Chocolate Cake

Tea type
Black Tea
Black Tea, Cocoa, Cocoa Nibs, Roasted Carob, Sprinkles, White Chocolate
Chocolate, Cocoa, White Chocolate, Sweet, Creamy
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 30 sec 13 oz / 374 ml

Currently unavailable

We don't know when or if this item will be available.

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84 Tasting Notes View all

  • “So I went into the store today hoping that Chocolate Cake would be on sample… but twas not to be! bah! the trauma :/ Nevermind, when I got to talking with the lovely DT Staff (who I won’t call out...” Read full tasting note
  • “Another work tea; I needed to amp up my stash so threw a (not entirely) random bunch of teas in my backpack last night. Yay! Sadly, although this smells delicious as usual, I am getting a major hit...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is funny Indigobloom … I like this one! HAHA a bit of an inside joke but not really – it seems so far I have not liked anything too much that she has sent me other than one that came in second...” Read full tasting note
  • “So there’s a reason I haven’t had this one in forever. It’s one of those where I had it once, wrote this average tasting note on it, and then tried it again, hated it, and didn’t say a thing. So...” Read full tasting note


It’s a slice

There’s not much you can count on in this topsy-turvy world, but one thing we’re sure of is chocolate cake. No matter who you are, a big slice of cake is pretty much guaranteed to make you happy. We call it the Sweet Life Theory: life just isn’t as sweet without chocolate. And this cocoa and cake-scented tea is just as rich and chocolaty as the real thing. With this in your cupboard, a smile is always within arm’s reach. No baking or shopping required.

Ingredients: Black tea, candy sprinkles, roasted carob, white chocolate, cocoa nibs, cocoa powder, stevia

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

84 Tasting Notes

1759 tasting notes

So I went into the store today hoping that Chocolate Cake would be on sample… but twas not to be! bah! the trauma :/
Nevermind, when I got to talking with the lovely DT Staff (who I won’t call out here, but yer awesome you know that right?!) and mentioned my awful tea experience she brewed a cup for me on the house!! wow! =D
Anyhow, the tea itself is not what I expected. It’s chocolatey, and I do get a chocolate cakiness, however there seems to be a dusty flavour sitting on top of it. I’m not quite sure what to think. It’s as if the tea is made up mostly of artificial ingredients.
I remember drinking out of Nestle chocolate straws a few years back, and never finished the package because it tasted so fake. That’s what this tea reminds me of.
Satisfying, and yet… disturbing all at once.
On another note, this is my 500th review! I can’t believe it’s been so long. Funny how time flies when you’re having fun!!! thanks to all my Steepster friends who made me feel so welcome here from the get-go :)

Dylan Oxford

Yay, congratulations on your 500th review!




Happy 500!


Good job on 500! I passed 100 without even realizing :D (Also, did you know that DT has a list of which teas will be on as TOTD posted on their facebook page each week?)


Thanks everyone!! it feels awesome reaching 500!
Kristaleyn, I didn’t know! I will check that out :)


Congrats!!! Thanks to you for feeling us welcome as well! : )


500th review! Awesome to realize you are that far into your tea love. You make us newer people here feel so welcome as well!


Keep it up, always enjoy reading you :)


aww thanks you three!! I love reading everyone else’s reviews as well, and feeling like I am part of a little tea family :P


“A little tea family.” I love that! Congratulations on reaching 500 notes!! That’s quite an accomplishment! :)


hehe thx Charoma! next big one is 1000 :P
so glad to have you in my family!!

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6117 tasting notes

Another work tea; I needed to amp up my stash so threw a (not entirely) random bunch of teas in my backpack last night. Yay!

Sadly, although this smells delicious as usual, I am getting a major hit of stevia here which is throwing me off. This is a new bag from the one I previously had…. so perhaps they were different. Or, maybe I just overleafed and therefore over-stevia-ed. Anyways, I’m not enjoying this one as much as I remember previously, and it’s mostly because it’s sickeningly sweet (the chocolate is quite nice though!) and rather scummy, although the latter bit was expected.

Sad, sad. Perhaps I’ll leave the last of what’s in my cup, add some water, and re-steep…

ETA: Blegh, my re-steep attempt was not pleasant. I’m going to hope that this was a one-off occurrence, and my next cup is better, as this one was, frankly, rather icky.

4 min, 0 sec

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807 tasting notes

This is funny Indigobloom … I like this one! HAHA a bit of an inside joke but not really – it seems so far I have not liked anything too much that she has sent me other than one that came in second to a like tea. Now she does not care for this one and I do. At least we know she and I won’t duke it out over teas if the end of all teas comes and we are in the same store buying them out!
Okay that went way off track. Actually I am supposed to be doing a work related thing right now so I need to make this quicker!
Okay so its not the most complex tea ever and it does not taste AS good as it smells – OH MY it smells GOOD like chocolate cake batter!
But it is good.
I bet if I added sugar and creamer this would KILL!
I can’t tonight – blood sugars already on the edge after a big dinner.
Anyway I like it. It could be better but you know what its one of my favorite DavidsTeas thus far!
It even tastes a little sparkly!


yaaaaaay!!! lol
okay so you get one side of the Davids wall and I’ll keep the other (when there’s a zombie apocalypse that is!)

Daniel Scott

I’m having this one as a home-made latte right now! It’s pretty good, although I’m not sure how well it holds up as a latte. I don’t know if I’m putting in too much milk or what, but all chocolate teas seem to taste the same as lattes to me.

I had it with just a bit of sugar earlier, meaning to just try the tea out first…but there was some Glitter & Gold in the bottom of my cup and I didn’t realize it until I saw that I had glittery chocolate cake tea. Well, hint, it’s pretty awesome with a bit of cinnamon! I’m going to cut them together more in the future. :P


LOL you are a mix master now too Daniel! :)
Indigobloom – HAHA yes exactly!


Ooh, you should have lots of this one then :P I sent some too!


Oh you did and it got buried in my drawer! I am going to combine the two and I may have enough to make them tin worthy! WOOT! Thanks for reminding me Krystaleyn :) And for sending some to me!

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas

I was so close to ordering this one but ended up getting the Ice Cream on instead. They had me all the way up to Stevia. I just knew I would most likely not enjoy it as I do not like the taste of Stevia and I certainly didn’t want to spend my already small tea budget on something I most likely won’t like. Of course if they send me a sample I’ll happily drink it in hopes that I will enjoy it. I hope my order coming in soon. :)


I agree about the Stevia – eeew


I need to figure out what stevia even tastes like but the only way for me to really do that is to have it straight.


Your review is spot on.


Thanks! :)

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1220 tasting notes

So there’s a reason I haven’t had this one in forever. It’s one of those where I had it once, wrote this average tasting note on it, and then tried it again, hated it, and didn’t say a thing.

So then I find it in the cupboard and I’m like, oh chocolate cake! I make it. I taste it. I absolutely despise it.

I mean, it tastes awesome. It tastes like chocolate ice cream cake. But I have a serious texture problem with teas that have so much flavoring oil in them. I can feel it and it grosses me out.

At least this means I have less work on deciding the last bunch of teas to add to a traveling tea box…and I can remove it from my spreadsheet!


Yeah, I have similar feelings on this. Bought a sample, tried it, LOVED IT. Bought 25g, had some more, did not like. Too much flavouring. Tried again, still do not like. Have not had any more since. For me, I think it was a batch issue, but there was definitely too much “extra crap” in this tea to really be enjoyable.


The same thing happens to me with their teas that have lots of flavouring in it. I never bothered trying this because I already had a feeling I’d have a similar experience.


I agree, this one is not part of David’s finest moments!

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1184 tasting notes

Continuing with my DAVIDsTEA weekend.
I treated myself with a latte this morning and I added a splash of vanilla creamer. This was delicious. Very sweet and creamy.
Great to relax and treat myself on this holiday today.

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212 tasting notes

Another sample from Krystaleyn. Thank you! I was really excited to try this one. Any thing that is chocolate is generally good in my book. It has met my expectations with a bit of a surprise. I was really wondering how they were going to make it taste like cake.

That being said, I do get chocolate cake goodness from this one. It’s creamy too so maybe chocolate cake with whipped cream. Any who I’m pretty impressed. I should keep this one around for craving curbing.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

Yep, I thought it would be capable of satisfying a craving. Not something I’d drink regularly though (so I need to make sure I have about 25g before it leaves the tea wall at my DT location!)


You know I totally agree on not drinking it all the time. Very odd, I think its great but it will be better when I’m craving chocolate.


Oh! Why is it leaving the wall there!?


It’s becoming an ‘online exclusive’. They’re doing that with many new teas, it seems. Of course, once things are online you have to buy in 50g increments, which is annoying.


Ahh yeah they can make more money that way I guess.

Daisy Chubb

Well they also can’t have every tea on the wall haha – they just picked the most popular ones to stick around on the wall I think.


Very good point there! I do wonder why you have to buy in larger amounts on online vs in store though.

Daisy Chubb

Yeah you’re definitely right about making more money too! At least we swap with each other so we can taste something first! We’re totally beating the system ;)


lol yes!!!


I’m also glad they’re keeping the teas alive as online exclusives instead outright discontinuing them – sure you have to buy a larger quantity when it’s online, but at least if you’ve tasted it prior it’s not so much of a gamble!


True story Krystaleyn!!!

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6768 tasting notes

Thanks so much to Amanda for this one, too!

If this tastes half as good as it smells that would be awesome!

The post-infusion water looks really gross. It’s a muddy gritty chocolate dark cloudy cup of weirdness.

The awesome aroma changes drastically after it’s infused.

The taste…is…


I can taste the roasted carob and stevia more than anything. I can then taste a whole bunch of sugary ingredients that don’t seem to jive real well for me. It makes me make a funny face.

After trying to really get past whatever weird reactive face this makes me make – I’m really trying to like this. It leaves a VERY FUNKY AFTERTASTE.

I feel bad because many people seem to really like this…but this is one of the most bizarre flavors I have come across and can’t get past the aftertaste that lingers.

I’m super excited I got to try this – I’m VERY grateful!!! And I LOVE LOVE LOVE the dry leaf aroma! I probably could at least finish the cup but between it being way to overly sweet for my palate and that funky aftertaste…I just don’t think this one worked for me…sorry.


I thought this one was icky too. :)

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516 tasting notes

Gah why am I trying to review this tea now, Steepster is going soo slooow.
But it must be done! haha

The smell of this tea smells more delicious than any chocolate cake I’ve ever had. It smells like the richest, most delicious brownie. Dense, chocolatey, oh MOMMA that’s good chocolate!

Sadly it missed the mark in taste for me. Next time I will try twice as much tea as it calls for, but I wasn’t getting much flavour in this one either! I tried steeping one cup for 10 minutes, bu tit just got bitter (of course), so I sugared and milked it and it was ok :)

Maybe it’s the carob, or the stevia leaf, but there is a taste about it that reminds me of cardboard. Oh sadness! Just kind of.. watery. Darn!

Well now I’m craving a brownie batter blizzard.


Carob is never chocolate is it!


I wasn’t much of a fan either. Sadness indeed :/

Daisy Chubb

So true! I just made a huge bowl of chocolate ganache to make up for it ;)


I didn’t like this one either. I didn’t like any of the cupcake teas.


I guess I buck the trend here? :P I feel like I should try it again to verify that I actually liked it!

Daisy Chubb

If everyone liked the same tea, we wouldn’t get to try as much variety! There would only be a few tins on Davids’ Tea Wall :(

Daniella T

I suggest trying this with condensed milk. I know it’s not son healthy for you but it sure makes the cupcake tea delish!!!

Daisy Chubb

Oh no worries about the healthy thing Daniella, I put condensed milk in tea all the time :D Usually when I have a half full can after I used the rest in a recipe. Half goes in my mouth with a spoon, and other other half gets to grace a tea. I will definitely try that with the rest of my bag, thanks!

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289 tasting notes

Dry Leaf Nose: Smells like chocolate ice cream!

Liquor: Golden-brown colour with a definite ice cream aroma.

Flavour: This tastes like chocolate ice cream, with background notes of black tea.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 30 sec
Sandra Brassard

How am I gonna be able to wait☺ Sounds soooo delicious!


Oh man, this sounds amazing. ANd best of all – no coconut ANYWHERE!


I’m excited for the freeze dried ice cream


Freeze. Dried. ICE CREAM?!?

myspecialtea :)

man you could smoothie that tea and think you’re having a chocolate slushi!

myspecialtea :)

or maybe a milkshake!!

myspecialtea :)

or maybe a milkshake!!

Drunk From Tea

Omg when does this come out!?


Oh crazy.
I want eeet 8D




Comes out in April!

Bianca Carriero

what about sugar and calories for this tea? is it still under 5 calories?

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814 tasting notes

i’m watching the final Fringe episodes right now!

update (2 months later)
cuz that wasn’t a review hah

well, i remember when i first tried this i was not impressed. it kinda just smelled like other teas i’d already had and the taste wasn’t as strong as other teas. but this time the scent just kept wafting from the brewed cup. and i just kept looking down at my little cup on the floor (cuz i sit on the floor a lot) and thinking – wow i don’t remember you smelling so good little tea. xo

so this is a chocolate desert tea yes, but i feel like it has a sense of humor. i don’t know if i would really buy it again but i do know that i will enjoy the steeps i do have left with a bubbly attitude.

oh ps: and i do have a used teabag cold brewing in the fridge so i’ll let you know if that turns out interestingly.


So sad :( What an awesome show. I have the last season left to watch but I’ve been putting it off hoping the outcome will change.


I keep reading about this cold brewing and assumed it just meant that you’re making iced tea but your comments lead me to believe you actually use COLD water? hmm.


Cold brewing is awesome! I think people all have their own little way of doing it, but I put a bunch of tea (like 4-5 teaspoons, sometimes more) in a mason jar with cold or room temp water. Then you put it in the fridge, and depending on how much you used, how strong you want it, etc. you can leave it for 6 hours, overnight, a few days, whatever you like. It tends to bring out different flavors, and I’ve found it makes hibiscus less sour/tart.


Tea leaves also release less caffeine when cold-brewed.


I’m intrigued and need to try this immediately

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