Toasted Walnut

Tea type
Green Tea
Almonds, Coconut, Natural And Artificial Flavouring, Pineapple, Sencha, Sugar, Walnuts
Artificial, Sugar, Almond, Butter, Coconut, Cookie, Creamy, Nutty, Sweet, Walnut, Grass, Sweet, Warm Grass, Nuts, Pineapple, Green, Pecan, Roasted Nuts, Maple, Caramel, Milk, Roast Nuts, Roasted, Smooth, Toasted, Vanilla, Brown Sugar, Cream, Custard, Kettle Corn, Nectar, Nut Fruits, Pastries, Popcorn, Spices, Winter Honey, Toffee, Seaweed, Forest Floor, Hazelnut, Fruity, Melon, Tart, White Chocolate, Toasty, Toast, Earth, Candy, Peanut, Cake, Ocean Air
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by SJBP
Average preparation
185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 45 sec 4 g 23 oz / 693 ml

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252 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Has it really been two months since I last drank this one?? Maybe I’m just confused because I’ve sent it off in a bunch of swaps :P It’s oddly cloudy today. Tastes alright, but not sure what’s...” Read full tasting note
  • “I just finished this one, and I have to say: I’m a little sad to see it go. I thoroughly enjoyed it, although it isn’t an “absolute-gotta-have-it-love” There are so many other types of tea out...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thanks to Krystalen for sending me this lovely tea! So it’s the afternoon here, and I’m about to embark on a 3 day weekend. I should be feeling a bit happier, but instead am kinda glum. Perhaps the...” Read full tasting note
  • “Our first sample from the wonderful Krystaleyn. Thank you! First off, I just have to point out that in our sample there was a big, fat half-walnut. I’m not sure if Krystaleyn did that...” Read full tasting note


Drink it fireside

Traditional Chinese medicine says walnuts are a warming food. Which makes sense, because this is the kind of tea you spontaneously want to cozy up to on a cold winter afternoon. The comforting, lightly bitter taste of toasted walnuts is sweetened and deepened with dried pineapple, coconut, almond and organic green tea. Sip it in front of an open fire and chase away the cold.

Ingredients: Chinese sencha green tea, nut brittle, candied pineapple, coconut rasps, almond flakes, walnut bits.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

252 Tasting Notes

6119 tasting notes

Has it really been two months since I last drank this one?? Maybe I’m just confused because I’ve sent it off in a bunch of swaps :P

It’s oddly cloudy today. Tastes alright, but not sure what’s going on. Strange. Perhaps should blame workplace water.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 30 sec

Workplace water has ruined more than one tea for me in the past.


I’ve never tried it but I hear a pinch of baking soda/powder helps with the cloudiness


Doesn’t it ruin the tea?? The baking soda??


I’ve never had a problem with it ruining the tea. It’s quite literally a pinch. I use a minuscule amount in my 66 ounce pitcher for iced tea. No ever seems to notice.


one^ le sigh I haven’t had enough tea yet this morning.


Hmm, maybe I should give that a shot.

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357 tasting notes

I just finished this one, and I have to say: I’m a little sad to see it go. I thoroughly enjoyed it, although it isn’t an “absolute-gotta-have-it-love” There are so many other types of tea out there that I’ve never tried, so I’m not sure if I can justify buying this one again in too much of a hurry. I’ll have to let my cupboard decide. I’m sure I’ll eventually bring home another sample size of this one…it’s just a matter of when. Good thing Davids Tea isn’t too close to my house, otherwise my wallet would be on a permanent diet and my cupboards would be ‘chubby’ with tea.

Oh! I bought myself a new teapot today from IKEA. It’s simple, inexpensive, and I like it. We’re temporarily living in the house I grew up in (because the hubby and I sold our house this past summer, and are very specific about what we want next). In the meantime, a lot of our stuff is packed up in storage, including my favorite teapot. The one at this house is alright, but it leaks when I pour my tea, and I have to use a separate strainer, which can get a little messy. I wasn’t planning on getting another teapot but I was whipping through IKEA to buy some of their frozen meatballs, when I happened upon this cute little number they call RIKLIG for $9.99 it just had to come home with me. I’m using it right now. No mess, no fuss – it’s great! I’m sure it’s all in my head, but I could almost swear that the tea tastes even better with this thing.


That’s a really cute teapot for under 10 bucks!


Yes, I’m quite fond of it. The glass is a little thin, so combined with my clumsiness I don’t see it lasting too long. It was too cute to resist, and I just need something to hold me over until I can retrieve my old faithful from storage. I love the fact that this new one is clear, I enjoy watching the tea steep, and it makes me want to get some of those flowering teas.


I was thinking precisely that. I’ve never bought a flowering tea, since I don’t even use a teapot, just an infuser in an opaque mug. But as long as that teapot of yours is still in one piece, I’d definitely rush to get some flowering teas. :D


I’ll have to search Steepster for the one that sounds the most appealing to my taste. Too bad I didn’t include one in my last Teavivre order.

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2816 tasting notes

Thanks to Krystalen for sending me this lovely tea!

So it’s the afternoon here, and I’m about to embark on a 3 day weekend. I should be feeling a bit happier, but instead am kinda glum. Perhaps the clouds outside have something to do with it. And I have definitely not had enough tea for one day. :)

So I am finding this to be an interesting one. When I smelled it in the bag I thought it would be really sweet, but it isn’t… kinda glad! I’m definitely getting a nutty aroma here and the pineapple and coconut was kind of a surprise as well. I do think the flavor is subtle but that isn’t really a bad thing because I’m not a huge fan of sickeningly sweet, for the most part. I wonder how this would be a with teeeeeny bit of sugar, might need to try that with the rest of my sample. It smells a little bit better than it tastes but overall I liked it.

Thanks for the sample Krystalen!

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 15 sec

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185 tasting notes

Our first sample from the wonderful Krystaleyn. Thank you!

First off, I just have to point out that in our sample there was a big, fat half-walnut. I’m not sure if Krystaleyn did that intentionally, or there are just that many walnut pieces, but it was kind of awesome. Just sitting there, all non-chalant, giant walnut smothering some tea leaves, nothing to see here. It amused me.

This tea has a light fruit smell to it, but not overpoweringly fruity like many other flavored teas. It’s actually very pleasant.

(side note: Missy and I are passing this back and forth like a peace pipe as we discuss our reviews. It’s hilarious)

The most noticeable flavor to me is the pineapple, though it took most of the cup for it to start tasting like ‘pineapple’ and not ‘nondescript fruit essence’. The walnut pulls up in the flavoring after that and leaves a lasting, dark roasty, almost buttery flavor to the sip, eventually tapering off to a very, very light vegetal green tea flavor.

I’m thinking of this tea in my head as like a starter gen mai cha. A little more interesting, not as upfront with either the toastyness, and lacking the seaweed-y flavor of Japanese greens. Plus a little fruitiness to tie it all together.

Overall, a very pleasant tea. At the moment, I don’t think it’s a tea I want to stock up on… but we’ll see. I think if i put in an order when it starts getting cold again, I may have to think about picking some of this up. Maybe ;)

Thanks again Krystaleyn!

175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 0 sec

But can you smoke it?? :)


Hum I had this today too and no real walnut but more coconut and the fruit and no toastiness. Maybe the big piece helped. It was good tasting though.


I don’t honestly recall putting it in there intentionally, so it’s probably just that there are lots of walnut pieces in the bag :) I mean, it is called toasted walnut :P I like this one steeped for about 3 minutes, but be warned, it can go bitter quickly and be gross. I see you only steeped for 1 minute; probably an excellent decision :)


Also, sorry for the so-small-you-have-to-pass-back-and-forth samples :P

Dylan Oxford

Oh no, the sample wasn’t too small at all! We just have a different tea in each of our cups :)


Ohhhhh, so clever :) I guess I did that once upon a time too.


It’s a bit easier to get through samples if we just share cups. Besides it’s more fun to pass the cup around. :D


You could smoke tea leaves, and probably grind them into a fine powder (matcha), and snort them if you wanted too. I am officially not endorsing or recommending this, but I’m pretty sure I can be done. :))


Gross thought if you sneezed!


You know I may have to find a peace pipe to hang on the wall right here. Perhaps above a shelf with a couple of cute tins…

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1401 tasting notes

This one is so good. I’m finding green teas with fruit are some of the best fruit ones. Fruit just seems to work well with the green tea base.


I love this tea, too! Mulberry Magic reminds me of it, a bit.


This is one of my faves but I should definitely try brewing it up again now that I have a temp controlled kettle, since before I didn’t really pay attention to that and I probably left the bag in too…. imagine how tasty it will be when I make it properly!


I don’t have a temp controlled kettle or a thermometer haha. I just have set times I wait before pouring the water. It took some perfecting but it seems to work for me.


Oh I’m sure it works! I used to always use boiling water for everything though

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676 tasting notes

Thank you TeaFairy dahling for this tea sample!

Appropriate tea for this early evening would be…NUTS! Because I’ve been wacky NUTS! today (if you read the Kombucha review you know this already). Therefore, I picked the Toasted Walnut as a perfect follow-up tea for me to taste.

Now TeaFairy is funny girl. She sent me sample packets in French so that I had no idea what ingredients were in the tea. She labeled the name and brewing instructions though. (Good girl for that!) So for me this is Noix grillees. Cool!

The 4 minute steep time produced a deep gold greenish liquor that smelled like pastry all buttered and warm. My first sip was light but not very nutty (I discovered later that there were other ingredients that tempered the nuttiness) and sweet enough to drink without having to add sugar. For me though, I wanted some sweet tea at that time of day. Um, worth it too! Nice, creamy tea smooth and fruity. I could smell the walnut scent but the flavor was more like coconut cream. Later I read the ingredients, English Version, and voila’ coconut is in the mix along with some fruit.

This is tasty tea and a nice treat but I think it’s almost false advertising on the name. There is no toasted walnut flavor. The other flavors completely overpower what could have been a unique tea. Try this again DavidsTea. It should have been called Nutty Coconut Fruit Tea to be more accurate. But, the tea did taste good!


Totally agree! I thought this tasted more like cake than walnut, toasted or otherwise.


Ooh, you said no nuts in your sample, yes? If so, that might be the reason for the lack of nutty flavour.


No chunks just tiny little bitty stuff.


I think the tiny ones are almonds and then there are identifiable chunks of walnut.


Happy you liked «Noix grillées»! I agree with you, no walnut but tasty coconut :)

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516 tasting notes

I’m a fan of this tea, but not in the “buy now” kind of way. Also, I thought I rated it before but .. maybe I didn’t?
I had it a few times iced with the old $1 promotion (how I miss thee), oh I just looked out the window and it’s snowing like crazy. Okay I can wait for the next iced tea promotion.

Anyways! I think I prefer this one iced. I tried it hot from my advent sample, and it was alright, but as it cooled the walnut, almond and even pineapple flavours popped and made me super happy. Pop! Now I want a chestnut tea.

Anyways, I have to share, when I tried to get the tea out of the little container, my spoon hit something hard. I then pulled out a giant walnut, bigger than my thumbnail, a tiny brain! It was funny to me, even if I did get less tea because of it haha.


Hahaha, I find it oddly hilarious that you got a giant walnut stowing away in a tiny container of tea. I’ll have to try this one iced soon!

Daisy Chubb

haha I know right?! It was almost the size of the container, it was so huge!


braiiiiins!! (throwback to the zombies) hehe


Hahaha… Wow… I also immediately thought of zombies…

I think that I would have probably burst out laughing! : )


me to!! in fact, I am laughing right now ;)

Daisy Chubb

Hooray! I approve of everything discussed. Carry on. :)


I had a large piece of walnut in mine too. So only enough for 2 cups I think in this sample from the advent calendar. Oh well.
And I thought of brains too.


I always ask the person measuring it to make sure that they don’t include the walnuts :)

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97 tasting notes

First ever sipdown!

I got this as a sample in a DavidsTea order given to me by a wonderful person. :) I’m not much of a green tea person, but I figured I’d give it a try. Couldn’t hurt, right?

Actually, while I probably wouldn’t buy it, it’s not bad. You can definitely taste the walnuts and that overshadows the green tea taste that I don’t really care for. This is nothing I’d ever crave, though.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec



Thanks! :D

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1598 tasting notes

Another sipdown! :O

I keep forgetting how good this tea is. It’s really great and I think I might enjoy it again some day.

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292 tasting notes

I really love this tea, and I always forget about it. But I have more on its way to me, thanks to Courtney, and I really wanted a sweet, delicious green tea this evening. It’s quite perfect for that.

3 min, 0 sec

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