Shae, I recommend snickerdoodle from Simpson & Vail. One of my absolute favorites.


Oh actually the tea I sent was this one:

So it is just rooibos and no mate! I didn’t realize they had two different versions.


Added to my list! Thank you!

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Additional notes: Wow, the flavor in this one is still quite good and it isn’t very new either. Delicious. It’s a unique blend I haven’t really seen anything like.

Bluebirdteaco.com will be raising their prices soon, so I’m inquiring in the forums to see if anyone might me interested in a USA group order. To split teas/ shipping from the UK. Prices don’t change until orders after April 3, so there are few days left!


Gah! Sucks about their impending price increases. I really need to stop neglecting this brand!


Yeah, but I’d rather their prices go up than for some of these Bluebird teas to not exist anymore!


That’s a very good point. :)

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I’m still plowing through some of the oolongs I acquired earlier in the year and toward the end of last year. This was one of them and I have to say that to this point in my life, this was the absolute worst oolong of this type I have tried. Normally, Four Season oolongs are very floral, sweet, smooth, and pleasant, but this one was thin and watery with an uneven mix of flavors and little staying power.

I gongfued this tea. After a flash rinse, I steeped 6 grams of loose tea leaves in 4 ounces of 195 F water for 10 seconds. This infusion was followed by 12 additional infusions that I had to more or less force myself to get through. Steep times for these infusions were as follows: 12 seconds, 15 seconds, 20 seconds, 25 seconds, 30 seconds, 40 seconds, 50 seconds, 1 minute, 1 minute 15 seconds, 1 minute 30 seconds, 2 minutes, and 3 minutes.

Prior to the rinse, the dry tea leaves produced subtle aromas of sugarcane, violet, and orchid. After the rinse, new aromas of cream, butter, vanilla, and grass were revealed. The first proper infusion more fully brought out the floral character on the nose. In the mouth, the liquor offered hints of grass and spinach on the entry before giving way to subtler hints of cream, butter, vanilla, sugarcane, and orchid. Subsequent infusions brought out vanilla and spinach on the nose and violet in the mouth. I also discovered notes of green apple, Asian pear, lettuce, lily, lilac, seaweed, and minerals. There was a slight graininess to these middle infusions as well. It seemed more than a bit out of place in a tea like this. I noted that the floral aromas had a tendency of turning pungent before suddenly fading, leaving me with a thin, uneven, and unpleasant mix of savory, fruity, and vegetal characteristics coupled with something of a gritty graininess. The later infusions were buttery, though mineral, grass, seaweed, and lettuce notes remained in play. I could detect no lingering fruity or floral sweetness.

I may be being a bit harsh here, but I found this tea to be nothing short of a disaster. I kind of think this was a bad tea to begin with, but I also think it had started to fade by the time I got to it. I even noticed that the leaves looked a bit weird when I first opened the pouch, as the dry leaves were an unusually bright, dusty green. In terms of aroma and flavor, there was surprising complexity, but none of it ever came together and there was little depth. A horribly uneven drinking experience and also a flat-out bad one, I would recommend that curious drinkers pass on this tea. There are plenty of better Four Season oolongs on the market. In my opinion, What-Cha, Beautiful Taiwan Tea Company, Taiwan Tea Crafts, and Floating Leaves Tea all offer much better examples of this type of tea.

Flavors: Butter, Cream, Floral, Grain, Grass, Green Apple, Lettuce, Mineral, Orchid, Pear, Seaweed, Spinach, Sugarcane, Vanilla, Violet

195 °F / 90 °C 6 g 4 OZ / 118 ML
Evol Ving Ness

And into the oolong hall of shame it goes.


Oolong hall of shame. Love it.

I appreciate your honesty, eastkyteaguy. I also appreciate your suggestions. I’ve only had a few Four Season oolongs and I found them odd/static, but I won’t write them off just yet!


Sounds like it was a stale tea. The dreaded seaweed note in green oolongs is usually a good sign that it’s lost freshness.

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drank Strong Breakfast by Boissier
408 tasting notes

Few weeks ago, a collegue of mine gave me that tea caddy because she is not a tea drinker.

So I do own a new beautiful tea caddy and a new tea to taste. Problem : this is a plain blend from Breakfast type and I am very picky with these types of teas.

I get scared by the leaf ! Broken soooo broken… I’m going to take a ride on the strong side of the tea it seems !

So I decide to steep it only 2 minutes in a water at 90°c to lower the strengh of the Assam

The liquor is from a deep orange.

Tasting it , I was right to be a little afraid : Assam is there and so present with its strong bitterness.

Of course as any Breakfast Tea it is quite malty. It reveals orange notes as well, strangely.

I am trying to add a splash of milk . English Tea is comfortable and cosy. It is against my habits. But let’s get crazy and let’s add some sugar rocks.

Verdict : England won again … yes with some milk and sugar this tea is quite pleasant…this is the reason why English people have their breakfast tea that way, no ?

I am not the public for Strong Breakfast teas nor indian teas but once pimped my cup is nice.

Pics of my session with this tea are visible here : https://thevangeliste.wordpress.com/2015/05/25/strong-breakfast-boissier/

Flavors: Malt, Orange

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 0 sec

sometimes milk and tea is just fantastic, with the right tea!

And this brand, i went snooping, and I wonder if their teas are dammann´s as well? Noel a paris, Jardin Bleu? They only call 3 of their teas exclusive, the others might not be.


it is absolutely a possibility Teresa…I won’t be surprised

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drank You Are My Sunshine by 52teas
6444 tasting notes

Sipdown (211)

Last cup was all messed up from my cold and tasted quite terrible so I am so relieved that this cup is back to its normal deliciousness. Then sad because it’s done.

It really is a nice, soft lemon tea and the marshmallow root is an excellent addition. It gives it warmth and comfort and a touch of sweet that makes this the perfect cup to relax with in the evening while under a blanket and watching some TV or reading a book.

I have some other similar blends that are more easily accessible to me so while I do enjoy this one, I don’t know if I will be holding my breath for a reblend. However, it was very nice while I had it so thank you Sil for sharing!!


Sounds like a perfect evening.


It does…it’s not my evening since my evening is spent with law books in preparation for exams next week but one can dream…


I’m just glad we still share teas…

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Fantastic shou puer! I got 16 infusions and likely could get more with a yixing pot instead of a gaiwan. This shou runs expensive, but at least you get plenty of reinfusions.

The notes are strong woodsy, mushroom, molasses, hazelnuts, and honey, brewing up very dark. What makes Black Gold incredible is the powerful aroma and thick body.

Full review on Oolong Owl http://oolongowl.com/2010-black-gold-shou-puer-crimson-lotus-tea/

1 g 0 OZ / 11 ML

Sounds very appealing. CLT BF sale?



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Lol… anyone remember Caraway?

My lovely baby son got into my teas the other day, because we relocated his toybox to act as a barrier to another room (the toybox had been blocking tea cupboard access), and it turns out that he got into my teas from this company. Which I was never particularly fond of. However, I may take the opportunity to try/re-try a few of them, and then – ice them!

This tea is the essential dupe of Forever Nuts, and various other similar teas. One notable difference, I think, is that this doesn’t have gigantic cinnamon chunks, which is fine by me. I iced a big Takeya pitcher of it, and although it’s not my husband’s favourite tea, he says it’s fine enough to drink, so will get through it. It’s fairly sweet, appley, almondy, cinnamony. Not my favourite, as I don’t care for cinnamon in iced tea, apparently. There’s about one more pitcher’s worth in the bag.


You’re going to have a little junior sommelier and taste-tester soon!


I sure hope so! I can’t wait until I can serve him fruit teas (and later, caffeinated!)


Beats juice boxes and soda pop! ;)

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This morning’s tea is a fifty-fifty blend of this and 52teas Pineapple Marshmallow black tea. I have approximately the same amount of both left and they are both approximately the same age: well under a year old but creeping.

The mix of the two is a successful one. Both teas are improved by the additions of qualities of the other, resulting in a smoother bright pineapple softened by both coconut and marshmallow.

This cup is definitely more delicious than the one that I had the other day. The black tea base is a bit more feisty and that delights me.

I might experiment with adding a bit of a good kick in your pants black tea to delight me even further. Any ideas?

If you are not looking to overwhelm your other flavours, I would add something that is more texture based than flavour based, like an Assam. I find it good for blending because it is usually. Rey smooth and not astringent, with muted flavour notes that don’t overshadow anything you add it too. Disclaimer: I have only blended it once with Vanilla Cacao, so I don’t have a ton of experience here!

Evol Ving Ness

Convincing nonetheless. I’ll give Assam a try. Thanks!

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An Ode to Tea challenge – S

Another I assumed would be a sipdown, but next time.  Since this is cheating (for my personal sipdown challenge), I should really be finding another appropriate lettered tea that IS a sipdown for each letter.   I wanted to drink this lovely tea while fresher anyway.  It’s so delicate and fluffy!  Like a healthy cotton candy, maybe lemon flavored.   A very unique white I wouldn’t mind stocking up on.  Uping the rating from 84. Thanks again for introducing me to it, SkySamurai!

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In store sample.

Now this one I like. Very much like the Strawberry Rhubarb Parfait but with a gentle fizziness slightly reminiscent of cream soda.

I tried this blend in store twice today, from two different sources. One was from the Tea of the Day batch, iced, and the other from a pitcher settled in a bucket of ice. I don’t know what the difference in preparation was, but the TOTD batch was more concentrated and more intense with a lot of flavour. The other was weak and watered down tasting.

I look forward to trying this one again.


Ok, between you and Roswell Strange I’ll bite on this one XD

Evol Ving Ness

I would consider picking up a small amount of this one to try at home.

Roswell Strange

Yes, this one is the best! (Though I’m totally biased)


ugh i forgot to pick some of this up


I was wondering how the two would be different! I’ll have to try it too. :)

Evol Ving Ness

This one apparently does not have strawberry and the creaminess (of yogurt?) , but I didn’t notice all that much difference.

Roswell Strange

IMO, this one is a lot lighter of a profile overall with a lot less general tartness. It’s a mix of rhubarb, pineapple, mango, red currant and hibiscus (and natural flavour for the cream soda element). There’s not actually a ton of overlapping ingredients between the two different blends other than rhubarb and hibiscus – and this definitely has much less hibiscus. It’s the second ingredients in Strawberry Rhubarb, but the fifth in this one. Also, for what it’s worth, I generally don’t like Strawberry Rhubarb Parfait that much but I’m OBSESSED with this one.

Evol Ving Ness

Hmm. Thanks, Ms. Strange. All that is very helpful.

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Number 4

Uh-oh-a Taiwaneese jade oolong!

My love!

Well, all near 5 grams are being drank and the aroma is awesome. It reminds me of rice pudding with cinnamon. I very rarely get the cinnamon note. This makes me happy.

First steep was sweet, floral and creamy with a little bit of an edge. Second so far has more honey sweetness in its creamy texture and taste. Three is more fruity, a little bit asian pear like.

I know I said that I probably wouldn’t guess on all of these, but this one screams to me as some kind of Li Shan. It does remind me of Da Yu Ling, but Li Shan or perhaps Ali Shan is what I recognize overall. More to come.

Another steep and more of the same thing. The smell reminds me of Nag Champa somehow. Weird connection I know. Could just be another thing that my brain is playing with.

Two more cups in, and I just get grassy florals with a slight honeyed end. A part of me wanted more, but I was still pretty happy.


Aha! Did you notice anything different with the leaf?

Daylon R Thomas

Do you mean different from a usual Jade oolong? I did notice that it was a little bit stemmy with very light amounts of roast on the surface.


haha! i’ll say no more until Andrew & you are finished tasting them

Daylon R Thomas

Good. He’ll probably notice something I didn’t lol.


ah yeah thats another thing I never know about the US, do you get next-day shipping on most things? or is that really expensive? anwhere in the UK next day is pretty normal (not guaranteed though)

Daylon R Thomas

Not necessarily. Things ship pretty quickly to Ohio from both my University and my home. Andrew will get his package by Tuesday because of Labor Day is a Federal Holiday. As for companies like Whispering Pines, it can take a while to get to my house-sometimes six days with a four day average, whereas orders get to my dorm 3 days or the next day. Next day shipping can be expensive if it is a large package-something like $14-20 dollars for next day shipping.

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Sipdown (264)

I measured a sample of this out for Sil per her request and then realized I had just over a serving left. So this cup was overleafed but its still nice. I am not getting much raspberry which is weird since there were definitely raspberry pieces in the cup and Anne’s flavoring is usually pretty on point. I am getting a lot of the marshmallow and rice. This basically tastes like her original marshmallow treat genmaicha – which I am not mad at. With that said, I can just buy the plain version, which is one of the permanent blends so I don’t really feel bad saying good bye to this limited blend.

Cameron B.

You say that like the original marshmallow treat is in stock… (sob)


I’m sorry. I refuse to look at the site because I know I’ll find teas I want and I’m trying to not spend haha

Cameron B.

Someday I will get to order it. ;)


@VariaTEA Please, never refuse to visit my site. It’s customers like you that keep us in business and if everyone refuses to visit our site and shop with us, then we won’t be able to make the teas you want anyway.

@Cameron B.: The original will be in stock by the end of November – We’ve been working hard to get the 12 Teas of Christmas done by our deadline (we’re getting there!) and once that happens, we’ll be able to focus on getting the D’s Teas replenished.


@52Teas, don’t worry, I am sure I will cave soon enough, especially with the 12 Teas of Christmas showing up

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CNN projection for president is up!

This one is hitting the spot this morning. The perfect balance of mint and cacao. The mint is always more prominent, but I enjoy the base and cacao do a great job of mellowing it out.

Also, just polished off my chemical runoff into wetlands article for volunteering! Great start to a Saturday!


You’re one with the text emojis! I’m learning so much I’ve forgotten since T9 haha!

Cameron B.

Gotta do what I can when modern emojis don’t work here! ;)

Martin Bednář

Yaay! So happy for you guys!


Happy for our American friends! ❤


You can talk wetlands to me all you want. I would seriously soak up anything you say with lovey-dovey anime eyes.


derk wetlands are so cool! This article I wrote for a wildlife conservation institute I volunteer with, but I’m also working on a paper in my peatlands course for my degree. It’s 40% of my grade :|. I’ll try to put some small updates in my tea notes. :)

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Well, it seems Leicester is having some super strong winds at the moment. I was sorting out my wardrobe after losing weight and going down a few clothes sizes (half way towards my goal) when tea time beckoned. Downstairs I trot to put the kettle on and as I looked out of the window I found one of my garden fence panels on the floor. I’ve spent the last half hour trying to fix it but the wind is raging and the rain is falling, my husband has yet to give up though I think another 5 minutes and he will come in. I don’t think it’s going to survive, but never mind, now we need to save up for a new fence.

Before all of this happened I made this tea and left it to cool somewhat. The bags are pyramid and see through, the ingredients appear fresh and full size which is pleasing. Scent is very herbal with some citrus in the background, like lemongrass.

Steeped it smells slightly toasted, herbal and refreshingly citrus. Taste is rather thick and herbal with chamomile being distinctive, not too strong either. The chamomile develops into a sweet lemongrass flavour that lightens to bring a slight bitterness from the green tea base. Though the mouth is left with a refreshing after taste, though a little dry at the same time.

This is alright actually, not brilliant but a nice enough herbal blend with the added bonus of green tea. Plus I love the fact that this was sent as a gift all the way from Taiwan! This is what they drink there apparently, herbal teas are very popular, just as much as Oolong is.

Flavors: Citrus, Herbs, Lemongrass

Red Fennekin

Leicester isn’t alone there – it’s been awful and windy up here recently too!

Red Fennekin

The tea sounds really tasty, though :D

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drank Smoky Spice Black Tea by 52teas
4186 tasting notes

Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – November 2023 Tea #3 – A smoky tea

It’s in the name!  There was an awkward amount of leaf left, and I’d rather have a too strong cup of chai rather than two steep sessions that are disappointingly weak.  So into the infuser it all went.  I do not regret it!  I probably should have been using more leaf the entire lifetime of the tea.  It’s much better stronger.  It’s slightly smoky while having a sweet aspect to it.  A decent amount of spices and then I can also tell there is some of the honeybush flavor peeking through.  I just noticed there was also vanilla bean in this one and somehow I always miss tasting vanilla in all 52Teas blends. I think I will raise the rating from an 82 because this is a well balanced blend (and again, I bet the overleafing usually improves a tea IMO.) I am extremely behind on my sipdown goal, which is a given, as I’m still away from the majority of my tea collection.   
2023 sipdowns: 93

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Secret ‘2012 Dan Cong’ given to me as a gift from Mr LP.

its fruity & yummy & honey & orchid and all the good things, a bit mellow in its age perhaps, but also less pungent & a bit more forgiving.. I can taste apricots & other citrus in the fruit which got brought out instead of a really pungent fresh Dan Cong-y bitterness which often happens when some are pushed.

Really nice, but I dont have much experience with 4 year old Dan Cong, mine usually lasts the year & I get more, so I cant tell if the taste is mellower due to its age or the leaf, & I really like the intense ones where I can notice more of a difference in the flavour & aromas, so im having a hard time trying to guess which one it is.

Its one of the Shui Xian cultivars im sure.. it doesnt seem to have the richness that a well baked Mi Lan has (although I get a slight cake smell so there is something there)

if its just the leaf and not the age im tasting im guessing it isnt tooooooo expensive (for a Dan Cong – pmsl), middle price ranged, due to the slight lack of intensity I have tasted in the most expensive ones I can afford.

Whatever it is its lovely, been drinking it all day & im surprised that it tastes quite sheng-like – fruit which was very apricot & a certain bitterness when pushed which would be too pungent and off if a fresh Dan Cong.

Which one is it LP..? im thinking its a Ba Xian. But it does seem to be lacking a certain something im used to in BX, but has this apricot fruityness. Im a bit stumped tbh!

Whatever it is, its lovely. If its cheap I would be very impressed

Flavors: Apricot, Honey, Orchid

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